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Create a timeline for Weimar Germany

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1 Create a timeline for Weimar Germany 1919-1929
Year 11 History Easter Revision Challenge! Complete a different revision task every day. When you have completed a task cross it off. Hand in your work in your first lesson back after Easter to get a prize. Create a timeline of ‘Anglo-Saxons and Normans’ Write out the chain of evacuation on the Western Front Explain one way in which treatment of disease differed in Renaissance and 19th century medicine. (4 marks) Create a timeline of individuals in medicine Describe 2 features of the Ypres battlefield (4 marks) Complete an ‘A-Z’ list for Nazi Germany Create an ‘A-Z’ list for American West Explain the importance of the Oregon Trail for the early settlement of the West (8 marks) Watch a ‘history file medicine’ on youtube. Bullet point notes. Describe 2 features of earldoms in Anglo-Saxon England. (4 marks) Explain why Hitler became chancellor in 1933 (12 Marks) Complete a revision clock for Medieval medicine Complete a revision clock for ‘Life in Nazi Germany’. Explain why William won the Battle of Hastings (12 marks) Complete a timeline for American West. Explain why there was a succession crisis after the death of Edward The Confessor (12 marks) Create a timeline for Weimar Germany Explain two consequences of the development of ranching on the Plains (8 Marks) Complete a revision clock for ‘Law and Order in the American West’ Create a poster to show developments in medicine in 20th Century Write a list of topics you need to revise

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