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Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
How is my rule book set up ???? Regulations - Great stuff for league personnel. Playing Rules - Rule Objectives of the Game Rule Definition of Terms Rule Game Preliminaries Rule Starting and Ending the Game Rule Putting the Ball in Play – Dead Ball Rule The Batter Rule The Runner Rule The Pitcher Rule The Umpire Tournament Rules and Guidelines / Appendixes
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 1 Notes
1.04 The Playing Field Baseball batters box Softball batters box
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 1 Notes
1.04 The Playing Field – Bad Foul Lines??? LL INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: If the foul lines, batter’s box lines, or other lines are not correct, the umpire may choose a number of options: utilize the lines as placed; eliminate the lines; or re-line the field.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 1 Notes
1.06 If a base is dislodged from its position during a play, any following runner on the same play shall be considered as touching or occupying the base if , in the umpire’s judgement, the runner touches or occupies the dislodged bag or the point marked by the original location of the dislodged bag.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes Double First Base White (fair) – Used by Defense and on Tag Ups. Color (Orange or Green) (foul) – Used by Batter/Runner whenever a play is being made running to 1B. Either can be used by Batter/Runner when no play is being made and rounding the base for extra base hit or when running to 1B after uncaught third strike.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes There is no on deck area in LL Baseball Major and Below divisions. This includes any fenced in areas alongside dugouts. In addition, only the First scheduled hitter of an inning is permitted to warm up outside the dugout between innings. 1.10 – Baseball bats (non-wood) must meet NEW USA Baseball standards. Softball bats (non-wood) must have a BPF of Batting ‘donuts’ are not permitted. Batting warmup ‘sleeves’ are permitted. No pine tar is permitted. The batter is out if he/she enters the batter’s box with one or both feet entirely on the ground with an illegal bat or is discovered having used an illegal bat prior to the next player entering the batter’s box. The ball is dead and runners must return if they advanced on the play.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes Exposed pitchers undershirt must be solid color and not white or gray (or yellow in softball). No metal cleats. No jewelry except for medical purposes No casts Baseball catchers must wear catchers mitt. No such requirement in softball.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes Baseball - Pitching glove may not be white or gray or distracting. Pitcher may wear a batting glove on glove hand as long as it is not white, gray or yellow. Softball - Pitching glove may not be the color of the ball used in the game or distracting. Only thing allowed on either hand/arm is a compression sleeve which is solid black, white, gray or uniform color.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes Helmets - Helmets may not be repainted and may not contain tape or reapplied decals unless approved in writing by the helmet manufacturer or authorized dealer. If a helmet is cracked or degraded the youth umpire shall disallow it’s use in the game If there is a question with a sticker on a helmet, the game coordinator will make the final decision on use of the helmet in the game.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 1 Notes 1.17 – Catchers – Wearing of a catchers helmet with mask and dangling throat guard (even if the mask has a wire extension) is required during games, pitcher warm up and any form of infield/outfield practice. The ‘Hockey Style’ helmet is authorized for use (no skull caps allowed). The dangling throat guard still must be attached properly.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Bunt - Baseball - If no attempt is made to make contact with a ball outside the strike zone while in the bunting stance, it shall be called a ball. The batter must offer at the pitch for it to be a strike. Softball – Holding the bat in the strike zone is considered an attempted bunt. In order to take a pitch, the batter must withdraw the bat backwards away from the ball.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Catch - A catch is the act of a fielder getting secure possession in the hand or glove of a ball inflight and firmly holding it before it touches the ground. The fielder shall hold the ball long enough to prove complete control and that release of the ball is voluntary and intentional. Runners may leave their bases the instant the first fielder touches the ball.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Fair Ball – A batted ball that settles on fair ground between home and first base, or between home and third base, or that touches first, second, or third base, or that first falls on fair territory on or beyond first or third base, or that, while on or over fair territory touches an umpire or player, or that while over fair territory passes out of the playing field in flight (home run). A fair fly (or ground ball) shall be adjudged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the foul pole, and not as to whether the fielder is on fair or foul territory at the time such fielder touches the ball. A foul ball is a batted ball that does not meet the above criteria for a fair ball or that touches any foreign object in foul territory.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Dead Ball – Ball out of play because of a legally created temporary suspension of play.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Foul Tip – A batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher’s hands and is legally caught. It is not a legal catch if it is a rebound, unless the ball has first touched the catcher’s hand or glove. A Foul Tip is always a LIVE BALL and runners may advance. A Foul Tip that is not legally caught becomes a Foul Ball.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Infield Fly – A fly ball (not a line dry or attempted bunt) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, with runners at 1B and 2B or bases loaded, with less than 2 outs. During an infield fly the ball is live and runners may advance at the risk of that ball being caught. If an infield fly is allowed to fall untouched to the ground and bounces or remains foul, it is a foul ball. As long as it is ordinary effort, an infield fly may be called if an infielder can make the catch on the outfield grass.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Selected Definitions and Notes Summary of Infield Fly – Requirements: Less than 2 outs Runners at first/second or bases loaded Ball able to be caught by infielder with reasonable effort Fly ball with ascernable arc – no bunt Fair Ball Results Batter is out Runners may advance at their own risk Force play is OFF
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 2 Notes Strike - Any part of ball goes through any part of the strike zone Strike Zone - Armpits to top of knees in normal stance
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 3 Notes 3.03 – Substitution Rules Canal Little League uses a continuous batting order in the divisions using youth umpires. Minimum playing time rules are applicable, however once met, free defensive substitutions are allowed. 3.04 – Courtesy runners are not permitted 3.08 – If a substitute pitcher takes a position on the pitcher’s plate and throws a warm up pitch, they are officially in the game. 3.09 – Managers or coaches must NOT warm up a pitcher at home plate or in the bull pen or elsewhere at any time. ‘Warming up’ means getting in a ‘catcher’s stance’. Playing catch from an upright position is allowed.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 3 Notes Both managers will make the decision on fitness of the playing field for play prior to the pre game plate meeting. If there is a disagreement, a Canal Board Member will make this decision. The UIC (adult) or Game Coordinator will make the final decision on suspending play once the pre game plate meeting is complete.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes Note - After a dead ball, wait until the pitcher is on the pitching plate, the catcher is crouched in his/her normal stance and the batter is set, THEN physically and verbally signal “PLAY”.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes While using a continuous batting order: If a player is injured during the game, their spot in the batting order shall be passed over with no penalty. If a player arrives late for a game, that player will be inserted at the bottom of the team’s batting lineup (regardless of where they are currently at in the order). Players arriving late to a game ARE NOT required to meet mandatory playing times. Teams are required to have 2 base coaches at all times. This does not waive the requirement to have a coach in the dugout AT ALL TIMES. If less than 3 coaches are available, the role of base coach should be filled by a player. Players acting as base coaches are required to wear a batting helmet.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes 4.06 – How much is too much???? “Hey Blue …. They can’t do that…. It’s affecting my pitcher!” 4.06 – No manager, coach or player shall at any time make any calculated move to cause the pitcher to make an illegal pitch Normal (or even loud) cheering/singing etc. IS PERMITTED. Changing the tone/pitch/whatever when the pitcher is delivering his/her pitch IS NOT. Umpire shall call ‘time’ and warn the manager/coach. If continued, removal from the game may be required.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes If the 3rd out is recorded on a play, the run is not scored if: The batter-runner is out before touching first base Any runner is forced out A preceeding runner is declared out on appeal for failure to touch a base. Note: A tagup is not a force play…… it is an appeal. Example: 1 out. Blevins on Third. Alexander on First. Lang flies out to right field. The throw from right field beats Alexander back to the base, but Blevins tagged up and has already scored first. In this case it is a timing play and Blevin’s run WOULD count.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes 4.10 – If a game is called, it is a regulation game if 4 innings (3 ½ if home team is winning) are completed. Note: Minor A Baseball and Major Softball have runs/inning limits. Confirm these limits, and if the ‘last inning’ is unlimited runs during your pre game plate meeting. If, due to darkness, the game must be shortened, the umpire shall inform both managers of the appropriate ‘last inning’ to allow both teams the unlimited run opportunity. The game shall be declared complete if one team is leading by 10 runs after 4 complete innings (3 ½ if home team is winning).
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 4 Notes 4.17 – Games cannot be started or continued if less than 9 players are available on each team. Any time this situation occurs it IS NOT a forfeit. Accurately record the situation and report this to me and any present board member (if available). Protests - If a manager would like to Protest a game, that’s perfectly fine. As a Junior Umpire, you are to have your Game Coordinator record the game situation, then tell them to contact the respective division officer and myself after the game is over. Then CONTINUE the game. A protest has to be addressed prior to the next pitch or it is Invalid.
What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases??
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 5 Notes What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases?? 5.08 – Pitched or thrown ball accidently hits an umpire or base coach - Ball is live and in play. Base coach interferes with a thrown ball – Runner is out. Umpire interferes with a catcher’s throw trying to throw out a baserunner: If runner is thrown out – Play stands If runner is not thrown out – Dead Ball and runner returns to base
What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases??
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 5 Notes What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases?? 5.09 – Batted Ball hits someone in fair territory: Ball hits batter before BOTH of his/her feet were COMPLETELY out of the batters box - FOUL BALL Ball hits batter after BOTH of his/her feet left batters box – Batter out and runners return to bases Batted ball touches an umpire IN FRONT of an infielder – Batter is awarded first base and all other runners who are FORCED to advance gain one base. Batted ball touches an umpire BEHIND an infielder - Live Ball
What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases??
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 5 Notes What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases?? 5.09 – Batted Ball hits someone in fair territory: Batted ball touches a runner AFTER IT IS PAST AN INFIELDER - Not such and easy call………… If the fielder either touched the ball or the ball had an opportunity to be fielded (ie. It went under glove, between legs) then runner is not at fault and it is a LIVE BALL. If the fielder did not have a play at the ball, it is the same as hitting the runner in front of the fielder - Runner out and base awards as mentioned before.
What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases??
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 5 Notes What’s your call, Blue?? Out.. Safe.. How many bases?? 5.09 – Ball gets lodged in catchers or umpires mask or equipment - Runners advance 1 base Player makes a catch, then FALLS into dead ball territory – Runners advance 1 base
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.03 – The lines are part of the batters box. The batter shall take a legal position with both feet completely within the batters box. In Little League, the batter is out only if he/she is entirely out of the batters box when contacting the ball. This makes it possible to actually be touching the plate with part of your foot as long as they are still touching the line in the batters box. Legal or Not when the ball is pitched? Legal or Not if he is like this when the ball is hit?
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.02 – After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least 1 foot throughout the at bat except: After a swing When forced out by an inside pitch After a drag bunt Uncaught ball by catcher A play has/is being attempted Time Out Pitcher is off the mound Walk (or batter thought it was ball 4) A batter will be given a warning the first time this occurs during an at bat. If it happens again during the at bat, a strike should be called on the batter.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes A batter will be given a warning the first time this occurs during an at bat. If it happens again during the at bat, a strike should be called on the batter. Remember – Umpires are NOT there to change the game. A simple “Hey, just remember I need you to stay in the batter’s box” whispered to the batter is usually enough to do the trick. More like this Not like that
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.05 – Uncaught 3rd Strikes (Majors divisions) Q: When am I able to run to first base on an uncaught 3rd strike? A: With 0 or 1 out and first base was not occupied at the time of the pitch. A: With 2 outs with bases empty or ANY combination of base runners at the time of the pitch. Q: With 2 outs and the bases loaded, is it ok for the catcher to just step on home plate if a 3rd strike is uncaught? A: Stepping on HP (even if unintentionally) with possession of the ball in this situation is a force out of the runner. Good coaches sometimes remind catchers of this prior to the pitch.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.05 – Uncaught 3rd Strikes (Majors divisions) Q: In the game I just did, I had batters running to 1B after uncaught third strikes when they weren’t eligible. What now? A: This happens periodically and can be classified as ‘chaos’. As an umpire, ensure you let everyone know the batter is OUT. All runners at that point are advancing at their own risk.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.05 (kind of) – Hit by Pitch When: Batter hit by thrown pitch (normally) Then: Dead Ball, awarded first base When: Batter hit by thrown pitch while in strike zone Then: Dead Ball, strike on batter When: Batter hit by thrown pitch outside of strike zone but makes NO ATTEMPT to avoid (or steps into) the pitch Then: Dead Ball, ball on batter, continue the at bat When: Batter hit by thrown pitch when OFFERING (swinging or bunting) at pitch
“But Blue…… Everyone Knows The Hands Are Part of the Bat!”
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 6 Notes “But Blue…… Everyone Knows The Hands Are Part of the Bat!” Not so much…. Most of you will be faced with the decision on whether a pitch hit the batter (hands) or the bat (foul ball). While undoubtedly one team may disagree with your call, here are some tips: Always start by calling a ‘Dead Ball’. Either way this stops all other action. Use all your available resources if you were unable to get a perfect view (it’s very difficult): Did you hear a thud (hand) or a ping (bat) How did the batter react Did your partner (somehow) get a good view Remember – This is a judgement call. If the ball hit the bat first it is foul, if it hit the hand first it is HBP. Can’t be both. THE HANDS ARE NOT PART OF THE BAT.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.05 – What if the bat hits the ball or a fielder while in play?? After hitting or bunting a fair ball, if the bat/ball connect a second time: If no intention (bat was dropped) then LIVE BALL If intentional (bat was thrown carelessly) then Dead Ball, batter is out and runners return to original bases. ANY time a bat is thrown and interferes with a defensive player (intentional or not) it shall be a dead ball and interference.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes Runners lane A batter/runner may be called out for interference if outside of the running lane in the last 30’ from home to first base. In the umpire’s judgement ALL of the following must occur for this to happen: The play/throw must be coming from behind the runner Either/Both runner’s feet outside the runners lane lines The throw must have had a chance to be ‘reasonably’ caught The runner being out of the lane interfered with the chance to make the play. This doesn’t require the ball to actually hit the runner. Runner’s final step to base is protected Runner may exit lane to avoid tag
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.06 – Batter Illegal Actions Batter switches sides of plate AFTER pitcher is set to pitch Failing to make a reasonable effort to vacate the batters box area when a play is in progress Batter enters the batter box with first foot with illegal bat If discovered before next player enters batters box – defense may take out (and all runners return) or result of play. Also, loss of 1 adult base coach (confined to bench).
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.06 – Batter Illegal Actions Stepping Out of the Batters Box to hinder a throw by catcher The Batter has the right to stay in the batters box during any catcher’s throw as long as they don’t do anything to deliberately hinder the throw If batter interference is called on this with less than 2 strikes or less – THE BATTER IS OUT and the RUNNER RETURNED to prior base If batter interference is called on this after strike 3 on the batter – THE BATTER IS OUT for striking out AND the RUNNER IS OUT on the interference.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.07 – Batting Out Of Order
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 6 Notes 6.08 – Intentional Walks - Prior to the first pitch being thrown to a batter, the defensive manager may call time and request the batter be intentionally walked. This will add 4 pitches to the current pitcher pitch count. 6.08 – Catchers Interference - Delayed Dead Ball - After the play is complete, the offensive manager may accept penalty or result of the play. If the play resulted in batter reaching first base and all other runners advancing one base then the interference is not enforced.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 7 Notes 7.03 – If two runners are on the same base with the ball live, the following (lag) runner shall be declared out if tagged. Summarization of Base Awards: 1 base on a pitched ball 2 bases from the time of the throw on a thrown ball See rulebook for other craziness (throwing of equipment)
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
Interference vs. Obstruction
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
Interference vs. Obstruction
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
Interference vs. Obstruction
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 7 Notes 7.08 – Out of baseline – Runner is out when running more than 3 feet away from his/her Established baseline to avoid being tagged, unless a fielder is fielding a batted ball in his/her path. 7.08 – Avoiding Contact - While there is no ‘Must Slide’ Rule, the runner must either slide (not head first) or attempt to avoid contact with a fielder in possession of the ball awaiting a tag.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
“But Blue, the only reason he didn’t slide was because the catcher was obstructing the plate!” (New Castle v Midway – District All Star Game) Situation: Runner rounds 3B and heading home. Catcher is standing slightly on the 3B side of home plate in the baseline awaiting the throw. Catcher receives throw in the baseline as the runner arrives. Runner goes around catcher and slides head first into home plate. Ruling: In all cases, the runner is responsible to follow rule Options would have been to stop and retreat to 3B, slide feet first into catcher or avoid contact. The runner would have been awarded home on catcher obstruction. However, in this case, the illegal slide is enforced and the runner is out.
“Tag Him…He turned the wrong way after touching 1B!”
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes “Tag Him…He turned the wrong way after touching 1B!” 7.08 – A batter/runner cannot be tagged out after overrunning or over sliding (Yes, you may slide into first base) if the batter/runner returns immediately to the base. If the batter/runner shows ‘intent’ on running to 2B, then they are at risk of being tagged out. Overrunning 1B applies to also applies to Walks The runner who passes a preceding (runner ahead of them) is declared out. 7.09 – Coaches Interference - If base coach physically assists a runner in returning or leaving a base. Note: This does not include things like handshakes or high fives
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 7 Notes Softball Pitching Circle - When a runner is off a base after a pitch or as a result of a batter completing a turn at bat and while the pitcher has the ball within the 8’ pitching circle, the runner must immediately attempt to advance to the next base or return to the base the runner is entitled. Penalty - Dead Ball, Runner is Out Note – After making a decision to go back or advance, should the runner stop again without a play being made, they are OUT.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
“When can a runner leave base and what happens if he/she leaves early?” (Baseball) When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runner shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached the batter. A violation by one runner shall affect all other base runners
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
“When can a runner leave base and what happens if he/she leaves early?” (Baseball) IF: The Batter does not hit the ball Then: The play continues. If the runner is thrown out, the out stands. If not, the runner(s) are returned to their original base(s). IF: The Batter hits the ball Then: The play continues. If the runner is thrown out, the out stands. If not, the runner(s) are returned to their original or nearest to original unoccupied base. Batter shall be placed ONLY on judged value of original hit (not any errors) then other runners placed accordingly. IF: The batter reaches 1B on a bunt, infield hit or uncaught 3rd strike Then: Runners should advance 1 base ONLY. At no time will a run be allowed to score. If the bases were loaded, the run will not count, but still no out recorded (known as ‘poof’ play)
“what happens if he/she leaves early?” (Baseball)
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes “what happens if he/she leaves early?” (Baseball) B = Batter / R1 = runner at 1B / R2 = runner at 2B / R3 = runner at 3B EXAMPLES R1 leaves early, B reaches safely -- R1 stays at 2B R2 leaves early, B reaches safely -- R2 goes back to 2B R2 leaves early, B hits double -- R2 stays at 3B R3 leaves early, B hits double -- R3 goes back to 3B R1 and/or R2 leave early, B reaches safely -- R2 to 3B, R1 to 2B R1 and/or R2 leave early, B hits double -- R2 can score, R1 to 3B R1 and/or R3 leave early, B reaches safely -- R3 goes back to 3B, R1 to 2B Bases loaded and any runner leaves early, B reaches on infield hit B on 1B, R1 on 2B, R2 on 3B R3’s run does not count Bases loaded and any runner leaves early, B walks or hit by pitch No penalty, all runners advance 1 base
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training Rule 7 Notes
“When can a runner leave base and what happens if he/she leaves early?” (Softball) When a pitcher is in the 8 foot radius circle and in possession of the ball, the base runner(s) shall not leave their base(s) until the pitched ball has been released by the pitcher. Penalty – Instant Dead Ball and associated runner(s) are OUT.
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 8 Notes Illegal pitch penalty – pitch shall be called a ball. If batter reaches base safely and all runners advance one base then disregard. Windup notes: Ensure pitcher does not ‘quick pitch’ (get signs and then step quickly on mound and pitch) Ensure pitcher steps off mound from windup (or the set) with correct foot (throwing hand foot) Set position note: Pitchers are NOT required to come to a complete stop in set position in Majors and below
Canal Youth Umpires Rules Training
Rule 8 Notes New pitcher – 8 warmup pitches or 1 minute Same pitcher / new inning – 5 warmup pitches or 1 minute Replacing pitcher due to injury – unlimited warmup Manager/Coach allowed 2 mound visits per inning or 3 per game for each pitcher.
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