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Chapter 11: Indexing and Hashing

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1 Chapter 11: Indexing and Hashing
Basic Concepts Ordered Indices B+-Tree Index Files Hashing Static Dynamic Hashing More: bitmap indexing

2 Hashing Static hashing Dynamic hashing

3 Hashing key  h(key) <key> Buckets (typically 1 disk block) .

4 Example hash function Key = ‘x1 x2 … xn’ n byte character string
Have b buckets h: add x1 + x2 + ….. xn compute sum modulo b

5  This may not be best function …
Good hash  Expected number of function: keys/bucket is the same for all buckets

6 Within a bucket: Do we keep keys sorted? Yes, if CPU time critical
& Inserts/Deletes not too frequent

7 Next: example to illustrate inserts, overflows, deletes

8 EXAMPLE 2 records/bucket
INSERT: h(a) = 1 h(b) = 2 h(c) = 1 h(d) = 0 1 2 3 d a c b e h(e) = 1

9 Delete: e f c EXAMPLE: deletion a b d c d e f g 1 2 3 maybe move
1 2 3 a d b d c c e maybe move “g” up f g

10 Rule of thumb: Try to keep space utilization between 50% and 80%
Utilization = # keys used total # keys that fit If < 50%, wasting space If > 80%, overflows significant depends on how good hash function is & on # keys/bucket

11 How do we cope with growth?
Overflows and reorganizations Dynamic hashing Extensible Linear

12 Extensible hashing: two ideas
(a) Use i of b bits output by hash function b h(K)  use i  grows over time….

13 (b) Use directory h(K)[i ] to bucket . .

14 Example: h(k) is 4 bits; 2 keys/bucket
New directory 2 00 01 10 11 i = 1 i = 0001 1 1 1001 1 1100 1010 1100 Insert 1010

15 Example continued 2 0000 0111 0001 i = 2 00 01 10 11 1 0001 0111 2 1001 1010 Insert: 0111 0000 2 1100

16 Example continued i = 3 2 0000 0001 i = 2 2 0111 1001 1010 2 1001 1010
110 111 3 i = 0000 2 i = 0001 2 00 01 10 11 0111 2 1001 1010 2 1001 1010 Insert: 1001 2 1100

17 Extensible hashing: deletion
No merging of blocks Merge blocks and cut directory if possible (Reverse insert procedure)

18 Deletion example: Run thru insert example in reverse!

19 Summary Extensible hashing Can handle growing files
- with less wasted space - with no full reorganizations + Indirection (Not bad if directory in memory) Directory doubles in size (Now it fits, now it does not) -

20 Advanced indexing Multiple attributes Bitmap indexing

21 Multiple-Key Access Use multiple indices for certain types of queries.
Example: select account-number from account where branch-name = “Perryridge” and balance = 1000 Possible strategies?

22 Indices on Multiple Attributes
where branch-name = “PP” and balance = 1000 Suppose we have an index on combined search-key (branch-name, balance). BB,1000 CC,200 PP,800 PP,1500 AB,200 AA,2000 AA,2300 AA,2500 CC,200 DD,200 DD,300 PP,1000 PP,800 PP,1300 PP,1500 PP,1560 AB,200 AC,200 CC,200 PP,300

23 where branch-name = “PP” and balance < 1000
Suppose we have an index on combined search-key (branch-name, balance). where branch-name = “PP” and balance < 1000 search pp,0 BB,1000 CC,200 PP,800 PP,1500 AB,200 AA,2000 AA,2300 AA,2500 CC,200 DD,200 DD,300 PP,1000 PP,800 PP,1300 PP,1500 PP,1560 AB,200 AC,200 CC,200 PP,300 search pp,1000

24 where branch-name < “PP” and balance = 1000?
Suppose we have an index on combined search-key (branch-name, balance). NO! where branch-name < “PP” and balance = 1000? BB,1000 CC,200 PP,800 PP,1500 AB,200 AA,2000 AA,2300 AA,2500 CC,200 DD,200 DD,300 PP,1000 PP,800 PP,1300 PP,1500 PP,1560 AB,200 AC,200 CC,200 PP,300

25 Bitmap Indices An index designed for multiple valued search keys

26 Bitmap Indices (Cont.) The income-level value of record 3 is L1
Bitmap(size = table size) Unique values of gender Unique values of income-level

27 Bitmap Indices (Cont.) Some properties of bitmap indices
Number of bitmaps for each attribute? Size of each bitmap? When is the bitmap matrix sparse and what attributes are good for bitmap indices?

28 Bitmap Indices (Cont.) Bitmap indices generally very small compared with relation size E.g. if record is 100 bytes, space for a single bitmap is 1/800 of space used by relation. If number of distinct attribute values is 8, bitmap is only 1% of relation size What about insertion? Deletion?

29 Bitmap Indices Queries
Sample query: Males with income level L1 10010 AND = 10000 even faster! What about the number of males with income level L1?

30 Bitmap Indices Queries
Queries are answered using bitmap operations Intersection (and) Union (or) Complementation (not)

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