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UK’s Approach to Measuring Personal Well-being

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1 UK’s Approach to Measuring Personal Well-being
Matthew Steel Office for National Statistics 3-4 December 2015

2 Contents Developing measures of personal well-being in the UK
Where we are now Use of the results Lessons learned and future directions

3 A quick refresher UK’s Measuring National Well-being (MNW) Programme was launched in November 2010. Aim of producing accepted and trusted measures of the well-being of the nation. Measurement of PWB part of much larger programme, involving: -Wide scale public consultation via a National Debate focusing on ‘what matters most to you?’ -Linked to this, selection of (now) 42 headline indicators

4 Personal Well-being Questions
The questions have been asked on the APS Survey since April 2011, and have now achieved National Statistics Status.

5 The Annual Population Survey
Key strengths Key challenges Large sample: 165,000 people per year Representative of UK adults (aged 16+) living in residential households Enables analysis of small sub-groups; lower level geographies Annual frequency; interviewing throughout the year Mixed mode interviewing (CAPI/ CATI) Topic coverage- based on Labour Force Survey Complex sample design- panel element Household survey- no representation of non-household population

6 How well do the PWB questions work?
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) used for testing alternatives: - Question order effects - Question wording variations Cognitive testing used for understanding why things matter: - How people understand and use the response scale - Views about interview context Secondary analysis of the APS data used to explore: Mode effects Day of the week effects Other surveys and researchers: Now used on many other surveys across the UK Questions used in evaluative work, before/ after designs, among marginalised groups, in translation, etc…

7 How does interview mode affect responses?
People rate personal well-being significantly lower on average when interviewed face-to-face compared to by telephone Life sat Worthwhile Happy yesterday Anxious yesterday Face-to-face interview -0.171* -0.165* -0.132* 0.054

8 How does alternative wording affect responses?
Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? Overall, how worried did you feel yesterday? Anxious yesterday question wording - November 20111 1. Only one months data available and therefore based on small sample sizes.

9 Does month of interview make a difference?
significant differences in life satisfaction and happiness month on month, but not worthwhile

10 Does month of interview make a difference?
A significant difference at the 1% level between months for the ‘anxious yesterday’ question. Mean anxious yesterday by month

11 Conclusions from testing so far...
Testing programme is a work in progress, but findings suggest… - Mode of interview matters - Asking the questions in different ways matters- but which way is best? - Day of the week matters - There are fluctuations over the year, but is this in response to events or seasonal or both? - A closer look is needed at panel effects and online mode effects

12 Uses of ONS personal well-being data
Key reason for measuring national well-being is to make better policy decisions ONS personal well-being data are becoming a more and more common instrument for assessing, among other things, policy impact I will first touch upon a few examples demonstrating the value of personal well-being data based on ONS led analysis


14 How have the results been used (Fear of crime)
Positive personal well-being rating, broken down by likelihood of being a victim of crime, 2012/13 and 2013/14 CSEW

15 How have the results been used (Engagement with natural environment)
Life satisfaction, broken down by engagement frequency with the natural environment; MENE

16 Some other examples..... The British Red Cross used personal well-being measures to capture outcomes for refugees at the beginning and end of the support period. UK Government created a dedicated ‘Well-being What Works Centre’. They have adopted ONS well-being definition to help shape activities. Public Health England have recommended ONS4 as a preferred measurement tool for assessing the well-being of children and young persons.

17 Recognising the benefits of volunteering (social action)

18 Is it worthwhile asking all 4 questions?
In simple, the answer is yes. The ONS4 have been widely syndicated across a large number of UK surveys, have National Statistic accreditation, and each of the 4 questions tells us something different/ interesting However, if space is limited then a few of these questions could be added that are most relevant to the intervention being tested.

19 If you do need to prioritise
A few pointers to help you choose: 1. Life Satisfaction; is the most widely used and comparable measure. 2. Anxiety; has been seen to be particularly sensitive to a range of interventions and life events and as such is worth including as a priority if there is space available. 3. Worthwhile; is particularly useful for capturing the impact of activities such as volunteering and work. 4. Happiness; if measured can also be combined with anxiety to calculate affect balance (happiness minus anxiety).

20 Lessons learned Too much focus on personal well-being, incorrectly became synonymous with national well-being but understand why, e.g easy to understand, easy to benchmark against, 4 measures better than 42 Happiness perceived by some as too fluffy, but evidence that tide is turning The more sub-national your estimates the better...

21 Creating a 3 year dataset enabled local authority analysis

22 Future directions Planned/ possible further testing:
Internet-based data collection Panel effects Latent class analysis, to enable identification of well-being profiles Well-being adjusted life years (or WELBYs) Bridging to SDGs? Social Capital collaboration with OECD

23 Any questions?

24 Helpful Links Social Impacts Task Force guidelines on introducing personal well-being questions: OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being: Personal Well-being in the UK, 2014/15:

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