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Lockdown Training for Staff and Faculty McMaster University Active Shooter Incidents The Community Response.

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2 Lockdown Training for Staff and Faculty McMaster University Active Shooter Incidents The Community Response

3 Training Objectives Define the term active shooter Understand what to expect from responding law enforcement officers Understand what you can do to protect yourself and others from an active shooter

4 An assailant whose activity is immediately causing death and serious injury The threat is not contained and there is immediate risk of death and injury The assailant may not necessarily be using a firearm, and the same principles apply to any active threat, not just a shooter The Active Shooter Defined

5 Identifying and Preventing Active Shooters Be aware of people exhibiting any of the following: – Writing about death and killing – Drastic changes in personality or behaviour – Isolation, depression – Unusual change in grades or work performance If you are aware of someone exhibiting these behaviours, refer to the following for more information

6 Active Shooter Incidents Based on Past Incidents, we understand that: Active shooter incidents will seem spontaneous and victims will not know they are targets until they are attacked Active shooter incidents occur in target rich environments, and from the outset suspects rapidly take human life The shooter may or may not have intended victims The shooter will continue to move throughout the building/area until stopped by law enforcement, suicide, or other intervention

7 Law Enforcement Response McMaster University Security and Hamilton Police have adopted procedures and developed plans based on Internationally accepted best practices. You need to be informed of law enforcements response plan so you can take protective measures

8 Law Enforcement Response Change in tactics by law enforcement since 1999 Police engage shooter immediately using Immediate Rapid Deployment tactics, instead of attempting to contain scene and negotiate. Losses can be mitigated with community preparedness training and response during actual event

9 Law Enforcement Response Hamilton Police will immediately respond to the area assisted by McMaster Security Services The goal of the Police is to locate and stop the shooter The safest place for you to be is inside a secure room It is important for you to convey to others that help is on the way. Remain inside the secure area.

10 Law Enforcement Response Evacuation Once the shooter is contained, Police and McMaster Special Constables will begin treatment and evacuation of the injured Safety corridors will be established. This may be time consuming Remain in secure areas until instructed otherwise You may be searched and you may be instructed to keep your hands on your head as you are evacuated You will be escorted out of the building by law enforcement personnel

11 Staff and Faculty Response Your actions will influence others Stay calm Assure others that you and the police are working to protect them

12 Notification Systems Sirens – 3 exterior – Listen to sample siren tone by clicking the speaker icon LCD Screens in all campus buildings Send Word Now – text messaging system Assistance Phone – public address feature

13 Alternative Alert and Notification Methods Campus Telephone Operator greeting message CFMU Web Page Parking System digital signage

14 Campus Lockdown A lockdown is intended to minimize access and visibility. It involves quickly sheltering students, faculty and staff in secure locations. When you hear the Lockdown siren: – Anyone in immediate danger should attempt to flee – Anyone in a safe location follows lockdown procedure and locks or attempt to barricade door Signs are posted in classrooms as a reminder


16 Your Role in a Lockdown All McMaster students, staff and faculty… Secure the immediate area – whether classroom, bathroom, or office – Lock the door. This may require advanced planning to ensure ability to lock the door Classrooms are in the process of having locks installed – Many doors in university buildings are solid core, and many walls are brick. This may provide some protection – Block the door using whatever is available - desks, file cabinets, books, other furniture… – If the assailant enters your room and leaves, lock/barricade the door behind him

17 Do not unlock your area of refuge until Police or Security instruct you to do so – The assailant may bang on the door and yell for help to entice you to open the door – Remember the safety of the masses versus the safety of a few – If there is any doubt to the safety of the individuals inside the room, the area needs to remain secured. Police and Special Constables will have keys when they clear the area – no need for you to open the door. Your Role, continued

18 Doors, Windows, Openings, and Noise – Close blinds – Block windows – Turn off radios and computer monitors if necessary – Silence cell phones – Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons – Signs can be placed in interior doors, windows, but remember that the assailant can also see these – Reassure and attempt to keep occupants calm and quiet – After securing the room. People should be positioned out of sight and behind items that might offer additional protection - walls, desks, file cabinets, etc. Your Role, continued

19 Unsecured Areas If you find yourself in an open area, immediately seek any available protection – Put something between you and the assailant – Run around a corner or behind an obstacle Is escape your best option? – Do you know where the assailant is? – Is escape immediately available? If in doubt, find a safe area and secure it the best way you can

20 University Staff Roles Security and Police will require assistance managing the flow of people and vehicles into and out of the scene. IF YOU HAVE SAFELY EVACUATED, AND IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO -- Fire Wardens and any other staff willing to assist should approach the nearest McMaster Special Constable and identify themselves. The Special Constable in charge will assign duties as required.

21 Contacting Emergency Personnel Emergency 911 and 88 from campus phones – 911 and 88 may be overwhelmed busy signal multiple rings 522-4135 (direct line to campus Security) Assistance Phones (red poles) Elevator Emergency Phones

22 What to Report If you are locked down, and able to contact Security, report the following: – Your specific location Building name Office/classroom number – classroom doors are all marked on the upper right corner of the doorframe – Number of people with you – Injuries Number of people injured Types of injuries Dispatcher may provide instructions on how to care for injured until medical assistance can be provided

23 What to Report, continued –Assailant(s) Specific location Number of assailant(s) Race and Gender Clothing color and style Physical features – height, weight, facial hair, glasses Type of weapons (rifle/shotgun/ handgun/knife/bat, etc.) Backpack? Do you recognize the assailant? Whats his/her name? Have you heard explosions separate from gunshots?

24 The Aftermath Information will be released to the McMaster community by McMaster University Public Relations as quickly as possible The entire area will be treated as a crime scene – Once you have been evacuated you will not be permitted to retrieve items or access the crime scene After evacuation you will be directed to or taken to a holding area – medical care, interviewing, counseling, etc.

25 Summary Active Shooter - Lockdown Law enforcement response – Objective is to neutralize threat – Evacuation after threat has ended – Follow up medical care, interview, counseling – Investigation Staff and Faculty should take a leadership role – Seek secure area – Calm, reassure, and quiet others – Report the incident – Treat injured

26 Closing Statement We cannot predict the origin of the next threat Assailants in some recent incidents across the North America were neither students or employees It is up to you to take steps to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you when this type of incident occurs

27 Questions? Emergency Services Coordinator Security Manager Sergeant Cameron Smith Staff Sergeant Cathy ODonnell Ext. 23367 Ext. 26060 Audit your workplace/office Present active shooter material directly to your staff Presentation tailored to suit your needs and schedule

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