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Prof Mahani Zainal Abidin

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1 Prof Mahani Zainal Abidin
The Financial Crisis - Ten Years After Concurrent Session 1 Prof Mahani Zainal Abidin

2 Malaysia – 10 years after the crisis
Steady economic growth Has instituted reforms Maintains social cohesion Deeper regional and global integration But facing challenges to achieve higher level of economic development

3 Malaysian economy recovered well
Except for 2001 and 2003, on average the economy grew by 5.4% per annum Exports continue their strong performance High international reserves New growth industries e.g. palm oil, tourism, education and health services

4 But, there are concerns GDP growth below pre-crisis rate – need to create jobs Some industries are still adjusting – automotive, construction Smaller FDI inflow Deficits have been narrowed but difficult to eliminate

5 Reforms are changing the structure of Malaysian economy
Consolidation of financial institutions Stronger corporate governance – more stringent disclosure requirements Exchange rate system Corporate restructuring Review of privatization projects and policy

6 Recovery without high social costs
Moderate social impact Low inflation Low unemployment Racial harmony maintained Majority of population benefited from economic growth Political system proven robust

7 Deeper regional and global integration
Chiang Mai Initiatives Macroeconomic monitoring of global and regional economies Trade and investment liberalization, FTAs for a more competitive economy

8 Emerging developments that can be cause for concern
Global imbalances may trigger massive exchange rate adjustments Massive capital flows, role of hedge funds Stronger regional factors – China, Japan Regional stock market boom – contagion effects

9 Can we weather the next crisis?
Has responded well to mini crises – September 11, SARS, oil price increases Learnt from past experience – not over reacting e.g. ensuring sufficient liquidity when economy weakened More regional and international coordination But what will be the next crisis - massive short term capital movements, massive exchange rate adjustments?

10 Thank You

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