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Presentation to City Council

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to City Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to City Council
John Caruso Chairman GSDC January 8, 2003 Delighted to have the opportunity to come and participate in this exciting event for the city of Sudbury When I was first asked to come and make a presentation and I heard about some of the other presenters I started to ask myself, I’m not sure if I measure up to the level of expertise that has been assembled. You’ve no doubt had a very full two days and I guess I’m the guy to bring you down the home stretch. Maybe what I’ll do before I get started is give you a little more background about who I am, what I have done and the responsibilities I currently have with the Royal Bank around e-commerce. - been involved in helping small and medium sized businesses for the past 15 years. Account Manager, Credit Manager and more recently in running a Business Banking Centre in Burlington. - back in the mid 80’s I also went into private industry and was the V.P. of Finance and Admin. For a publicly traded plastics company in North Toronto. When I look back on that experience I see just how far we have come with technology. We were running our primitive accounting software on a Basic IBM PC with an 8088 processor, building business plans which were beyond the capacity of the machine memory to handle, fax machines were just coming onto the scene and there were no cellular phones - How our world has changed. Now in the field of e-commerce. When I started to think about

2 Progress Report 2002, GSDC Board Operational
Community Economic Development Committee process to ensure transparent process Established and achieved 12 goals for 2002 Recognition of need for a longer term economic plan for Greater Sudbury -Where are we going and how are we going to get there? (Summer 2002) January 8th, GSDC

3 Great ideas but no action or implementation plan!
Past Efforts “Momentum” is being driven from past exercises (i.e.. The Next Ten Years, New Way, 20/20, Transforming our Communities) Great ideas but no action or implementation plan! Strategic Plan will serve as the map and destination guide Must engage the Community, City Council and the Business Community January 8th, GSDC

4 Population decline has levelled off
Present Situation Population decline has levelled off Youth strategy has begun to address out-migration and youth attraction to our City Mining sector continues to present significant economic opportunities for our future Commercial and residential construction is up by 50% in 2002 January 8th, GSDC

5 Present Situation Existing and emerging sectors are showing signs of growth and continued development Significant projects such as the Northern Medical School, development of the 4th largest hospital in Ontario, technology infrastructure, growing retail centre and a newly constructed airport facility Solid foundation of committed people that believe in the future of Greater Sudbury Positive momentum starting to take place within January 8th, GSDC

6 Present Situation Cont…
Strategic Plan will provide focus and direction which leads to action and implementation and results This is not about a “cookie cutter” approach Not all of the activities of the GSDC will automatically fit into the strategic plan We do not have all of the answers We have an important role to play as the GSDC Board of Directors as appointees of City Council Focus the existing ideas and energy to ensure that actions are results driven January 8th, GSDC

7 Presentation by Linda Pickard Pickard & Laws
“Strategic Plan Process Update”

8 Where do we go from here ? GSDC Board of Directors is committed to all aspects of the economic strategic plan for Greater Sudbury GSDC will be accountable for following through on the plan and for monitoring and tracking progress Capable/committed staff coupled with active participation by the community will serve as the building blocks We are fully aware of the day-to-day realities and projects that will also drive our work January 8th, GSDC

9 What do we need from Council?
We need Council’s endorsement We want Council and the community to become the owners of Greater Sudbury’s economic strategic plan We need Councillors as the ambassadors of the strategic planning process We recognize there are budget challenges…but Make sure that you adequately resource your #1 priority, economic development Believe in the GSDC Board, and in our community’s drive to grow Greater Sudbury in the short and long term through the strategic plan January 8th, GSDC

10 Presentation to City Council Questions / Comments?
John Caruso Chairman GSDC Linda Pickard Pickard & Law Delighted to have the opportunity to come and participate in this exciting event for the city of Sudbury When I was first asked to come and make a presentation and I heard about some of the other presenters I started to ask myself, I’m not sure if I measure up to the level of expertise that has been assembled. You’ve no doubt had a very full two days and I guess I’m the guy to bring you down the home stretch. Maybe what I’ll do before I get started is give you a little more background about who I am, what I have done and the responsibilities I currently have with the Royal Bank around e-commerce. - been involved in helping small and medium sized businesses for the past 15 years. Account Manager, Credit Manager and more recently in running a Business Banking Centre in Burlington. - back in the mid 80’s I also went into private industry and was the V.P. of Finance and Admin. For a publicly traded plastics company in North Toronto. When I look back on that experience I see just how far we have come with technology. We were running our primitive accounting software on a Basic IBM PC with an 8088 processor, building business plans which were beyond the capacity of the machine memory to handle, fax machines were just coming onto the scene and there were no cellular phones - How our world has changed. Now in the field of e-commerce. When I started to think about

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