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Kinetics and ICE Box Review Introduce Final Exam Project

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1 Kinetics and ICE Box Review Introduce Final Exam Project

2 Evaluation/Assessment:
Objective: Today I will be able to: Interpret a potential energy diagram for a reaction Determine concentrations at equilibrium using ICE Boxes Construct an exam review presentation using the content learned this semester. Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment: monitoring student progress as the complete the practice and begin the project Formal assessment: analyzing student responses to the practice worksheets and exit ticket Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up
Elaborate: Potential Energy Diagram Practice Elaborate: ICE Box practice Engage, Explore, Evaluate: Introduce Final Exam Project Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up What is ΔH? Where is the activated complex located?
What happens to activation energy when a catalyst is added to a reaction? What happens to the potential energy of the reactants and the products when a catalyst is added to a reaction?

5 Objective Today I will be able to:
Interpret a potential energy diagram for a reaction Determine concentrations at equilibrium using ICE Boxes Construct an exam review presentation using the content learned this semester.

6 Homework Study for ICE Box/Kinetics Exam Thursday, June 5th

7 Agenda Warm – Up Potential Energy Diagrams ICE Review
Final Exam Project Intro Exit Ticket

8 Energy Diagrams Lets review the WS from yesterday!

9 Potential Energy Diagram
Interpret the PE diagram. Ask questions. We will review as a class Potential Energy Diagram

10 Label the potential energy diagram.

11 Lets review the acid base ICE tables from yesterday
Lets review the acid base ICE tables from yesterday. If you have questions, raise your hand!! ICE Box Review

12 ICE Table Practice

13 Practice 1 At some temperature, Keq = 33 for the reaction H2 + I2 2HI. If initially, [H2] = M and [I2] = M, what are all three equilibrium concentrations?

14 Practice 2 A 0.10M solution of formic acid, HCOOH, has a pH = 2.38 at 25oC. Calculate the Ka of formic acid.

15 Final Exam Review Project

16 Task Design a worksheet to review the assigned topic
Include all vocabulary DO NOT JUST ASK TO DEFINE WORDS Must be higher order thinking questions For each problem type 2 GT level problems Provide a worked out answer key to the worksheet Make sure you meet all the requirements of the rubric

17 Timeline Date Time Task Thursday, June 5 Half of Class
Assign group roles Begin gathering info Friday, June 6 Full Class Gather Info Begin designing worksheet June 9-11 Make worksheet and Answer Key June 11 Worksheet due to Mr. Klotz by the end of the period June 12,13,16,17 Work on review packet

18 Period 2 Groups Group #. Topic Group Members
1. Chemical Equations and Reactions 3 2. Mol/ Stoichiometry 4 3. Stoichiometry 4 4. Gas Laws 4 5. Solutions 3 6. Colligative Properties 3 7. Acids/Bases 3

19 Period 5 Groups Group #. Topic Group Members
1. Chemical Equations and Reactions 3 2. Mol/ Stoichiometry 4 3. Stoichiometry 4 4. Gas Laws 4 5. Solutions 3 6. Colligative Properties 3 7. Acids/Bases 3

20 Exit Ticket What progress have I made on my presentation?
What resources do I need? What do I still need to do? Is there is anything Ms. Ose can provide me to help?

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