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Influence of future climate change on air quality – global model results David Stevenson Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Science School of GeoSciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Influence of future climate change on air quality – global model results David Stevenson Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Science School of GeoSciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influence of future climate change on air quality – global model results
David Stevenson Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Science School of GeoSciences The University of Edinburgh Thanks to: Ruth Doherty (Univ. Edinburgh) Mike Sanderson, Colin Johnson, Bill Collins (Met. Office) Dick Derwent (rdscientific / Imperial College) Frank Dentener, Peter Bergamaschi, Frank Raes (JRC Ispra) Markus Amann, Janusz Cofala, Reinhard Mechler (IIASA) Martin Schultz, Guang Zeng, Kengo Sudo, Nadine Bell, Sophie Szopa, Veronica Montenaro, Jean-Francois Lamarque + All the other IPCC ACCENT modellers NERC and the Environment Agency for funding

2 Modelling Approach Global chemistry-climate model: STOCHEM-HadAM3 (also some results from others) Two transient runs: 1990 → 2030, following same emissions, but different climate scenarios: 1. Current Legislation (CLE) Assumes full implementation of all current legislation 2. CLE + climate change For 1, climate is unforced, and doesn’t change. For 2, climate is forced by the is92a scenario, and shows a global surface warming of ~1K between 1990 and 2030.

3 STOCHEM-HadAM3 Global Lagrangian chemistry-climate model
Meteorology: HadAM3 + prescribed SSTs GCM grid: 3.75° x 2.5° x 19 levels CTM: 50,000 air parcels, 1 hour timestep CTM output: 5° x 5° x 9 levels Detailed tropospheric chemistry CH4-CO-NOx-hydrocarbons (70 species) includes S chemistry Interactive lightning NOx, C5H8 from veg. these respond to changing climate ~3 years/day on 36 processors (SGI Altix)

4 Surface O3 (ppbv) 1990s

5 BAU Change in surface O3, CLE 2020s-1990s CLE +2 to 4 ppbv over
>+10 ppbv India +2 to 4 ppbv over N. Atlantic/Pacific A large fraction is due to ship NOx Change in surface O3, CLE 2020s-1990s BAU

6 destruction over the oceans vegetation & changes in
ΔO3 from climate change Warmer temperatures & higher humidities increase O3 destruction over the oceans But in polluted regions, more H2O promotes O3 production; also a role from increases in isoprene emissions from vegetation & changes in lightning NOx 2020s CLEcc- 2020s CLE

7 Zonal mean ΔT (2020s-1990s)

8 Zonal mean H2O increase 2020s-1990s

9 Zonal mean change in convective updraught flux 2020s-1990s

10 C5H8 change 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)

11 Lightning NOx change 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)
HadCM3 Amazon drying More lightning in N mid-lats Less, but higher, tropical convection No overall trend in Lightning NOx emissions

12 Zonal mean PAN decrease 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)
Colder LS Increased PAN thermal decomposition, due to increased T

13 Zonal mean NOx change 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)
Less tropical convection and lightning Increased N mid-lat convection and lightning Increased PAN decomposition

14 Zonal mean O3 budget changes 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)

15 Zonal mean O3 decrease 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)

16 Zonal mean OH change 2020s (climate change – fixed climate)
Complex function: F(H2O, NOx, O3, T,…)

17 Influence of climate change on O3 – 9 IPCC ACCENT models
Others dominated by increased stratospheric O3 influx Influence of climate change on O3 – 9 IPCC ACCENT models Some models dominated By the water vapour feedback – less O3

18 Summary Climate change will introduce feedbacks that modify air quality These include: More O3 destruction from H2O (background air) More O3 production from H2O (polluted air) More stratospheric input of ozone More isoprene emissions from vegetation Changes in convection: mixing & lightning NOx Increases in sulphate from OH and H2O2 Changes in circulation Wetland CH4 emissions (not studied here) Changes in stomatal uptake? (``) These are quite poorly constrained – different models show quite a wide range of response: large uncertainties

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