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STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success

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Presentation on theme: "STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success

2 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Steve’s face turned as white as snow. What type of figurative language is this? Explain.

3 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Amy is a walking encyclopedia. What type of figurative language is this? Explain.

4 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Mel passed the test by the skin of her teeth. What type of figurative language is this? Explain.

5 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Authors use figurative language to help readers create pictures in their mind. Similes, metaphors, and idioms are all examples of figurative language.

6 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Simile – compares two things using like or as to connect them.

7 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
metaphor – compares or describes one thing in terms of another—does not use like or as.

8 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
idiom – A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the literal meanings Example: Keep tabs on, caught red handed

9 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Personification-gives human characteristics to inanimate objects The stars winked in the sky.

10 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Hyperbole-an exaggeration used to make a point. She was so tired she could sleep for a week!

11 Lesson 11-Interpreting Figurative Language
Find a STARS book. Find your answer sheet. Turn to page 119. We will read this together. 


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