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Testbeam status report

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1 Testbeam status report
S1,S2 Quartz(?) C1 C2 EMC Si1,Si2 Ancillary systems procurement DAQ system Crystal measurements (Some) Mechanical issues More issues?

2 Ancillaries S1/S2 : two 10cm X 10cm X 1cm plastic scintillators, to be used in the trigger and to synchronize the two independent DAQ NOT YET READY C1/C2 Cerenkov counters, CERN setup: the detectors are provided by CERN in the beam line, two channels, electron/pion separation, radout via ADC VME system. DAQ system integrated with beam telescope and new electronics channels we do not have/need external particle identification. The beam telescope (2 X-Y planes, Fermi sensors, single sided detectors, they are nearly 10x10 cm^2, 50 micron strips, 225 micron pitch, 384 strips per wafer, 400 micron silicon) is ready. They have been assembled and pre-tested in Mipot (Trieste) and will get back to Perugia tonight. In the next couple of weeks tests with cosmic rays and development of DAQ software.

3 Ancillaries Quartz bar with photomultiplier readout. Is it ok a simple peak sensing ADC? If yes, we have it, otherwise we need to get an ADC for that. DAQ System: VME based (VME V8010 CAEN Crate) BIT3 controller Sirocco ADC for the beam telescope silicon strips V1720 Sampling (250 MHz) ADC for the 5 LYSO channels equipped with the new electronics (we have a total of 8 channels) V785 peak sensing ADC (16 channels).

4 Crystal measurements (Mechanical quality)
The five crystals delivered so far by Saint-Gobain have been measured (already reported on Feb 24th). All, but one, sized are within the 100 micron tolerance. Saint-Gobain has been informed. To be repeated on the following 7 crystals.

5 Crystal measurements (LY)
We are setting up a testbench to measure crystals LY (for the 12 crystals). Tests will start this week.

6 Mechanical structure (1)

7 Mechanical structure (1)
Kapton cables length 8cm. CsI crystals moved back by 2 cm to facilitate connection of cables to patch panel…??

8 Mechanical structure (2)
Moving back the CsI crystals by 2 cm will allow a more confortable assembly of the device.

9 Mechanical structure (3)
Box made with Cu for electrical shielding. 5 mm walls except for the side facing the beam: 1mm Cu or 1 mm G-10 Cu plated window in the bam spot.

10 Other issues

11 Logistics @LNF and @CERN
At some point, sooner for LNF, we need to know an exact list of people that will be around for the beamtest. Both Labs needs special paperwork to be accessed outside regular working hours. The access information for LNF can be found at the following link: @CERN, since the testbeam is in October, we still have quite some time.

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