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Resource package for schools

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1 Resource package for schools
Operation Encompass Resource package for schools BDDWA incorporating The WISH Centre BDDWA has a strong track record of delivery in local schools.  We have worked with the majority of schools in BwD including the various faith schools, PRUs, independent schools, free schools and special needs schools.  In the last 12 years BDDWA has engaged with over 40,000 children in schools and supported over 2,000 children in our refuges. In addition, we have supported children and young people annually on our therapeutic programmes and through our qualified Young People IDVAs We use a well-practised support package of age-appropriate programmes to support young people. These include safety planning, safe coping strategies, managing difficult emotions and feelings, developing resilience and understanding healthy relationships. Using our experience and the resources that we have developed, we will create a resource pack for schools to use when supporting a child/young person following an Operation Encompass disclosure.

2 Resource package for schools
Operation Encompass Resource package for schools 1. ‘At a glance’ summary of Domestic Abuse and the effects on children 2. (6 point?) Checklist of actions for school staff to complete with the child 3. Explanatory notes for the checklist 4. ‘Conversation starter’ resources for all key stages 5. Safety planning resources for all key stages 6. Links to more information about Domestic Abuse and effects of children 7. Links to further resources and session plans This will not be designed to replace training about DA and effects on children, however will provide key points to enable school staff to confidently deal with the Op Encompass disclosure. This will be a child friendly document for the staff to complete alongside the child and may act as a ‘conversation starter’ in itself. It will help staff ensure that the child has the opportunity to talk, has completed basic safety planning and is ready to learn. This will give tips and instructions for completing the checklist. These will be easy to use PDF sheets which can be downloaded and printed. Each will be a standalone resource that needs minimal (if any) preparation. These will be designed to instigate conversation (rather than having key learning points). Each will have a very brief description so that you can quickly and easily choose which ones to use. Themes will include ‘healthy and unhealthy ways of coping’, ‘identifying feelings’, ‘positive relationships’ etc. 5. Age appropriate safety planning activities/ sheets- downloadable pdfs as above. 6. Online list of appropriate links for further reading. 7. Online list of links to resources, session plans, online games, video clips- useful if staff get chance to do any further work with the Young Person.

3 Consultation
Please follow the link to complete the short survey. The package is not set in stone yet and we are keen to take on board ideas….

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