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Dan Blumenthal, Leif Johansson, and Jon Getty

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1 Dan Blumenthal, Leif Johansson, and Jon Getty
OEIC-WC Project Task 3 Larry Coldren, Leader John Bowers, Jeff Henness, Jon Barton, Matt Sysak, James Raring, John Hutchinson (Intel), Hsu-feng Chou With assistance from Dan Blumenthal, Leif Johansson, and Jon Getty

2 OEIC Wavelength Converters: Direct Modulation
Pin Pout Det Laser Linear Signal monitor No filter required Limited extinction fmax ~ fR < 10GHz Chirp & Loss +V Pin Pout Laser Det SOA Loss compensated Linearity compromised +V Pin Pout MAR Laser Det Loss compensated Linear Improved S/N Henness

3 SOA-PIN Receiver Features
SOA-PIN – APD Comparison PIN-SOA Coupling Efficiency = 100% (Courtesy Joe Campbell) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 5 15 EAM photocurrent (mA) Input optical power (au) High saturation power possible with Franz-Keldysh waveguide detector

4 OEIC Wavelength Converters: Ext. Modulator
Pin Pout Vd/m -Vb Pin -Vb Pout Laser Det SOA EAM or MZM Vd/m -Vb p n Pdet Pmod Vd/m Barton Improved chirp Good extinction Loss compensated 2R without diodes EAM & Mach-Zehnder - Higher bandwidth with traveling-wave or low R -Vb p n Pmod Pdet Chou Vd/m

5 Expected Characteristics
Pout/Pin = hci GSOA hd hl/m hco ~ 1 Insertion Loss: GSOA ~ 10 – 15dB Bandwidth: fmax = 1/fpara + 1/fdevice fpara = 1/(2pRCT) = 30 GHz ; R = 5 W; C = 1 pF fdevice = 1.5 fR = 8 GHz  fmax = 8 GHz Direct Mod: fpara = 1/(2pRCT) = 6 GHz ; R = 50 W; C = 0.5 pF fdevice >> 6 GHz  fmax = 6 GHz (without travelling wave) Ext Mod: In-situ signal monitor: ~ 0dBm out to 50 W ; 10% of current assumed

6 Tasks/Milestones: Base period
OEIC-WC 15 Month Development of Growth and processing technologies to fabricate integrated PICs with tunable lasers Growth and processing procedure Demonstration of directly modulated OEIC wavelength converter Design details and dc & low frequency conversion efficiency and extinction ratio vs. wavelength Delivery of direct-modulation OEIC-WC chip-on-carrier to DARPA designated government or FFRDC test facility Delivery acknowledgement Evaluation of Analog and Digital properties of Direct mod device Conversion efficiency, NF and SFDR as a function of input wavelength, extinction ratio and BER at 2.5 Gbps Study and assessment of alternative SOA and Detector designs for the Direct mod device Study report including any promising new designs Study and evaluation of saturable absorber and gain levered direct mod devices Study report including simulations and the results of experiments on test structures Design and simulation of various embodiments of PD/EAM and PD/MZI modulated WCs Design and simulation results with integrated external modulators Demonstrate electronic signal monitoring function Study report including results of signal monitoring (SNR, linearity)

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