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9A + 9B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint

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1 9A + 9B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint
*English 1 Vocabulary* *Use for Study Purposes Only*

2 Auxiliary Auxiliary Aux Cord
Definition: (adj.) Giving assistance or support / (n) A helper, aid. Synonyms: (adj.) Addition, back-up / (n) Reverse, accessory Antonyms: (adj.) Main, primary, and principal Auxiliary Aux Cord

3 Escalate Escalate Escalator
Definition: To elevate; to increase in intensity. Synonyms: Climb, raise, ascend, and mount Antonyms: Decrease, lessen, descend, and defuse Escalate Escalator

4 Candid Definition: Frank, sincere, impartial, unposed. Synonyms: Forthright, plainspoken, and unbiased Antonyms: Insincere, evasive, misleading, and artful Candid I did it!!

5 Cubicle Definition: A small room or compartment. Synonyms: Enclosure and hole-in-the-wall Antonyms: Vast hall and auditorium Cubicle Cube

6 Drudgery Drudgery Jury
Definition: Work that is hard and tiresome. Synonyms: Toil, labor, and grind Antonyms: Play, frolic, argument, recreation, and fun!! Drudgery Jury

7 Envoy Definition: A representative or messenger (as of a government) Synonyms: Agent, ambassador, emissary, and minister No Antonyms found for this word Envoy Envelope

8 Expedient Expedient Exiting
Definition: (n) A means to an end / (adj.) Advantageous, useful. Synonyms: (n) Contrivance and device / (adj.) Serviceable Antonyms: (adj.) Inconvenient, untimely, and disadvantageous Expedient Exiting

9 Feign Definition: To pretend. Synonyms: Fake, sham, affect, and simulate No Antonyms found for this word Feign Fake

10 Flair Flair Air Jordan’s
Definition: A natural quality, talent, or skill; a distinctive style. Synonyms: Aptitude, bent, knack, gift, style, and panache Antonyms: Inability and incapacity Flair Air Jordan’s

11 Grievous Grievous Graves
Definition: Causing sorrow or pain; serious Synonyms: Painful, heartrending, onerous, and flagrant Antonyms: Joyful, uplifting, cherry, and upbeat Grievous Graves

12 Inscribe Inscribe Scribble
Definition: To write or engrave; to enter a name on a list. Synonyms: Imprint, enroll, and enlist Antonyms: Erase, rub out, delete, efface, and obliterate Inscribe Scribble

13 Impel Definition: To force, drive forward. Synonyms: Urge, push, spur, propel, and incite Antonyms: Discourage, check, restrain, and curb Impel Propel

14 Incredulous Incredulous Mr. Incredible
Definition: Disbelieving, skeptical. Synonyms: Dubious, mistrustful, and doubting Antonyms: Believing, trustful, and gullible Incredulous Mr. Incredible

15 Heterogeneous Heterogeneous Genes
Definition: Composed of different kinds, diverse. Synonyms: Miscellaneous, mixed, and variegated Antonyms: Uniform and homogeneous Heterogeneous Genes

16 Horde Definition: A vast number (as of people); a throng. Synonyms: Crowd, mass, multitude, host, and swarm Antonyms: Few and handful Horde Hording

17 Monologue Monologue One Speech
Definition: A speech by one actor; a long talk by one person. Synonyms: Soliloquy and recitation Antonyms: Dialogue, conversation, and colloquy Monologue One Speech

18 Prognosis Prognosis Progress
Definition: A forecast of the probable course and outcome of a disease of a situation. Synonyms: Prediction and protection No Antonyms found for this word Prognosis Progress

19 Rasping Rasping Spring Allergies
Definition: (adj.) With a harsh, grating sound; (n) A harsh sound. Synonyms: Scratchy, scrapping, abrasive, and gravelly Antonyms: Sonorous, smooth, satiny, silky, and mellow Rasping Spring Allergies

20 Repugnant Repugnant Pigs
Definition: Offensive, disagreeable, distasteful Synonyms: Hateful, odious, revolting, and repulsive Antonyms: Pleasing, attractive, tempting, and wholesome Repugnant Pigs

21 Scuttle Scuttle Cutting
Definition: (v) To sink a ship by cutting holes in it; to get rid of something in a decisive way; to run hastily, scurry; (n) a pail. Synonyms: Abandon, discard, scrap, ditch, and dump Antonyms: Keep, afloat, salvage, rescue, and preserve Scuttle Cutting

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