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Flipped learning Jane Roche

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1 Flipped learning Jane Roche

2 Session objectives: Define what flipped learning is
Session objectives: Define what flipped learning is. Outline the benefits of flipped learning. Explore a range of flipped learning activities. Produce a draft flipped learning activity for your learners. 2

3 What is flipped learning
What is flipped learning? Discuss with a partner and establish your understanding of the term flipped learning. Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which the conventional notion of classroom-based learning is inverted, so that students are introduced to the learning material before class, with classroom time then being used to deepen understanding through discussion with peers and problem- solving activities facilitated by teachers. 2

4 Benefits of flipped learning
Encourages active learning as it moves away from passive learning. Encourages learners to develop good learning habits and independent learning behaviours. Learners come equipped to class with some prior knowledge, allowing class time to develop deeper learning. There is an opportunity for learners to collate questions and queries before class. Research shows learners gain better results using the flipped learning approach. As learners work at their own speed this is an excellent differentiated task to suit all.

5 Ideas to help you create your own flipped learning activities
Title Insert the topic / title / subject / material A taster This could be a small sample of text about the topic, or a relevant eye catching image. The task Instructions on what you want the learner to do. Resources Text books / Web links videos / web pages / online PDF documents /Observations / Surveys Evidence required in class Research notes / answers to task questions / questions and enquires for the class session/ video evidence / photographic evidence

6 Thank you for listening All carousel resources will be available in December’s Edition of #Innovate Teaching and Learning Newsletter. Questions Useful links 6

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