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1 Hyenas

2 Inherited Traits The hyena is covered in grey and yellow spots on it’s fur. The covering of the hyena helps it to camouflage. It hides from it’s prey, and when the time is right, it strikes!

3 Facts about hyenas It’s eyes help it to see in the dark and ears that help it hear from a mile away. It has a short, powerful muzzle

4 Where does it live? Africa
Savannas, grasslands, woodlands, forest edges, sub deserts, mountains

5 Behaviors Hyenas mark their territory with a strong smell so that their clan or cackle can stay together. When the hyena is attacking, it’s tail is sticking straight up.

6 Interesting Facts A hyena can live up to 25 years!
Hyenas live underground in dens

7 By Macario and Omri

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