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Physical Science Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer and Transformation Grade 5 Quarter 2 Topics 8 & 9 What is Energy? Preview P-SELL.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer and Transformation Grade 5 Quarter 2 Topics 8 & 9 What is Energy? Preview P-SELL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer and Transformation Grade 5 Quarter 2 Topics 8 & 9 What is Energy? Preview P-SELL Big Ideas 10 & 11 Teacher’s Edition and the other P-SELL resources. Have the student book open on the computer and ready to play. If electronic Notebooks or other devices are available for class use, it is suggested that the Big Idea 13 Student book be placed on them for student access. Open up Discovery Education on your Employee Portal and minimize. If you have trouble opening up a Discovery Education link, try the generic user name: Miami_employee# and reverse it for password: employee#_miami P-SELL Big Idea 10 Energy Student Book p.

2 Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer & Transformation Benchmarks
SC.5.P Investigate and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical, chemical, and mechanical. Also Assesses: SC.5.P Investigate and explain that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change. SC.4.P Investigate and explain that sound is produced by vibrating objects and that pitch depends on how fast or slow the object vibrates. SC.4.P Describe how moving water and air are sources of energy and can be used to move things. SC.3.P Demonstrate that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels from one medium to another. SC.3.P Demonstrate that light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed. SC.3.P Investigate, observe, and explain that things that give off light often also give off heat. SC.3.P Investigate, observe, and explain that heat is produced when one object rubs against another, such as rubbing one's hands together. FCAT 2.0 Item Specs assessment benchmarks

3 Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer & Transformation Benchmarks
SC.5.P Investigate and explain that electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, and sound energy, as well as the energy of motion. Also Assesses: SC.3.E Demonstrate that radiant energy from the sun can heat objects and when the sun is not present, heat may be lost.   SC.4.P Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause materials to change temperature.   SC.4.P Identify common materials that conduct heat well or poorly.

4 Draw a picture of some examples of using energy in your notebook.
P-SELL Big Idea 10 Energy Student Book p. 89

5 How is Energy all around us!
You can hear energy as sound when someone talks. You can see mechanical energy every time you move. You can see energy as light from the sun or a lamp. You can feel it as heat warms things up. Discovery Fundamentals: Energy Makes it Happen Evaluation: Ask students what are some examples of energy in this room. Tell students to look at the clip art in the slide and name an energy that is all around us. Play the video by clicking on the link Energy is all around us! Ask students to give other examples of energy in their lives.

6 What are the Forms of Energy?
Electrical Light Sound Chemical Heat/Thermal Mechanical kinetic potential Big Idea 10 Energy PSELL Student Book Read p. 90. Complete p. 91 Finding Energy Explore: Discovery: Students can find info on forms of energy in the PSELL Big Idea 10 Energy Student Book p Gr. 5 AIMS Physical Science book: Forms of Energy or in the ScienceSaurus on pp. 285, or . Also you can revisit energy pictures on different slides for more examples - wind Point out to students that two forms of mechanical energy on listed on the table. Have students read the paragraphs at the bottom of p Then ask volunteers to explain each with an example. ****Note: The teacher can facilitate the rest of lesson 1 and lesson 2 or assign pages 448 – 455 to groups of students using the following jigsaw strategy: Table 1 Reads and presents p. 448 paragraphs 1 – 2. Give the group several balls with different masses and some boxes to demonstrate the effects of mass and speed. Table 2 Reads and presents par. 3 on p and p.449 on kinetic energy changing into different forms. Give this group a ramp, marbles, and some different ramp coverings with smooth and rough textures to demonstrate how friction can be changed. Table 3 Reads and presents p Give this group metal balls and marbles of different sizes, pieces of clay, and the slider cup activity. Table 4 Reads and presents p Give this group slinkies, spring toys, and magnets. Table 5 Reads and presents p Chemical Energy and the two tables on p Give students D batteries, wire, and light bulbs. Table 6 Reads and presents Chapter 14, lesson 2 p. 454 – 455 – sound energy. Give students different sizes of rubber bands, plastic cups, and tuning forks. Explain: Reread Grade 5 AIMS Physical Science Forms of Energy booklet. for their demo. ****Or teacher facilitates following SF TE guide.

7 Exploring Forms of Energy Stations
Preview Exploring Forms of Energy Station resources ahead of time get the necessary station materials ready.

8 What is light? Light is something that allows us to see objects.
Light is a form of energy. Light is produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles. Engage Activity: Direct students to look a wall chart of teacher’s choice and focus on it. Then turn off the lights, making the room as dark as possible. Ask how clear is the chart you were looking at? Turn the lights back on. Have students discuss why it was hard to see? Allow for responses. What else do you see in the room? What you really see is light bouncing off … the print on the chart, the walls, the tables, the chairs, etc. You can only see objects if they reflect light . If possible, play Color is Muted Light from Bill Nye’s classroom edition DVD LIGHT AND COLOR. Explain: Distribute a light graphic organizer (LGO) for students to write light facts as the exploration of light and its properties continues. Ask: What is light? Light is something that allows us to see objects. (Add to Light Graphic Organizer) Has light helped us do work? Does light create change? Is light a form of energy? Yes, Light is a type of energy. (Add to LGO) How does it work? Explore with the Beam of Light activity: Let’s take a closer look at a beam of light. Remind students that it is important never to look directly at any source of light, because it could damage their eyes. Shine a flashlight at the ceiling. Ask is light passing through air? Yes. Why can’t you see a beam of light in the air? Light is invisible just like the air. So we’ll follow these steps to observe a light beam : Ask for a volunteer from each group (about seven). Give one volunteer a flashlight. Put a small amount of talcum powder in the palm of each of the other volunteers’ hands. Line up these volunteers in pairs facing each other in a straight line with their palms extended holding the powder. Direct the volunteer with the flashlight to shine the flashlight just below the row of hands. Turn off the lights. The darker the room, the more easily the beam can be seen. Tell the participants to observe while the volunteers with powder clap their hands. Ask. Can you see the light beam? Why? (The moving particles of light are reflecting off the talcum powder in the air. Light is a type of energy (Add to LGO) produced by the vibration of electrically charged particles. Go to SF Pearson SuccessNet Video # 109. We’ll learn more about light by exploring light’s properties.

9 What are Properties of Light?
Light travels in a straight path. Light doesn’t travel through all objects. These are defined as opaque. Light can be absorbed and changed to heat. Engage: What kind of path did the light from the flashlight take in the previous activity? Then demonstrate the following with a volunteer: From a distance of about five meters, point the flashlight in its off position at the board. Have a new volunteer draw a big X on the board where he / she predicts the flashlight beam will hit. Then turn on the flashlight. Observe the beam. What happened? Gr. 3 Physical Science AIMS activity: Flashlight Findings pp Explain: (Add to LGO) Light travels in a straight path. Gr. 3 SF p. 371 Then repeat except this time have a volunteer place a thick piece of cardboard (or some other kind of opaque object ) in front of the beam. What happened this time? The light rays are blocked, and the cardboard casts a shadow. (Add to LGO) Light doesn’t travel through all objects. The cardboard absorbed the light rays. Absorbed light is converted into some other form, such as thermal energy. Can someone explain why most car owners prefer a light color car interior versus a black interior? What kind of energy is light converted to in this example? (heat) Add to LGO. Light can be absorbed and changed to heat. Extension: If available, play Bill Nye’s Classroom Edition DVD LIGHT AND COLOR. Go to Watch Program Section: Science Standards Clips, Clip 3 Light can be absorbed and changed to heat.

10 Properties of Light Continued
Light bounces off or is reflected from some kinds of opaque objects. Some objects let all light pass through them are known as: transparent Some objects let some light pass through them are known as: translucent Angles of Reflection Explain: Light will not travel through all objects, however it is not always absorbed. The moon makes no light of its own. Instead, it reflects the light that shines on it from the Sun. SF Gr. 3 p. 372 Explore: Let’s try modeling this property through the Reflecting Light Activity. Call for four volunteers. Give each one a number. Provide three mirrors and a flashlight. Number one volunteer will hold the flashlight, while the others will hold the mirrors. Choose a spot on a wall and challenge the volunteers to reflect a flashlight beam to that spot. As # 1 with the flashlight shines the beam on # 2’s mirror, challenge # 2 to aim the mirror at # 3’s mirror and reflect the light in that direction. Then # 3 bounces the beam to the fourth person, who tries to aim the beam at the designated spot on the wall. What path did the light take from mirror to mirror? Why? Explain: Let’s take a closer look through an online tutorial. Click on the hyperlink Angles of Reflection. Must be in slide show mode.

11 Bending Light Lab Write down responses on your note page.
Problem: What does light do when it travels from one medium or state of matter (air) through another medium (water)? Hypothesis: Test and Observe: Follow steps from the lab sheet. See PSELL Student Book p Conclusion: Explore and explain with the Bending Light Lab: PSELL Big Idea 10 Energy p Pass out a clear plastic cup, and container of water to each group. Have participants observe the clear plastic cup, the water and the air in the room. Ask what do these three objects have in common? They are all see through or transparent. Light is passing through them. Pass out the Lab sheet and a straw to each group. Problem: What does light do when it travels from one medium (air) through another medium (water)? Hypothesis: What do you think will happen? Test and Observer: Follow steps from the lab sheet. Conclusion: The light passing through the air slows down when it enters the water. The water caused the light to bend or refract and make the straw look bent. When a light beam strikes a cup of water, it changes direction or bends. This is called refraction. Grade 3 AIMS Activity: Light Rays Slow Down pp

12 How does Light Change Direction?
Light bends or refracts as it passes from one medium (form of matter: solid, liquid or gas) to another. Refraction of Light Virtual Tutorial Explain: Have participants add the refraction light property to their LGO. What different mediums did the light pass through? Air, plastic, water What property do all of these objects have in common? They’re transparent. Explain: If time allows use the hyperlink to take the participants on a virtual refraction tutorial that elaborates and allows for clarifications. Extend: What ways have people found to use bent light? Magnifying glass, eye glasses, telescopes, microscopes

13 Light Energy Why are these pictures examples of light energy?
The sun and stars are examples of light energy. They provide a natural source of light and this light energy travels all the way to the Earth. The sun’s light energy is so powerful it can even be converted to electrical energy through solar power! Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

14 What is Sound? (Choose the topic Sound and Hearing)
Sound is a form of energy produced by a vibration or a back and forth movement of an object. Sound is a wave of vibrations that spread from its source of its matter. The more vibrations the waves have, the more energy, the louder the sound. The faster the vibrations or the frequency, the higher the sound or pitch. What is pitch? Pitch is how high or low a sound is. Engage: Display focus question: What is sound? Brainstorm and discuss with students a list of all the different sounds they have heard. Workbook p. 141A pre-assessment. Briefly play some music from an electronic device that has a speaker. Turn it off and place a paper plate on a speaker. Then pour some rice or salt on the plate. Play the music again. Let students see how the sound causes the rice or salt to vibrate and form a ripple wave pattern. Explore: Teacher can facilitate Quick Activity from SF TE p. 454 with a pencil, string, and a straw Or See handout: Exploring Sound and give students different sizes of rubber bands, and plastic cups to explore sound. Students reflect on their explorations in their journals/notebooks. Explain: Teacher and students read/discuss What is Sound? Pp top of p. using illustration of guitar and wavelengths with captions, too. Click on hyperlink: What is Sound? Also use Scott Foresman online resources: Gr. 5 Take it to the Net: Physical Science Game: Sound Energy; Watts Notes: Sound. Extend pitch concept with the lab: Can you Make Different Sounds with a Ruler? (see handout.) With either strategy have students take notes of the key concepts.

15 Sound Energy Why are these pictures examples of sound energy? Dolphins communicate through echolocation taking advantage of sound waves under water. The sound waves move through the water, and bounce off the object to return to the dolphin. When they receive the information their auditory nerves create an acoustic picture of the object ( Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

16 What is Heat Energy ? Rub your hands together. Are the palms of your hands warmer now? Friction from rubbing two objects together produces heat energy. Heat energy is the energy caused by moving particles. AS the object’s particles move faster, so its thermal energy increases. Heat energy always flows from warmer to cooler. Things don’t get cool. Things just lose heat. A change in thermal energy can lead to a change in phase or state of matter. Temperature is a measure of heat/thermal energy. Engage: SF TE p Quick Activity as a teacher demonstration. Materials: balloon, empty plastic water bottle, bowl of ice, thermos of hot water Put the balloon on top of the bottle opening Place it in the container of warm water. Observe. The balloon will inflate. Why? 3. Then place the same bottle and balloon into the container of ice water. Observe. What happened? Repeat steps 2 and then 3 again. What happened? Why? Explain: Students read p. 462 to find out what is thermal energy is and what it has to do with the balloon inflating and deflating. Students take notes as you read/discuss pages 462 – 463 together. Students can also read ScienceSaurus pp. 288 – 291 for added information including sources of heat. Elaborate: Grade 5 AIMS Physical Science p. 201 When Hot and Cold Meet demonstration lab.

17 Heat Energy Why are these pictures examples of heat energy? While a toaster uses electrical energy to power it, it transfers to heat energy. The heat energy warms the coils and this energy spreads from the hot coils to the cold bread you placed in the toaster. Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

18 What is Mechanical Energy? PSELL Big Idea 10 p. 102
Mechanical energy is the energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion or due to its position. Mechanical energy can be either kinetic energy (energy of motion) or potential energy (stored energy of position) All energy can be in one of two states:  potential energy or kinetic energy. The amount of mechanical energy depends on the object’s speed and mass. Mechanical energy can change into other forms of energy. Explore/Explain: Click on hyperlinks to explore kinetic and potential energy (mechanical) What is mechanical energy? Read Mechanical Energy pp

19 Mechanical Energy Why are these pictures examples of mechanical energy? A roller coaster is an example of mechanical energy because of the amount of energy that is stored before you move and then the amount of energy being used as you travel around the track! Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

20 What is Chemical Energy?
Chemical energy is made when substances react and form new substances. Food, batteries, and fuels such as oil and gasoline are stored chemical energy. Chemical energy can change to: sound light thermal electrical kinetic Explore/explain: Click on hyperlinks to explore What is chemical energy? ScienceSuarus p. 285 Read / discuss SF textbook p

21 Chemical Energy Why are these pictures examples of chemical energy? This girl is eating a peach, her body will eventually break down the peach through digestion by several chemical reactions and use the nutrients for energy she will need to grow and play. Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

22 What is Electrical Energy?
Electrical energy is energy that is caused by the movement of charged particles in an electrical field. All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

23 Electrical Energy ?Can these pictures be examples of any other forms of energy? Why are these pictures examples of electrical energy? In this picture electrical energy or electricity is made available to homes and businesses by charged particles moving through the power lines. All Images in Powerpoint obtained from:

24 Forms of Energy Energy Forms Heat/thermal Electrical Chemical
Mechanical: potential kinetic Light /Radiant What Happens? Objects warm. Food cooks. Lights on. / Machines run. Organisms move and grow. Flashlights light up. Sled sits on top of a hill. Sled slides down the hill. Plants grow. / Lasers cut. Evaluate: Ask students to give examples about what happens from each of the forms of energy in the first column. Then show the 2nd column and compare their responses to the given ones in the 2nd column.

25 What do different Forms of Energy have in common?
All Energy has the ability to cause motion or create a change. How is energy changing these objects? motion temperature and color size of shape Engage: Ask who ate breakfast this morning? Why? (To get energy to come to school.) 1st bullet: What is energy? Click on the Discovery Link: Energy Then ask: How are the kids in the clip art using energy? Explain: Ask what is energy? Listen to students’ (participants’) ideas. Then have participants/students take out their science notebook and open it to an empty page and title it Energy Notes. ( If necessary, pass out sheets of copy paper and have participants fold and make a notebook.) Explore: Quick Activity: See SF TE p Have students feel and describe the temperature of their desk. Then have them rub one spot with an eraser for 15 sec. and then immediately fee the temperature of the rubbed spot. Ask. Is it the same? How has it changed? Why? After a few moments, have students feel for the temperature of the rubbed spot again. Where did the energy go that warmed the spot? Ask what does energy have the ability to do? Cause a change. Explain: Have students can then open up their textbook to Chapter 14p. 447 lesson 1: What is energy? Have students read the first paragraph to define energy. Show the first bullets and have student take notes to define energy. (Open your SF textbook TE p. 446 online. What is Energy? Is a link to SF Pearson Demonstrate more example of energy causing changes: Have a volunteer move from their seat to the front of the room. Show a cube of clay. Ask for a volunteer to change its shape. Display a match. What color is the tip? Strike it. What happens? What energy do you see? After the flame goes out, what color is the tip? Next students define energy as the ability to do work and list ways it can change an object’s properties. Compare and contrast their understanding of energy now. Energy is what it takes to make a change. You can also see ScienceSaurus p. 284 for special meaning of energy and work. Extend: ScienceSaurus Handbook p. 284 25 25

26 Sources of Energy Describe how moving water and air are sources of energy and can be used to move things. Wind Power What are examples of people using air to make things move? Water What are examples of people using water to make things move? Moving water and air are sources of energy and can be used to move other things Where does energy come from in all of these photos? Electricity Where does electricity come from? Burn coal, use solar panels, wind turbines, nuclear power Food we eat

27 Inquiry 7: Wind Energy (SC.5.P.10.2, SC.5.P.10.4, SC.4.P.10.4)
How can wind energy (air) be a source of energy that makes things move? See PSELL Big Ideas 10 & 11 for materials and procedures pp Student Book pp

28 What are the Variables? Test/Independent/ Manipulated Variable (What do I change?) Outcome/Dependent/ Responding Variable (What data do I collect?) Control /Constant Variables (What do I keep the same in the experiment?)

29 Data Table 1: Movement of the Ping-Pong Balls (Quantitative Data)

30 Data Table 2: Movement of the Ping-Pong Balls (Qualitative Data)
Object Observations Stirrer Straw Fan

31 What is the Transformation of Energy?
Energy can change and move from one object to another. chemical > electrical > light Where does the energy of a lit light bulb transfer to after the flashlight has been on for a while? Heat energy transfers into the air. Explore: Students visit the energy stations to explore energy forms and energy transformations.

32 Forms of Energy Stationstaions
Identify and record the different forms of energy in your science notebook as you rotate throughout the various stations. Reflections: Describe what you learned in the energy stations. What was interesting? What do you want to learn more about? Explore/explain: Ahead of time set up energy stations. Students will respond in their notebook. Share and discuss activity responses. Explore/ Explain/ Evaluate: Teacher sets up the 10 Stations that assess forms of energy and energy transformation. See handout from Science Leaders’ Meeting Week of Oct. 31 – Nov. 4th, Students rotate through the 10 Stations and write their responses in their notebooks.

33 What are some transfers and/or transformations of energy that are taking place in our classroom, in our school or at home? Explain/Evaluate: First have students share their experiences from visiting the energy stations. Next have students use the clip art on the slide and name various energy paths. Last have students can name paths in the classroom, in the school and for home learning at home. In energy transfer, energy happens from one object to another without changing its form. For example, when you fill a pot of water and sit it on the stove, the water continues to heat until you turn it off. An object vibrates, making sound, as the sound waves travel from one object to another, it is still sound energy transferring. In energy transformation, the energy changes forms. In a flashlight, chemical energy in the battery transforms to electrical, then the electrical transfers through the wire)and transforms to light and heat in the light bulb. Idea for modeling the concept: Model with a ball of clay: Tranfer = pass the ball of clay to the next person. Transformation= change the ball of clay into a new shape.

34 Transformation of Energy
B. B. C. Evaluate: Have students number their journal and write how energy is changed from one form to another. 1) A. B. 2) A. C. Extension: Explore Learning GIZMO: Energy Conversions

35 Energy Transformation
Explain Model with a ball of clay: Tranfer = pass the ball of clay to the next person. Transformation= change the ball of clay into a new shape. How is energy changing when a toaster is in use? A toaster uses electrical, mechanical, and thermal energy.

36 Energy Interactive Online Resources
Energy and the Environment: Science for Kids: Sound and Hearing resources

37 Online Energy Videos and More
The Energy Story: Mechanical Energy (animation) Kids and Energy resources

38 Discovery Resources Fundamental: Energy Makes it Happen
Exploration: Forms of Energy E-book: Forms of Energy Video: Sources of Energy Video: What is light? resources

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