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Michigan Merit Curriculum

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2 Michigan Merit Curriculum
Strand 4: Social and Emotional Health 4.2 Describe the warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors for depression and suicide. 4.3 Identify and locate valid resources in one’s community and on the internet for information and services regarding depression and suicide prevention. 4.4 Demonstrate how to seek help for self or others when suicide may be a risk.

3 Suicide Definition: The intention of taking one’s own life
Approximately 25% of high school students seriously consider suicide each year Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death from ages 15-24

4 Suicidal Tendencies: People who are risk for attempting suicide tend to have one or more of the following characteristics: Aggressive behavior Perfectionist behavior Feelings of hopelessness Low self-esteem Inadequate social skills Mental disorders Depression Hidden anger

5 People are more likely to attempt suicide if they:
Abuse alcohol or other drugs Have experienced the death of a parent, parental separation, or parental divorce Feel alienated from family & friends Are teased or rejected by peers Have difficulty coping w/body changes & sexuality

6 Cluster Suicides Sometimes within a teen population, cluster suicides occur. These are several series of suicides occurring within a short period of time and involving several people in the same school or community. They account for 5% of all suicides in a year. Some are the result of pacts or agreements between two or more people to take part in suicide. Others result when individuals commit suicide in response to the suicide of a friend or a suicide that has been sensationalized in the media.

7 Suicide Adolescent boys have higher rate of completion
Adolescent girls have higher rate of attempts Most in spring (March, April, May) (Monday) Least in summer (June, July, August) (Saturday) Use of firearms is increasing at higher rate than other methods Account for dramatic increase in adolescent suicide rate Most in home

8 Breakdown of Suicidal Warning signs
Verbal Take seriously any direct or indirect statement One of myths is that if they talk about it, they will not do it Behavioral Previous attempt is most serious & predictive signs Any changes in behavior should be questioned Setting one’s affairs in order Making arrangement to be a donor Giving away prize possessions

9 Loss of boyfriend or girlfriend Fight w/ peers, especially best friend
Situational Loss of job Loss of boyfriend or girlfriend Fight w/ peers, especially best friend Fight or serious disagreement w/parent Chronic illness Survival of illness w/ a disability Move to new city Academic failure Being caught for a crime

10 4 out of 5 teens who attempt suicide have given clear warnings signs
Suicide threats, direct & indirect Obsession w/ death Poems, essays, & drawings that refer to death Dramatic change in personality or appearance Irrational, bizarre behavior Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or rejection Changed eating or sleeping patterns Severe drop in school performance Giving away belongings Sudden change in mood: sad to happy all of sudden Self-Injury

11 Suicide Prevention Strategies:
Know suicide hotline numbers: National Youth Suicide Hotline: Know what to do when a person feels depressed Help the person build a network of support Get the person involved in rewarding activities Know what to do if someone shows warning signs:

12 What to do? Do not ignore any warning signs or treat them lightly
Ask a responsible adult for help Let the person know you care: be concerned & show respect Listen & try not to be shocked by what the person says Ask the person directly if she/he is considering suicide Help the person think of better ways to solve problems Identify other supportive people w/ whom the person can talk Get professional help. Call a suicide hotline or school officials, the person’s parents & physician, clergy or police Do not leave the person alone

13 Do not attempt to deal with the suicidal person alone
Remember: Do not attempt to deal with the suicidal person alone Do not allow yourself to be sworn to secrecy by the suicidal person “..if someone is hurting you or if you plan to hurt yourself or others, I cannot promise..”

14 A.C.T. A: Acknowledge the signs of suicide (SOS) that others display & take the signs seriously. C: Care: show that you care about what happens to them & want to help T: Tell: you need to tell a trusted adult

15 Dealing With A Suicide When somebody you know commits suicide, it can be one of the hardest things to deal with. Not only are you trying to cope with the loss of a friend, but you are also trying to cope with the fact that it was their choice. Also, very few people leave letters, explaining the reasons for their actions, so chances are you are asking the worst question of all. Why?

16 One of the things you have to know is that you are not alone.
Dealing With A Suicide One of the things you have to know is that you are not alone. There are probably other people who are dealing with the loss as well. The best thing you can do for yourself, and other friends, it to TALK ABOUT IT!

17 If you are having trouble coping, you should find someone to talk to.
Dealing With A Suicide Talking is probably the best therapy, especially if it is with someone who is going through the same thing. If you are having trouble coping, you should find someone to talk to. The worst thing you could do is keep it all bottled up. 4.4 Demonstrate how to seek help for self or others when suicide may be a risk.

18 Suicide & Depression WORKBOOK Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for people ages of 15 to 24 years of age. Suicide rate has quadrupled in the last 40 – 50 years

19 Statistics 3. The risk of suicide may have increased dramatically from the access to more firearms at home. Nearly 60% of all suicides in the U.S. are committed with a gun. 4. Suicide with a firearm has a 78 – 90% chance of fatality. 5. Approximately 1/3 of all teens who commit suicide have made a previous attempt.

20 Statistics Which State has highest rate? Which Season?
6. It is uncertain how many suicide attempts there are for each suicide death. Different studies estimate a number between 10 and 20. 7. Research shows that around 80 % of attempted suicides are preceded by clear warning signs.

21 Statistics Boys vs. girls:
Girls think about and attempt suicide about twice as often as boys. Girls who attempt tend to overdose on drugs or cut themselves. Boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to succeed in their attempts. Boys die by suicide more often than girls because they tend to use more lethal methods.

22 Statistics Boys tend to use more lethal methods such as firearms, hanging, or jumping from heights. In a recent survey… Almost 1 in 5 high school students had seriously considered attempting suicide. More than 1 in 6 had made plans to attempt suicide; and More than 1 in 12 had made a suicide attempt in the past year.

23 Stress Factors Hormones Peer Pressure Self-esteem Expectations
Academic responsibility

24 YouTube - Teen Depression & Suicide

25 Who is affected? 21. When a teen commits suicide, everyone is affected. Family members, friends, teammates, neighbors, and sometimes even those who did not know the person well may experience feeling of grief, confusion, guilt and the sense that if only they had done something differently, the suicide could have been prevented.

26 Risk Factors? Previous suicide attempts.
Drugs and/or alcohol/substance abuse. Family history of suicide, substance abuse or mental disorders, abuse / violence. Stressful situation or a loss. (death, breakup) Easy access to firearms (most in own home) Exposure to other teens who have committed suicide.

27 Risk Factors? Socially isolated
Teens who talk about suicide. Four out of five people give warning signs. Depression. Over 90% of teen suicide victims have a mental disorder, such as depression, and/or history of alcohol or drug abuse. Teens that are homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.

28 YouTube - committing suicide

29 Warning Signs Withdrawal from family/friends
4.2 Describe the warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors for depression and suicide. Page 31 in workbook Withdrawal from family/friends Shows an inability to concentrate. Sleeps too much or too little or changes in eating habits. Talks of suicide. Has dramatic changes in personal appearance. Loses interest in their favorite activities.

30 Warning Signs Expresses hopelessness or excessive guilt.
Exhibits self – destructive behavior. Seems preoccupied with death. Gives away his/her favorite possessions. A breakup with a boy/friend or girlfriend.

31 Warning Signs A divorce or separation in the family.
A major family or friendship conflict. A stressful life event such as a perceived failure in/at school. They talk about going away.

32 If you are worried about a friend:
Ask directly if he/she is considering suicide. Ask if he/she has made a plan and has done anything to carry it out. (how detailed, time, place) Listen openly and tell your friend that you care. Tell your friend that help is available. (page 35 in workbook more suggestions)

33 If you are worried about a friend:
Do not leave your friend alone! Help your friend find someone trained to help. Talk with a trusted adult (tell someone ASAP) Do not minimize or discount their problems. In an emergency, you can call 800-SUICIDE OR 911.

34 YouTube - Suicide Signs - Don't give up

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