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C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes

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Presentation on theme: "C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes"— Presentation transcript:

1 C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes
Executive Staff C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes

2 Encampment Executive Staff

3 Overview Structure Positions Job descriptions
Responsibilities and expectations

4 Organizational Chart C/CC C/DC C/XO C/Safety C/DOT SET/CC CQ/CC Sqn CC

5 Positions Cadet Commander (C/Lt Col – C/Col)
Cadet Deputy Commander (C/Maj. – C/Col) Cadet Executive Officer (C/Maj. – C/Lt Col) Squadron Commander (C/Capt – C/Maj.)

6 Positions Cadet Safety Director of Training (DOT)
Standards and Evaluations Commander Charge of Quarters Commander

7 Cadet Commander (C/CC)
Responsible for conduct of encampment Assists in selection of command staff Provides vision and focus to cadet staff Role model for all cadet staff Provides counseling when appropriate

8 C/CC Continued Serves as link between cadet and senior staff
Responsible for updated/accurate schedule Facilitates planning prior to encampment Ensures completion of After Action reports

9 Cadet Deputy Commander (C/DC)
Coordinates the encampment training Responsible for training of “line” staff Adheres to established cadet training schedule Complies with encampment programs Academic, Physical Fitness, Training

10 C/DC Continued Supports the C/CC in his/her duties
Monitors flight training Assigns project officers to special tasks Evaluates daily progress reports completed by flight staff Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Warren G. Bennis

11 Cadet Executive Officer (C/XO)
Coordinates and directs support staff Responsible for training of all support staff Conducts staff meetings with support staff Assists/evaluates OIC’s Coordinates to prevent conflicts

12 Cadet Squadron Commander
Responsible direction of their units Evaluates effectiveness of training Supervises 1st Sgt’s performance Assists/evaluates OIC’s Motivates flight staff Ensures daily progress reports completed by Flight Commanders

13 What about the other executive staff positions?

14 Safety Is the safety officer just there to make sure no one is doing something dangerous??

15 Director of Training What exactly does the DOT do??
How much control does the DOT have??

16 Stan/Eval Commander Everyone should know what this position is…
But do they know what all goes into it??

17 What is the CQ/CC’s job at encampment??
CQ Commander Here is a new position. What is the CQ/CC’s job at encampment??

18 Responsibilities and Expectations
Keep open channel of communication Set the example for your subordinates Prompt completion of tasks – before, during, after Respect for authority On time to meetings and scheduled activities Positive attitude

19 Summary Positions of Executive staff at an encampment
Structure and set up of the staff Job descriptions of each position Responsibilities and expectations

20 Squadron Executive Staff

21 Positions Cadet Commander (?? – C/Col)
Cadet Deputy Commander (?? – C/Lt Col) Cadet Executive Officer (?? – C/Lt Col)

22 Cadet Commander (C/CC)
Set goals for the squadron Weekly, quarterly, yearly Establish plans, policies, and procedures Coordinate cadet staff activities Make personnel recommendations Direct the cadet corps Promote excellence Leads D&C with regards to Squadron Formations, etc.

23 Cadet Deputy Commander (C/DC)
Manages cadet operations Supervises and mentors flight commanders Monitors cadet inspection programs Recommends duty assignments Steps up for C/CC when needed

24 Cadet Executive Officer (C/XO)
Supervises and coordinates cadet support staff Develops or helps manage websites, rosters, cadet supply system, calendars, etc. Manages local personnel programs Uniform inspection records, cadet of the month, etc.


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