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May 2006 doc.: IEEE 15-06-0238-00-0005 May 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Mesh.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2006 doc.: IEEE 15-06-0238-00-0005 May 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Mesh."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2006 doc.: IEEE May 2006 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Mesh networking for low-rate systems] Date Submitted: [May, 2006] Source: [Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille] Company [THALES Communications] Address [THALES Communications, 146 boulevard de Valmy, Colombes, France] E−Mail: Re: [ ] Abstract: [Mesh networking for low-rate systems] Purpose: [To promote discussion in ] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

2 Mesh networking for low-rate systems
May 2006 doc.: IEEE May 2006 Mesh networking for low-rate systems Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille THALES Communications France Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

3 May 2006 doc.: IEEE May 2006 Objectives To present a Mesh design for low-rate systems based on To make recommendations on Centralized Mesh networking To provide simulation results related to Mesh architectures The work has been partly supported by the European Commission R&D Integrated Project PULSERS, IST-FP and IST-FP Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

4 Contents Centralized Mesh networking Routing protocol: 2-LMR
May 2006 Contents Centralized Mesh networking Routing protocol: 2-LMR Multi-piconet architecture Simulation results Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

5 Centralized Mesh networking
May 2006 Centralized Mesh networking Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

6 Centralized Mesh networking
May 2006 Centralized Mesh networking The coordinator handles synchronization and scheduling 2-step formation: Scheduling Tree construction Used for control frame transmissions Meshing the topology based on the Scheduling Tree Scheduling Tree Mesh network Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

7 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 doc.: IEEE May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Superframe structure based on Beacon period Request Topo mgmt Control portion Data portion CAP CFP Inactive Control portion Data portion CAP CFP Inactive Beacon slot Control portion length is increased Beacon period Request period Topology Management period Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

8 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Fine structure Superframe is divided equally into slots Use of Minislots in the Control portion Provides flexibility: adaptation to different frame durations Guaranteed Time MiniSlot (GTMS) can be introduced in CFP Particularly interesting for short data frames such as ranging signaling Ranging is a major function of a Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

9 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Beacon period The beacons are relayed along the Scheduling Tree The beacon-frame length shall be minimized Dropping overheads introduced by beacon relaying Reducing address size to 8 bits (mesh addresses) Beacon alignment procedure To avoid interference between close neighbors Algorithm based on the tree level (number of hops to reach the coordinator) Minislot Beacon period Slot Tree Level 0 Tree Level 1 B Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

10 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Request period Request period is a set of GTS dedicated to allocation demands Transmission from the leaves to the coordinator Tree Level 3 Tree Level 2 Tree Level 1 Tree Level 0 Coordinator A B C D E F G H I J K GTS request frames GTS requests require guaranteed access in the superframe Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

11 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Request period Peak of delay due to request/grant allocation Behavior of the MAC in overloaded networks Simulations: 2 types of request transmission In CAP of data portion In guaranteed time slot of the control portion GTS request sent in a GTS Max delay = 35 ms GTS request sent in CAP Max delay = 7 s Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

12 Mesh superframe structure
May 2006 Mesh superframe structure Topology Management period Two types of message are sent in this period Link State procedure Allows the coordinator to build the Scheduling Tree Periodic transmission of Hello frames from every associated device Hello frames transport the 2-hop neighborhood of the originator Scheduling Tree update Keep informed the devices of the Tree structure Hello frames (Link State procedure) Scheduling Tree Update (STU) frames Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

13 2-Level Mesh Routing protocol (2-LMR)
May 2006 2-Level Mesh Routing protocol (2-LMR) Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

14 2-LMR protocol 2-LMR protocol provides routing based on Link States
May 2006 2-LMR protocol 2-LMR protocol provides routing based on Link States Reuse of link state procedure dedicated to tree construction No additional messages is required Efficient pro-active routing protocol Packets can be routed using 2 types of path: Tree route based on the scheduling tree Local route defined by the local link states Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

15 2-LMR protocol Local Route repair
May 2006 2-LMR protocol Local Route repair Starts when a non-tree link is broken Detected thanks to the Link State procedure A new route is built based on updated link states Repaired route is inserted in the local routing tables Coordinator A Source B H Destination C F I Hello frame D E G J K Initial route Repaired route Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

16 2-LMR protocol Tree Route repair Starts when a tree link is broken
May 2006 2-LMR protocol Tree Route repair Starts when a tree link is broken Information transferred to the coordinator (Link State procedure) The coordinator builds a new Scheduling Tree The structure is broadcast using Scheduling Tree Update (STU) frames Coordinator A Source B H Destination C F I STU frame D E G J K Initial route Repaired route Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

17 May 2006 Multi-piconet Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

18 Multi-piconet Simultaneous operating piconet (SOP) Lower complexity
May 2006 Multi-piconet Simultaneous operating piconet (SOP) Mandatory use of CDMA Optional use of FDMA if several frequency bands are available Use of Inactive period is possible in some cases Duty cycle should be very low The inactive periods should be large enough Lower complexity Requires coordination between SOP Involves a significant loss of bandwidth Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

19 Multi-piconet Communication between piconets
May 2006 Multi-piconet Communication between piconets Clusters (or piconets) are structured hierarchically Primary piconet is the parent cluster of every cluster in the network Parent / Child structure Border nodes are coordinators of child clusters (Cluster Heads) Management of the border nodes is touchy Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

20 May 2006 Simulations Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

21 Simulations Centralized Mesh architecture
May 2006 Simulations Centralized Mesh architecture Scheduling Tree centralized on the coordinator Mesh network based on the Tree Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

22 Simulations Centralized Mesh architecture
May 2006 Simulations Centralized Mesh architecture End-to-end delay is a significant “figure of merit” Traffic behavior depends on the selected access protocol Grasp the impact of relaying Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays in CFP Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays in CAP Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

23 Simulations Clusterized Mesh architecture
May 2006 Simulations Clusterized Mesh architecture Dedicated to high density environment Structure: A Backbone, based on a Centralized Mesh topology Clusters in single-hop topology Backbone Cluster Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

24 Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays
May 2006 Simulations Clusterized Mesh architecture Simulation results Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

25 Simulations Cluster Tree architecture
May 2006 Simulations Cluster Tree architecture Extend range in a low density environment Structure: Set of clusters representing a tree Each cluster is a Centralized Mesh topology Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

26 Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays
May 2006 Simulations Cluster Tree architecture Simulation results Average end-to-end delay as a function of the number of relays Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

27 Conclusion Division of Slots into Minislots for flexibility
May 2006 Conclusion Division of Slots into Minislots for flexibility In Control portions In the CFP of Data portions GTS request requires guaranteed access in the superframe 2-LMR routing protocol Efficient pro-active protocol Without additional control overload Use of CDMA for multi-piconet access Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

28 May 2006 References PULSERS D3a2, “Candidate architecture for HDR and LDR-LT operational modes”, December 2004. PULSERS D51b, “Definition of new concepts/architectures for UWB MAC and networking [HDR and LDR-LT]”, March 2005. PULSERS D3a3, “Selection of architecture for HDR and LDR-LT operational modes including simulation results”, June 2005. Arnaud Tonnerre, Serge Héthuin, Isabelle Bucaille

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