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PBIS Implementation Parent Development Workshop May 23-24

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1 PBIS Implementation Parent Development Workshop May 23-24
Brainerd School

2 WHat is PBIS? PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS IS NOT a packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized strategy.

3 PBIS Tier 1 80-90% of student population:

4 PBIS Tier 2 5-15% of student population:

5 PBIS Tier 3 1-5% of student population:


7 Why PBIS? The purpose of schoolwide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.

8 Mount Holly pbis implementation: The process
The Early Stages: This outline was developed as part of our 5-year strategic plan:

9 Brainerd PBIS Practices (Tier 1)
Tier 1: Primary Prevention We are a “Whole Brain School”. We use Whole Brain Teaching techniques with all students, in all settings. WBT Techniques include: 5 common rules for every classroom and setting Common language for instruction and getting students’ attention Direct instruction and collaborative learning Super Improver Wall

10 Brainerd pbis practices (Tier 1)
Whole Brain Teaching in Action:

11 Brainerd pbis practices (Tier 1)
Brainerd Pride Program: Our core character traits introduced to students through classroom activities, school-wide assemblies, and incentive programs. “Character education lesson of the day” (Excellence Perseverance Integrity Inspiration Collaboration) Mindfulness Daily morning yoga available to all students Daily student led positive affirmations

12 Brainerd pbis practices (Tier 1)
Class Dojo Pilot Program: Teachers have started utilizing “Class Dojo” as a platform for tracking student achievement.

13 Brainerd PBIS (Tier 2) Decisions to implement Tier 2 interventions are usually grounded in records of student behavior compiled by classroom teachers or other professionals.

14 Brainerd PBIS (Tier 2) Practices Used in Tier 2
Targeted Group Intervention provided in counseling groups (ie: Social Skills groups). Increased instruction and practice with self-regulation and social skills. Increased opportunity for positive reinforcement and adult supervision. Classes devoted to smaller class size for group targeted instruction.

15 Brainerd PBIS Tier 2 Sample Tools

16 Brainerd PBIS (Tier 3) Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS)
Tertiary (tier 3) prevention was originally designed to focus on the needs of individuals who exhibited patterns of intense problem behavior that may disrupt quality of life across multiple domains (school, home, community). Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of PBIS in addressing the challenges of behaviors that are dangerous, highly disruptive, and/or impede learning and result in social or educational exclusion. Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) De-escalation team Additional support through the use of one-one. Collaboration with outside agencies

17 NJ PBSIS Cohort

18 NJ PBSIS Cohort

19 Resources NJPBSIS Website:
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Mount Holly Strategic Plan

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