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Astronomers Ellipses Earth’s Orbit Planets Planets

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomers Ellipses Earth’s Orbit Planets Planets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomers Ellipses Earth’s Orbit Planets Planets
Eleanor M. Savko FJ Ellipses Earth’s Orbit 4/8/2019 Planets Planets 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 First to use a telescope
To view the night sky

3 Galileo

4 Explained the forces Involved for an Orbiting body

5 Newton

6 Collected 20 years of data for a Danish King,
Had his nose cut off

7 Tycho Brahe

8 1st to put forth the Heliocentric model

9 Copernicus

10 Revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits
Suggested the planets Revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits

11 Kepler

12 Measurement of how non-circular an ellipse is

13 eccentricity

14 All planet’s orbits look like this shape

15 circles

16 The more elliptical the closer
The eccentricity is to the number _______

17 one

18 The ____ is located at one of the foci of the planet’s orbits

19 sun

20 eccentricity of an ellipse
The formula for the eccentricity of an ellipse

21 Focal distance divided by
the major axis

22 Direction of earth’s orbit

23 counterclockwise

24 First day of summer and winter

25 solstice

26 Number of hours of sun the North Pole gets on an equinox

27 12

28 Which 2 seasons does the number of hours of sunlight in Virginia constantly increase

29 Winter and spring

30 The earth revolve each day
Daily Double How many degrees does The earth revolve each day

31 Approximately one

32 retrograde rotation does
not effect sunrise

33 Uranus

34 Jovian means

35 Jupiter-like

36 Has the greatest temperature range

37 Mercury

38 Means earth-like

39 terrestrial

40 Planet with the fastest
orbital speed

41 Mercury

42 Hottest planet

43 Venus

44 Total number of moons the
inner planets have

45 3

46 Planet with the Big Red Spot

47 Jupiter

48 Why does Mercury have such a large temperature range

49 One side faces the sun for approximately 30 days

50 Which of these orbit the Sun:
Planets Moons Meteoroids Comets Asteroids Daily Double

51 Planets Comets Asteroids

52 What did Aristotle think stars were ? Greeks
Final Jeopardy Holes in the outer sphere around Earth that a light shone through What did Aristotle think stars were ? Greeks

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