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My Life Kinetik Program

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1 My Life Kinetik Program
Name: STUDY TASK: Prepare a presentation (15 min) to the topic “My Life Kinetik Program”.

2 How to do it? Consider the following thoughts! Investigate your own profile of motor abilities. Use your own test results from week 10 of this lecture course. Make conclusions which coordination abilities are important to train for you. Reflect also your current life style and sports activities. If you are managing, coaching or supporting other people (sports, therapy, rehabilitation, fitness) propose how coordination exercises could be implemented in daily routines. Illustrate your thinking in form of a training plan, exercise program or real practical demonstration.

3 Case Study Guidelines Characteristics of case studies Word count: Shorter reports may be around 1000 words; longer reports may be 2500 words or more. Requires you to analyze a situation and devise solutions or present recommendations Requires you to apply theoretical concepts and techniques Bridges the gap between theory and practice Structure may vary Good structure and organization are important

4 Case Study Guidelines Tips on writing case studies As in most university assignments, there is rarely only one way to respond to a case study. The correct answer is a well-supported, well-argued answer. You must clearly present and justify your recommendations and/or solutions. Try to avoid spending most of your word count simply describing the situation. Focus on analysis and evaluation. All use of sources must be referenced.


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