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Lynne Schinella Communication expert and speaker coach

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1 Lynne Schinella Communication expert and speaker coach
Find Your Voice Lynne Schinella Communication expert and speaker coach



4 stop thinking start doing

5 We can change our futures together.


7 Don’t know the topic? Don’t do the talk.

8 Ego Lose your Ego

9 Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
- Muhammed Ali

10 Banish The Bad Girls

11 Breathe.

12 Clench.



15 Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. - Abraham Lincoln

16 3 Too. Many. The magical rule of Words.

17 3 3 The magical rule of The magical rule of


19 Triggers a strong neurological response
storytelling effective Triggers a strong neurological response

20 Once upon a time………………………
And every day………………………….. Until one day…………………………… And because of that…………………… And ever since that day……………….. And the moral of the story is…………..

21 3 3 The magical rule of The magical rule of

22 not everyone will like it

23 change futures together
We can change futures together @lynneschinella


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