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Facilitated by KEYS Academy and

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1 Facilitated by KEYS Academy and
Respect and Gangs Facilitated by KEYS Academy and Options High School with the ARISE Foundation

2 Your Presenter… A member of the faculty of KEYS Academy and Options High School Internationally Certified in Life Skills through the ARISE Foundation

3 Frame We will identify the definition of respect and determine if one needs gangs to obtain respect. EQ: How are respect and gangs related to each other? I will develop a better sense of self-respect without gangs.

4 Rules for Training Participation is crucial No wrong/stupid answers
Respect one another No talking while others talk, No rude comments or noises Wait until you’re called upon

5 Why we’re here… Because we have to be
To learn some skills that will carry over into adulthood To learn more about ourselves

6 How we’re going to do it…
Discussion Everyone participates Some, very little lecture Activity or activities Some Conclusions

7 Questions?

8 Ice Breaker What is an ice breaker? Definition of an ice breaker:
An activity used to lighten the mood and or get participants warmed up to the idea of interaction

9 Ice Breaker!!!!

10 Topic of the Day - Respect
Why is respect important? How does one gain respect by being in a gang? Does one need to be in a gang to be respected?

11 Definition of “Respect”
According to Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary: An act of giving particular attention A high or special regard Synonyms include: Consideration Esteem Concern

12 Topic of the Day – Respect and Gangs
Why do young people join gangs? Discuss first then click ahead. They have problems at home They need money, food or clothes They need protection They have too much peer pressure They have a family member in a gang They want to be cool

13 It’s not worth loosing self-respect if…
You loose your freedom and your identity You can get injured or killed in gang violence You might start using drugs and alcohol You will commit crimes or hurt people You will get arrested You will put your family in danger You will close the doors to your future

14 Activity: Positive After School Activities
Make a list of positive activities or clubs that you can join afterschool. Share list with the class.

15 Is joining a gang really worth it?
Conclusions Is joining a gang really worth it?

16 Resource:

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