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Searching by Constraint & Searching by Evolution

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1 Searching by Constraint & Searching by Evolution
CMSC 25000 Artificial Intelligence January 20, 2005

2 Agenda Constraint Propagation: Review
Constraint Propagation Mechanisms CSP as search Forward-checking Back-jumping Iterative refinement: min-conflict Summary

3 Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Very general: Model wide range of tasks Key components: Variables: Take on a value Domains: Values that can be assigned to vars Constraints: Restrictions on assignments Constraints are HARD Not preferences: Must be observed E.g. Can’t schedule two classes: same room, same time

4 Representational Advantages
Simple goal test: Complete, consistent assignment Complete: All variables have a value Consistent: No constraints violates Maximum depth? Number of variables Search order? Commutative, reduces branching Strategy: Assign value to one variable at a time

5 Constraint Satisfaction Questions
Can we rule out possible search paths based on current values and constraints? How should we pick the next variable to assign? Which value should we assign next? Can we exploit problem structure for efficiency?

6 CSP as Search Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a restricted class of search problem State: Set of variables & assignment info Initial State: No variables assigned Goal state: Set of assignments consistent with constraints Operators: Assignment of value to variable

7 CSP as Search Depth: Number of Variables Branching Factor: |Domain|
Leaves: Complete Assignments Blind search strategy: Bounded depth -> Depth-first strategy Backtracking: Recover from dead ends Find satisfying assignment

8 Constraint Propagation Mechanism
Arc consistency Arc V1->V2 is arc consistent if for all x in D1, there exists y in D2 such that (x,y) is allowed Delete disallowed x’s to achieve arc consistency

9 Arc Consistency Example
Graph Coloring: Variables: Nodes Domain: Colors (R,G,B) Constraint: If E(a,b), then C(a) != C(b) Initial assignments R,G,B X R,B B Y Z

10 Arc Consistency Example
Arc Rm Value Assignments: X = G Y = R Z = B X -> Y None X -> Z X=B ======> Y-> Z Y=B X -> Y X=R X -> Z None Y -> Z None R,G,B X R,B B Y Z

11 Limitations of Arc Consistency
Arc consistent: No legal assignment >1 legal assignment G,B X G,B G,B Y Z R,G X G,B G,B Y Z

12 Constraint Graph R,G,B X Y Z R,B R,B

13 CSP as Search X=R X=G X=B Y=R Y=B Y=R Y=B Y=R Y=B No! No! Z=B Z=R Z=B
Yes! No! No! Yes! No! No!

14 Backtracking Issues CSP as Search Depth-first search
Maximum depth = # of variables Continue until (partial/complete) assignment Consistent: return result Violates constraint -> backtrack to previous assignment Wasted effort Explore branches with no possible legal assignment

15 Backtracking with Forward Checking
Augment DFS with backtracking Add some constraint propagation Propagate constraints Remove assignments which violate constraint Only propagate when domain = 1 “Forward checking” Limit constraints to test

16 Backtracking+Forward Checking
X=R X=G X=B Y=B Y=R Y=B Y=R Z=B Z=R No! No! Yes! Yes!

17 Heuristic CSP Improving Backtracking Standard backtracking
Back up to last assignment Back-jumping Back up to last assignment that reduced current domain Change assignment that led to dead end

18 Heuristic backtracking: Back-jumping

19 Heuristic Backtracking: Backjumping

20 Heuristic Backtracking: Backjumping
Dead end! Why? C5

21 Back-jumping Previous assignment reduced domain
C3 = B Changes to intermediate assignment can’t affect dead end Backtrack up to C3 Avoid wasted work - alternatives at C4 In general, forward checking more effective

22 Heuristic CSP: Dynamic Ordering
Question: What to explore next Current solution: Static: Next in fixed order Lexicographic, leftmost.. Random Alternative solution: Dynamic: Select “best” in current state

23 Question How would you pick a variable to assign?
How would you pick a value to assign?

24 Dynamic Ordering Heuristic CSP
Most constrained variable: Pick variable with smallest current domain Least constraining value: Pick value that removes fewest values from domains of other variables Improve chance of finding SOME assignment Can increase feasible size of CSP problem

25 Dynamic Ordering C1 C3 C5 C2 C4

26 Dynamic Ordering with FC

27 Incremental Repair Start with initial complete assignment
Use greedy approach Probably invalid - I.e. violates some constraints Incrementally convert to valid solution Use heuristic to replace value that violates “min-conflict” strategy: Change value to result in fewest constraint violations Break ties randomly Incorporate in local or backtracking hill-climber

28 Incremental Repair Q2 Q4 5 conflicts Q1 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

29 Question How would we apply iterative repair to Traveling Salesman Problem?

30 Min-Conflict Effectiveness
N-queens: Given initial random assignment, can solve in ~ O(n) For n < 10^7 GSAT (satisfiability) Best (near linear in practice) solution uses min-conflict-type hill-climbing strategy Adds randomization to escape local min ~Linear seems true for most CSPs Except for some range of ratios of constraints to variables Avoids storage of assignment history (for BT)

31 Constraint Propagation Method
For each variable, Get all values for that variable Remove all values that conflict with ALL adjacent A:For each neighbor, remove all values that conflict with ALL adjacent Repeat A as long as some label set is reduced

32 Constraint Propagation Example
Image interpretation: From a 2-D line drawing, automatically determine for each line, if it forms a concave, convex or boundary surface Segment image into objects Simplifying assumptions: World of polyhedra No shadows, no cracks

33 CSP Example: Line Labeling
3 Line Labels: Boundary line: regions do not abut: > Arrow direction: right hand side walk Interior line: regions do abut Concave edge line: _ Convex edge line : + Junction labels: Where line labels meet

34 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Simplifying (initial) restrictions: No shadows, cracks Three-faced vertexes General position: small changes in view-> no change in junction type 4^2 labels for 2 line junction: L 4^3; 3-line junction : Fork, Arrow, T Total: 208 junction labelings

35 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Key observation: Not all 208 realizable How many? 18 physically realizable All Junctions L junctions Fork Junctions T junctions Arrow junctions + + _ + _ + _ + _ + + + _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ +

36 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Label boundaries clockwise Label arrow junctions + + +

37 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Label boundaries clockwise

38 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Label fork junctions with +’s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

39 CSP Example: Line Labeling
Label arrow junctions with -’s + + + _ + + _ + + + _ _ _ + _ _ + + + _ + + _ + + + +

40 Waltz’s Line Labeling For each junction in image,
Get all labels for that junction type Remove all labels that conflict with ALL adjacent A:For each neighbor, remove all labels that conflict with ALL Repeat A as long as some label set is reduced

41 Waltz Propagation Example
+ + C D + _ X B X _ + A X

42 Waltz’s Line Labeling Full version: Physically realizable junctions
Removes constraints on images Adds special shadow and crack labels Includes all possible junctions Not just 3 face Physically realizable junctions Still small percentage of all junction labels O(n) : n = # lines in drawing

43 Agenda Motivation: Genetic Algorithms Conclusions Evolving a solution
Modeling search as evolution Mutation Crossover Survival of the fittest Survival of the most diverse Conclusions

44 Motivation: Evolution
Evolution through natural selection Individuals pass on traits to offspring Individuals have different traits Fittest individuals survive to produce more offspring Over time, variation can accumulate Leading to new species

45 Motivation: Evolution
Passing on traits to offspring Chromosomes carry genes for different traits Usually chromosomes paired - one from each parent Chromosomes are duplicated before mating Crossover mixes genetic material from chromosomes Each parent produces one single chromosome cell Mating joins cells Mutation: error in duplication -> different gene

46 Evolution Variation: Arises from crossover & mutation
Crossover: Produces new gene combinations Mutation: Produces new genes Different traits lead to different fitnesses

47 Simulated Evolution Evolving a solution
Begin with population of individuals Individuals = candidate solutions ~chromosomes Produce offspring with variation Mutation: change features Crossover: exchange features between individuals Apply natural selection Select “best” individuals to go on to next generation Continue until satisfied with solution

48 Genetic Algorithms Applications
Search parameter space for optimal assignment Not guaranteed to find optimal, but can approach Classic optimization problems: E.g. Traveling Salesman Problem Program design (“Genetic Programming”) Aircraft carrier landings

49 Question How can we encode TSP as GA? Demo

50 Genetic Algorithm Example
Cookie recipes (Winston, AI, 1993) As evolving populations Individual = batch of cookies Quality: 0-9 Chromosomes = 2 genes: 1 chromosome each Flour Quantity, Sugar Quantity: 1-9 Mutation: Randomly select Flour/Sugar: +/- 1 [1-9] Crossover: Split 2 chromosomes & rejoin; keeping both

51 Mutation & Crossover Mutation: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 Crossover: 2 2

52 Fitness Natural selection: Most fit survive
Fitness= Probability of survival to next gen Question: How do we measure fitness? “Standard method”: Relate fitness to quality :0-1; :1-9: Chromosome Quality Fitness 1 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

53 Genetic Algorithms Procedure
Create an initial population (1 chromosome) Mutate 1+ genes in 1+ chromosomes Produce one offspring for each chromosome Mate 1+ pairs of chromosomes with crossover Add mutated & offspring chromosomes to pop Create new population Best + randomly selected (biased by fitness)

54 GA Design Issues Genetic design: Population: How many chromosomes?
Identify sets of features = genes; Constraints? Population: How many chromosomes? Too few => inbreeding; Too many=>too slow Mutation: How frequent? Too few=>slow change; Too many=> wild Crossover: Allowed? How selected? Duplicates?

55 GA Design: Basic Cookie GA
Genetic design: Identify sets of features: 2 genes: flour+sugar;1-9 Population: How many chromosomes? 1 initial, 4 max Mutation: How frequent? 1 gene randomly selected, randomly mutated Crossover: Allowed? No Duplicates? No Survival: Standard method

56 Example Mutation of 2 Chromosome Quality 1 4 4 Generation 0: 2 2 3
Generation 0: Chromosome Quality Generation 1: Chromosome Quality Generation 3: Chromosome Quality Generation 2: Chromosome Quality

57 Basic Cookie GA Results
Results are for 1000 random trials Initial state: 1 1-1, quality 1 chromosome On average, reaches max quality (9) in 16 generations Best: max quality in 8 generations Conclusion: Low dimensionality search Successful even without crossover

58 Adding Crossover Genetic design: Population: How many chromosomes?
Identify sets of features: 2 genes: flour+sugar;1-9 Population: How many chromosomes? 1 initial, 4 max Mutation: How frequent? 1 gene randomly selected, randomly mutated Crossover: Allowed? Yes, select random mates; cross at middle Duplicates? No Survival: Standard method

59 Basic Cookie GA+Crossover Results
Results are for 1000 random trials Initial state: 1 1-1, quality 1 chromosome On average, reaches max quality (9) in 14 generations Conclusion: Faster with crossover: combine good in each gene Key: Global max achievable by maximizing each dimension independently - reduce dimensionality

60 Solving the Moat Problem
No single step mutation can reach optimal values using standard fitness (quality=0 => probability=0) Solution A: Crossover can combine fit parents in EACH gene However, still slow: 155 generations on average 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 7 8 7 4 5 8 9 8 5 4 7 8 7 4 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

61 Questions How can we avoid the 0 quality problem?
How can we avoid local maxima?

62 Rethinking Fitness Goal: Explicit bias to best Solution: Rank method
Remove implicit biases based on quality scale Solution: Rank method Ignore actual quality values except for ranking Step 1: Rank candidates by quality Step 2: Probability of selecting ith candidate, given that i-1 candidate not selected, is constant p. Step 2b: Last candidate is selected if no other has been Step 3: Select candidates using the probabilities

63 Rank Method Chromosome Quality Rank Std. Fitness Rank Fitness 1 4 1 3
1 2 5 2 7 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.667 0.222 0.074 0.025 0.012 Results: Average over 1000 random runs on Moat problem - 75 Generations (vs 155 for standard method) No 0 probability entries: Based on rank not absolute quality

64 Diversity Diversity: Degree to which chromosomes exhibit different genes Rank & Standard methods look only at quality Need diversity: escape local min, variety for crossover “As good to be different as to be fit”

65 Rank-Space Method Combines diversity and quality in fitness
Diversity measure: Sum of inverse squared distances in genes Diversity rank: Avoids inadvertent bias Rank-space: Sort on sum of diversity AND quality ranks Best: lower left: high diversity & quality

66 Rank-Space Method W.r.t. highest ranked 5-1
Chromosome Q D D Rank Q Rank Comb Rank R-S Fitness 1 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 7 5 4 3 2 1 0.04 0.25 0.059 0.062 0.05 1 5 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 2 5 3 0.667 0.025 0.222 0.012 0.074 Diversity rank breaks ties After select others, sum distances to both Results: Average (Moat) 15 generations

67 GA’s and Local Maxima Quality metrics only: Quality + Diversity:
Susceptible to local max problems Quality + Diversity: Can populate all local maxima Including global max Key: Population must be large enough

68 Genetic Algorithms Evolution mechanisms as search technique
Produce offspring with variation Mutation, Crossover Select “fittest” to continue to next generation Fitness: Probability of survival Standard: Quality values only Rank: Quality rank only Rank-space: Rank of sum of quality & diversity ranks Large population can be robust to local max

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