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Cryptographic protocols 2016, Lecture 8 multi-round protocols

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1 Cryptographic protocols 2016, Lecture 8 multi-round protocols
Helger Lipmaa University of Tartu, Estonia

2 Up to now Introduction to the field
(2-message) secure computation protocols based on DDH and trapdoor DL Can do "everything'' but not necessarily efficiently BDD

3 this time Increase #rounds: computation can decrease significantly
another trade-off Multi-round protocols based on threshold encryption wow computationally-efficient, bad rounds

4 Case study: multiplication
Homomorphic protocols make it possible for Alice to compute any linear function Σi biai Higher-degree polynomials: possible but costly Alice encrypts all aiaj, Bob computes Enc (Σij bijaiaj) Requires quadratic number of ciphertexts Even worse when cubic+ polynomials are needed

5 multiplication with BDD
Assume inputs are m-bit long [Wegener and Woelfel, 2007]: BDD size to compute the middle bit of multiplication is Ω (m3/2 / log m) Expensive! Note: less expensive with circuits

6 unfortunately no time to cover during this course
Improvements? BDD => more efficient computational model Circuits More efficient public-key/symmetric-key operations Lattice-based cryptography Trade-off: more communication but less computation more rounds but less computation unfortunately no time to cover during this course Later

7 tradeoffs: 2 vs multi round
Enc(a) Enc(f(a)) Two-message protocols, pros: Cloud computing Undesirable to have communication with client Multi-round protocols, pros: Much better computation Choose the one you need depending on application

8 (n,t)-threshold encryption: idea
Keep sensitive data encrypted throughout the protocol (n, t)-threshold decryption: decryption can be done only when t out of n parties agree to decrypt Why interesting: parties agree to decrypt insensitive intermediate data that serves as "advice" to make protocol execution more efficient This lecture: (2, 2)-threshold en-/decryption

9 Threshold (2,2)-elgamal y1 ← ℤp h1 ← gy₁ y2 ← ℤp h2 ← gy₂ h1
// Dec*y₂ (c) c1* ← Decy₂ (c) = c1 / c2 y₂ = gmh1r c* ← (c1*, c2) // = (gmh1r, gr) = Ench₁(m) h ← h1 · h2 h2 h ← h1 · h2 m ← Decy₁(c*) y2 c = (c1, c2) = Ench (m) = (gmhr, gr) = (gm(h1h2)r, gr) y1 c*

10 security of (2,2)-threshold Encr
Correctness: Decy₁(Dec*y₂(Ench(m))) = Decy₂(Dec*y₁(Ench(m))) = m IND-CPA security (against 1 corrupted party): given (h, yi) (but not y3 - i) for i ∈ {1, 2}, Ench (m1) and Ench (m2) should look indistinguishable even if m1, m2 are chosen by the adversary Both straightforward

11 Notation Denote operations additively: [[a]] + b = [[a + b]]
Threshold encryption Denote [[a]] := Encpk (a; r) for (some) random r Denote operations additively: [[a]] + b = [[a + b]] c [[a]] = [[ca]] Denote [[(a1, ..., an)]] := ([[a1]], ..., [[an]]) Omit sk in Decsk (...) Makes simpler to comprehend, but hides details E.g., hides how is r chosen / blinded

12 local add. w/ elgamal h, y1 h, y2 c1 = [[a]], c2 = [[b]]
Known to both h, y1 h, y2 c1 = [[a]], c2 = [[b]] c3 ← c1 + c2 c3 ← c1 + c2 c3 = [[a + b]]

13 Idea: additive sharing
Known to both [[a]] [[a1]] a1 ← ℤp pk, sk1 pk, sk2 [[a2]] ← [[a - a1]] Dec([[a2]]) a2 Alice knows random a1 and Bob knows random a2 such that a = a1 + a2 Nobody by himself/herself knows a

14 Threshold multiplication: idea
Common input: [[a]] and [[b]] Alice and Bob secret-share a and b (neither knows a / b) Alice picks random a1, b1, sends [[a2]] ← [[a]] - a1, [[b2]] ← [[b]] - b1 to Bob Bob decrypts a2 (= a - a1), b2 (= b - b1), computes [[a2b2]] Alice computes [[ab]] given her shares, [[a]], [[b]], and [[a2b2]] [[ab]] = [[(a1 + a2)(b1 + b2)]] = [[a2b2]] + b1[[a1 + a2]] + a1[[b1 + b2]] - [[a1b1]] Can be computed by Alice

15 threshold mult. w/ elgamal
Known to both c1 = Ench(a; r), c2 = Ench(b; s) h, y1 a1, b1, r1, s1 ← ℤp d11 ← c11 / c12y₁ / ga₁ d21 ← c21 / c22y₁ / gb₁ d1 ← d1 / Ench₂ (0; r1) d2 ← d2 / Ench₂ (0; s1) d1, d2 h, y2 a2← Decy₂(d1) b2← Decy₂(d2) t ← ℤp c3 ← Ench(a2b2; t) c3 d₁ = (ga hr, gr) / (gry₁, 1) / (ga₁, 1) / (h₂r₁, gr₁) = (ga - a₁ h2r - r₁, gr - r₁) = Ench₂ (a2; r2) u ← ℤp c* ← c3 c1b₁ c2a₁ / Ench (a1b1; u) c* = Ench (a2b2 + ab1 + ba1 - a1b1; u) c* = [[ab]] [[ab]] = [[a2b2]] + b1 [[a1 + a2]] + a1 [[b1 + b2]] - [[a1b1]]

16 security Alice only sees [[a]], [[b]], a1, b1, and [[a2b2]]
Bob only sees [[a]], [[b]], [[ab]], a2, b2 Privacy follows from IND-CPA of Elgamal, and from randomness of a2 and b2 d1, d2 c3 c*

17 DL not efficient since a2, b2 random
Efficiency Round complexity: 3 messages Communication: 8 group elements Computation: Alice: 13 exponentiations Bob: 5 exponentiations + two DLs d1, d2 c3 c* DL not efficient since a2, b2 random

18 Threshold Paillier Elgamal will be described in tutorial
Threshold Paillier can be implemented similarly However techniques are more involved A simple threshold version exists for the “Paillier Elgamal” cryptosystem, proposed by Damgård and Jurik (2003) Encpks (m; r) = (gr mod N, (1 + N)m hr mod Ns + 1) Public key: h. Secret key: y, such that h = gy Threshold Paillier Elgamal will be described in tutorial

19 recall: arithmetic circuits
Standard computation model Inputs are variables or constants Every node multiplies or adds its inputs Output of circuit: top value + + + + 2 y z

20 recall: arithmetic circuits
[[2+z+2y+2y(y+z)]] [[(2+z)(y+z)]] Inputs encrypted and shared by their owner Each addition gate computed locally Mult. gates: by using last protocol Outputs threshold-decrypted and given to corresponding parties + [[2+z+2y]] [[2y(y+z)]] + [[2+z]] [[2y]] [[y+z]] + + requires communication / additional rounds [[2]] [[y]] [[z]] 2 y z

21 general 2-party computation
[[2+z+2y+2y(y+z)]] [[(2+z)(y+z)]] Computation: Θ (size + #inputs +#outputs) Communication: Θ (#mult gates) Rounds: Θ (multiplicative depth): max number of mult. gates in any path + [[2+z+2y]] [[2y(y+z)]] size: 7, #inputs: 3 + #mult gates: 3 [[2+z]] [[2y]] [[y+z]] + + [[2]] [[y]] [[z]] 2 y z mult depth: 2

22 Idea: find the simplest polynomial that agrees with data
trick: interpolation Generalizes linearization Assume we are given (xi, yi) for S = (x1, ..., xd) Interpolation: find the minimum-degree polynomial f such that f (xi) = yi for all i In general deg f = d - 1 Idea: find the simplest polynomial that agrees with data

23 recall: interpolation
Assume we are given (xi, yi) for S = (x1, ..., xd) Interpolation: find the minimum-degree polynomial f such that f (xi) = yi for all i In general deg f = d - 1 Lagrange interpolating polynomial: = 1, x = xi = 0, x = xj for j ≠ i

24 More complex protocols
Every function over ℤp can be computed as its interpolating polynomial f (a) = ∑0 ≤ i ≤ p ciai pk, sk1 pk, sk2 [[a]] Compute all [[ai]] by using mult. "prefix-sum" protocol, needs Θ(log p) rounds [[f1 (a)]] ← ∑ c1i [[ai]] [[f2 (a)]] ← ∑ c2i [[ai]] Bad: up to p ≈ 2160 multiplication protocols in general Threshold decrypt f1 (a) Threshold decrypt f2 (a)

25 optimisation Even very simple functions f : ℤp × ℤp → ℤp can have complicated expressions as polynomials Example: given [[a]], [[b]] compute [[a = b]] [[1]] if a = b, [[0]] otherwise not clear how to compute efficiently

26 Closer to equality test
[[a]], [[b]] → [[a = b]] = [[a - b = 0]] Interpolation (brute force) approach: If a, b ∈ {0, ..., n}: z := a - b ∈ S := { -n, ..., 0, ..., n } Define f (z) = 1 if z = 0, f (z) = 0 if z ∈ S but z ≠ 0 Can compute f by interpolation, but f has degree 2n Requires computation of [[z]], [[z2]], ..., [[z2n]] Costly if n is not small // n = 240?

27 trick: bitwise computation
[[a]], [[b]] → [[a = b]] where a, b ∈ {0, ..., n} Trick 2 (universal): bitwise sharing share [[ai]] and [[bi]] for all bits i results often in much less computation ...but sometimes in more communication We have seen something similar before (bitwise CPIR)

28 equality test Compute [[w]]
{[[ai]], [[bi]]}i → [[a = b]] where a, b ∈ {0, ..., n} Set [[zi]] ← [[ai]] - [[bi]] // local computation, zi ∈ {-1, 0, 1} w = weight (z) := |{i : zi ≠ 0}| = ∑zi² [[z = 0]] ⇔ [[w = 0]] Protocol idea: Compute [[w]] w ∈ {0, ..., log2 n} --- exponentially smaller set Interpolate [[f (w)]], f (w) = 1 iff w = 0

29 equality test ∀ i: ci = [[ai]], di = [[bi]] pk, sk1 pk, sk2
∀i: [[zi]] ← [[ai - bi]] ∀i: [[zi]] ← [[ai - bi]] pk, sk2 For i ≤ log2 n: compute [[zi2]] Let f (0) = 1, f (w) =0 for w ∈ {1, ..., log2 n} Interpolate f [[a = b]] ← ∑ fi [[wi]] [[w]] ← ∑ [[zi2]] [[w]] ← ∑ [[zi2]] Let f (0) = 1, f (w) =0 for w ∈ {1, ..., log2 n} Interpolate f [[a = b]] ← ∑ fi [[wi]] Prefix-sum protocol to compute [[wi]] for i ≤ log n

30 efficiency Computation: Θ (log n) exponentiations:
squarings [[zi]] → [[zi2]] computation of [[wi]] Exponentially more computation-efficient than trivial protocol Rounds: Θ (log log n) (due to prefix-sum protocol)

31 quiz: private IF Clause
Non-private: if a = b then z ← z · b else z ← z + a Private (cannot reveal information flow): [[a = b]] ← EQ ([[a]], [[b]]) [[a ≠ b]] ← 1 - [[a = b]] [[z]] ← [[a=b]]·[[z · b]] + [[a≠b]]·[[z + a]] Equality test can be used to implement if clauses “efficiently” Need to execute both branches, though

32 general 2-party comp. In principle, what we told in this lecture can be used to implement arbitrary 2-party computation on top of threshold Paillier A lot of small tricks: interpolation, bitwise, ... Computation much better than with PrivateBDD of the last lecture, but potentially many rounds Another very active research area

33 Study outcomes Threshold encryption, threshold Elgamal
Simple threshold multiplication protocol Trade-off: rounds vs computation Other protocols (EQ), simple tricks interpolation, bitwise computation

34 What next? We defined two-party multi-round protocols
quite computation-efficient Still: need to use a lot of PK cryptography Next lecture: multi-party protocols in principle no need for PK crypto but need to trust a sizable portion of participants is honest somewhere between the "real" and "ideal" model

35 tutorial Will explain the prefix-sum protocol…
and threshold Paillier Elgamal

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