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Tuesday August 29. PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR NOTEBOOK AND GO TO ASSIGNMENT 6: The Enlightenment and the Constitution. I have 3 slides you are taking notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday August 29. PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR NOTEBOOK AND GO TO ASSIGNMENT 6: The Enlightenment and the Constitution. I have 3 slides you are taking notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday August 29. PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR NOTEBOOK AND GO TO ASSIGNMENT 6: The Enlightenment and the Constitution. I have 3 slides you are taking notes on. ++Then, partner activity.++

2 Some Important Dates in the Founding of our Country. . .
1783 —America wins its independence from Great Britain. 1787 —The Constitutional Convention is held in Philadelphia. 1788 —George Washington is elected as the first president of the United States. 1789 —The U.S. Constitution takes effect. 1791 —The Bill of Rights to the Constitution is adopted.

3 The Enlightenment 18th century movement where many thinkers developed ideas of rights and freedom. It was during this time that the founders of our country took these ideas and developed a constitution.

4 Enlightenment thinkers contributions to the United States
Baron De Montesquieu: A separation of political powers ensured freedom and liberty. John Locke’s concept of natural rights became the basis for the first 10 amendments.

5 In what ways was the constitution a document of white privilege?
20 minutes

6 Who did the Constitution leave out. Why
Who did the Constitution leave out? Why? Use evidence to support your claim. (Document 1) Who was the Constitution made for, according to this article? Please find one piece of evidence from the text which proves this. (Document 1) In “Who wrote the Constitution,” it lists the 55 men who wrote the constitution. Explain who these men were, using 2 pieces of evidence from the text. (Document 2) In what ways is the constitution a document of white privilege? Use 1 piece of evidence from all the texts. Why do you think that Native Americans, Blacks, and women were left out of the constitution? Do you think the founders of the country were racists and sexists? Why? How does the description of George Washington in the red book on page 42 differ from the description in handout 2? Use two pieces of evidence from the texts.

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