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Introduction to Cells.

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1 Introduction to Cells


3 All cells need energy The energy is created by food and is converted into a chemical called ATP.

4 ATP ATP: Chemical that gives cells energy. ATP has three phosphates; it is like having a fully charged battery. ADP: Chemical that has given energy, ATP lost a phosphate. ADP has two phosphates; it is like a battery that is half full.



7 Cell Parts

8 Different types of cells

9 Some cells can be large enough to see, but most are too small to see with the naked eye.
There are two types of cells: Prokaryotic cells: Single cell Eukaryotic cells: Multiple cell

10 Prokaryotic cells One-celled organisms, such as bacteria.
Single cell organism They are smaller and less complex than eukaryotic cells. Cells that lack a bound nucleus are called prokaryotes


12 Prokaryotic Cells Example: Bacteria Single Cell
Less complex: lack most organelle Small Naked DNA, no nucleus

13 Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cells are found in any multicellular organism. This includes, plants, animals, fungi, and you and I.

14 Eukaryotic Cells Bound DNA in a nucleus.
Contain many internal structures called organelles. More complex than prokaryotic cells. Animals, protists, fungi, and plants are all eukaryotic cells.

15 Eukaryotic Cells Example: Plant, Animal, Fungi cells Multicellular
Complex with organelle Lager cell Nucleus present


17 Cell Structure Cells contain small organ-bound structures called organelles. Some organelles process energy and others create substances needed for the cell and some transport materials around the cell.

18 On the outside of the cell is a cell membrane.
The cell membrane helps protect the cell and allows things to go in and out of the cell. The inside of the cell is called the cytoplasm which is made up of a gelatin like stuff called cytosol. This helps with the structure of the cell.

19 Nucleus Is the brain of the cell. Directs all cell activity.
Contains all of the DNA, which codes for all the material in the cell. (Blue prints for the cell) Contains a dark region called the nucleolus which creates ribosomes.


21 Chromosome House’s the DNA that is found in the nucleus. It is a single piece of coiled DNA that is all packaged; when it unravels the cell uses the DNA for instructions.

22 Mitochondria This is where all the energy is created for the cell (the battery of the cell.) It breaks down the food we eat and converts it to energy. Muscle cells contain more mitochondria than any other type of cell.


24 Ribosomes Take the blue prints from the nucleus, and make proteins for the cell. Some ribosomes float freely in the cell while others are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain ribosomes.


26 PLANT CELL Many of the same organelle as an animal cell but with a few
extra parts

27 Plant cells Chloroplast- contain green pigments called chlorophyll which give most plants a green color. Chloroplast capture the sun’s energy and converts it into food (glucose).

28 Plant cells cont… Plant cells also have a vacuole, which is a storage area for the plant. This aids them in shape and allows them to store materials.

29 Plant vacuole When a plant is well-watered, water collects in cell vacuoles producing rigidity in the plant. Without sufficient water, the vacuole is reduced and the plant wilts.

30 Plant cell cont… Plant cells also have a cell wall.
The plant cell wall is made of cellulose. It protects the plant and help it stand up.

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