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Consumer Motivation Lecture 3a.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Motivation Lecture 3a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Motivation Lecture 3a

2 The Gap Between ideal state And Perceived state

3 Motivation: “… the inner drive that reflects goal -directed behaviour” Consumer Behaviour: The drive to satisfy needs and wants through the purchase and use of products and services

4 Bases of Motivation Physiological + Psychological needs and wants

5 e.g. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

6 5 Stages of Motivation Latent Need Drive Want / Desire Goal Behaviour

7 Motivation Needs / Wants Values

8 Functional Symbolic + Experience

9 Functional Buying things for what they do Physiological

10 Symbolic Buying things for what they mean Psychologoical

11 Experiential The value from the experience Physiological + Psychological


13 McQuire’s Motives based on Needs
Consistency with other all facets of “life” Attribution – understand why “life” is the way it is Understand “life” in a meaningful way. Contextualise own behaviours and that of others. Autonomy / control of of own destiny Teleological films novels etc have moral outcomes Utilitarian need – consumers solve problems as opportunities Stimulation – variety seeking

14 McQuire’s Motives based on Needs cont..
Tension reduction – Cognitive Dissonance Expression of own identity by consimption Ego defense – to protect ourselves if threatened Need for reinforcement – reward / encouragement Assertion – for self esteem Affiliation Identification within a role – belonginess Modelling – basing ourselves on others..

15 Real motives!!! Apparent Motives Hidden Motives
A Large Car is more comfortable It will show that I am successful It’s a high quality car that performs well Buy a Mercedes Benz Some of my friends drive a Mercedes Benz It is a powerful and sexy car and it will make me powerful and sexy

16 The Gap Between ideal state And Perceived state

17 Why do people eat in restaurants?
Hungry Cool Celebration Can’t cook Cultural Business meeting Critical advice Other???

18 Consumer Motivation Exercise Mobile phones Holidays Exercise shoes Television.. Sauvage After Shave. … use Maslow’s Hierarchy to identify motivations

19 Why I bought this Car

20 The Real Reason

21 Personality The way (often unique) in which people respond to situations – including marketing strategies. How can you categorise personalities?

22 Personality Traits A trait is a characteristic that people have that leads to tendencies to behaviour in a certain way. The Five Factor Model identifies Five CORE traits.

23 The Five Factor Model of Personality
Extroversion Instability Agreeableness Openness – Conscientious

24 Brands have personalities!
Dependable Fashionable Hi Tech Sturdy Extrovert – Fun ETC… Think of some brands of cars and describe them in terms of traits…

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