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Urbanization and Sustainable Development

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1 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
Mainstreaming Urban Issues into National Climate Change Action Plan and Nationally Determined Contributions July 26, 2018, Novotel Araneta OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council By: Atty. Angelito F. Aguila Policy Development, Legislation and Special Projects THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda 2016 Third World Conference on Human Settlements, Quito, Ecuador Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Standards and principles for planning, construction, development, management and improvement of urban areas, adopted as global agreements and transformative commitments of member nations THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development

2 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The New Urban Agenda 2016 Third World Conference on Human Settlements, Quito, Ecuador Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Standards and principles for planning, construction, development, management and improvement of urban areas, adopted as global agreements and transformative commitments of member nations Five Pillars of Implementation National urban policies Urban legislations and regulations Urban planning and design Local economy and finance Local implementation Indivisible dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental Call for action to address unique and emerging urban development challenges, and special attention to countries affected by natural and human-made disasters

3 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change - Recognizes the need to address the adverse impact of climate change Envisions cities and human settlements that adopt and implement disaster risk reduction and management, reduce vulnerability, build resilience and responsiveness to natural and human-made hazards and foster mitigation of and adaptation to climate change

4 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change Recognition that urban centers worldwide, especially in developing countries, often have characteristics making their inhabitants especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change Commitment to promote the creation and maintenance of well-connected and well- distributed networks of open, multi-purpose, safe, inclusive, accessible, green and quality public spaces to improve resilience of cities to disasters and climate change

5 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change Commitment to promote international, national, subnational and local climate action, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, to support the efforts of cities and human settlements, their inhabitants and all local stakeholders as important implementers Commitment to support building resilience and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from all relevant sectors

6 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change Commitment to support medium to long-term adaptation planning process as well as city-level assessments of climate vulnerability and impact Commitment to integrate DRRM and CCA into age and gender responsive urban and territorial development and planning processes Promote cooperation and coordination across sectors and build the capacities of local authorities, and to formulate adequate contingency and evacuation procedures

7 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change Supporting access to multilateral funds, including Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility, the Adaptation Fund and the Climate Investments Fund, to secure resources to climate change adaptation Collaboration with subnational and local financial institutions to develop climate finance infrastructure solutions to ensure fiscal and debt sustainability at all levels of government

8 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda The NUA and Climate Change Exploring and developing feasible solutions to climate and disaster risks through collaboration with insurance and reinsurance institutions and other relevant actors with regard to investments in urban and metropolitan infrastructure, building and urban assets, as well as securing shelter and economic needs of the local populace

9 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda Other Urban Actions Relating to Climate Change Energy Source - Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services by promoting energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy and supporting subnational and local efforts to apply them in public buildings, infrastructure and facilities Transport Infrastructure - Use of sustainable and efficient transport infrastructure and services, achieving the benefits of connectivity and reducing the financial, environmental and public health costs of inefficient mobility and air pollution

10 Urbanization and Sustainable Development
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The New Urban Agenda Other Urban Actions Relating to Climate Change - Waste Management and Circular Economy – Special attention to environmentally sound management and minimization of all waste, hazardous chemicals, including air and short- lived climate pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise, … vis-à-vis environmental impact and sustainability and transition to a circular economy

11 The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development Other Urban Actions Relating to Climate Change The New Urban Agenda - Waste Management and Circular Economy – Special attention to environmentally sound management and minimization of all waste, hazardous chemicals, including air and short- lived climate pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise, … vis-à-vis environmental impact and sustainability and transition to a circular economy The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Issues and challenges: Land use and urban planning Environment and urbanization Urban Economy Urban governance and legislation Urban demography - Integrating CCA and DRRM - Improving technical capacity in assessing vulnerabilities Housing and basic services The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda

12 Climate change actions and responses of the Philippines
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Climate change actions and responses of the Philippines - Climate Change Act of 2009 - National Framework Strategy on Climate Change - NCCAP ( ) & LCCAPs - Disaster and Risk Reduction and Management Act National DRRM Framework to guide local DRRM programs and plans

13 Climate change actions and responses of the Philippines
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Climate change actions and responses of the Philippines - HLURB; Mainstreaming Climate Change and Disaster Risk in the CLUPs - DILG; Mainstreaming DRR / CCA in the CDPs - Innovative means to adopt green building technologies, heritage conservation, and environmental governance as part of CCA and DRRM initiatives - (NEDA) Guidelines on Mainstreaming DRRM in Sub-National Planning

14 Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities - Cities and urbanization as the primary contributor to unprecedented levels of greenhouse gas emissions - Environmental degradation reduces capacities of society to deal with disaster Need to shift toward a greener economy - Reinvigorating the National Greening Program - Development and enhancement of clean energy sources

15 Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities - City surface, materials, shape of structures affecting heat absorption distribution and trapping - Air pollutants contributing to heat trapping — 43.4% from mobile sources, 38.17% and 18.43% from area and stationary sources - Reducing carbon footprint through energy-efficient design and materials for public infrastructures and settlements

16 Challenges and Lessons Learned
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Challenges and Lessons Learned - Effective CCA and DRRM has been implemented using an integrated yet decentralized approach that builds on exchanging, sharing and integrating knowledge - Institutionalizing policies, systems, and procedures, ensuring that coordination mechanism will work - CCA and DRRM activities have to be supported with budgets on a continuing basis

17 Thank you. Thank you. The Philippine National Report:
THE NEW URBAN AGENDA: Urbanization and Sustainable Development The Philippine National Report: A New Urban Agenda Accelerating Resiliency - Improved and adequate urban infrastructure designed to promote resiliency and green growth - Potential strategies or measure: i. early warning systems; ii. risk communication between decision makers and local citizens; iii. Improvements to water supply, sanitation and drainage system iv. Climate-proofing of infrastructure v. Development and enforcement of building codes Thank you.

18 Thank you.

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