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Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative

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Presentation on theme: "Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative
This is a general overview presentation about Internet2. Internet2 is a consortium, led by US universities, which is recreating the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today’s Internet in its infancy. Russ Hobby, Internet2, AMIA, November 10, 2002

2 Overview Internet2 - What and Why Applications Engineering
End-to-End Performance Initiative 4/12/2019

3 Internet2 Mission Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet. This is the Internet2 mission. 4/12/2019

4 Internet2 Internet2 universities are recreating the partnerships that fostered the Internet in its infancy Industry Government International Partnerships are the foundation of how the Internet developed and they are also a part of the foundation of Internet2. 4/12/2019

5 Internet2 Beginnings and Growth
Fall 1996 Internet2 project is created as a collaboration among 34 leading research universities Fall 1997 University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development is incorporated Spring 1998 123 regular University members, 30 Corporate members, and 22 Affiliate members Today 202 regular University members, 63 Corporate members, and 42 Affiliate members Total membership of 300, remaining relatively stable although still lots of interest 4/12/2019

6 Internet2 Goals Enable new generation of applications
Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet These are the three primary goals of Internet2. 4/12/2019

7 Internet2 Focus Areas Advanced Applications Middleware Engineering
Advanced Network Infrastructure Partnerships These are the five areas that Internet2, Internet2 members, and partner organizations are focused on. 4/12/2019

8 Internet2 Membership: Expectations
Collaborate on advanced applications Commit to the sustained deployment of high-performance network infrastructure on an end-to-end basis Contribute to the advancement of research and educational uses of high-performance networking Deploy pre-commercial infrastructure and protocols Establishing expertise and human capital Engage in large-scale proofs of concept Self select 4/12/2019

9 Internet2 Membership: Accomplishments
Advanced applications development Development and deployment of middleware capabilities, locally and nationally Creation and support of national high-performance networks Implementation of advanced network services throughout national, regional and campus topologies Strong partnerships with international networking organizations New work in end-to-end performance A newly organized effort in network and host security Note that “collaboration site status” is actually a membership term Note that primary and secondary participation status can potentially apply to other Internet2 backbone networks 4/12/2019

10 Applications

11 Internet2 Applications
What are “Internet2 applications”? They deliver qualitative and quantitative improvements in how we conduct research and engage in teaching and learning They require advanced networks to work 4/12/2019

12 Different Disciplines/Contexts
Sciences Arts Humanities Health care Business/Law Administration Library Classroom Clinic Office Laboratory Dorm room 4/12/2019

13 Application Attributes
Interactive collaboration Real-time access to remote resources 4/12/2019

14 Attributes, cont. Large-scale, multi-site computation and data mining (AKA “the Grid”) Shared virtual reality Any combination of the above 4/12/2019

15 Internet2 Days, web site, application flyers
Approach Broad Outreach Internet2 Days, web site, application flyers Health Sciences Arts & Humanities NEES, Physics, Astronomy Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community Applications Community 4/12/2019

16 Applications Working Groups
Health Sciences Veterinary Medicine Arts & Humanities Non-trad’l Theses Arts Performance High Energy and Nuclear Physics GIS Voice over IP Digital Video Videoconferencing ResearchChannel Network Storage 4/12/2019

17 The Internet2 Commons An effort to encourage and support large-scale, distributed collaboration for the research and education community Enabling one-to-one, one-to-group, and group-to-group collaboration Supporting personal communications, meetings, conferences, and teaching and learning For Internet2 members and their international counterparts 4/12/2019

18 Other Collaborative Technologies
Data Sharing Instant Messaging Voice/IP Other Collaborative Technologies Electronic Notebooks Peer to Peer The Internet2 Commons Collaboratories Others H.323 VRVS Videoconferencing Technologies AG MPEG2 Others 4/12/2019

19 Engineering _______________________________________________________________

20 Internet2 Engineering and End-to-End Performance Initiative
Original Internet2 Intents and Reasons What we have done What we have discovered Changes in direction based on what we have learned 4/12/2019

21 Original Reasons for Advanced Services in Internet2
Commercial Internet could not deliver what researchers wanted Eliminate the network as a limitation for applications Re-create the sharing environment to test and develop new capabilities Transfer new technologies to the larger Internet 4/12/2019

22 Provide Reliable Performance Across the Network
Implement Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities from Source to Destination Create a coordinated bandwidth reservation system Let applications determine the level they need Allow resource control and accounting Provide “Bandwidth Overkill” until QoS is available 4/12/2019

23 Support efficient “one-to-many” and “few-to-few” applications
Internet2 video broadcast Support effective video conferencing Allow shared use of common data The solution: Multicast 4/12/2019

24 Create an National Network for Technology Development

25 Test New Protocols and Capabilities
New Network Equipment New Link Technologies Complex Routing Measurement Techniques IPv6 4/12/2019

26 What We Have Tried Creating a National Network for Development
Implementing wide-spread Multicast Trials of QoS across the Network Tests and Training of IPv6 4/12/2019

27 We learned from all the experiences!
What We Have Learned Some ideas have worked Some ideas are more complex than expected Some had to go back to the drawing board Some had a change in direction We learned from all the experiences! 4/12/2019

28 High Capacity Development Networks
They Enable New Applications 4/12/2019

29 High Capacity Development Networks
Enable New Applications Many good Demonstrations Real Time Application can now work Transfers of Large Datasets Provide the Test Bed for New Technologies Packet over Sonet New Measurement Techniques Allows sharing of Ideas and Results 4/12/2019

30 Multicast Robust Multicast Deployment Can Be Done 4/12/2019

31 Any problem can be made harder by Multicast
It is hard for Operations to understand how well Multicast is running. Beacons are up now to help. It is more difficult for Applications to use. New methods for joining Multicast Groups have been developed (SSM). Any problem can be made harder by Multicast 4/12/2019

32 QoS Abilene Premium Service failed to get off the ground
It is a complex system that needs many parts before it can work. Some key part were not implemented for high speed links. Premium Service requires all parts of the end-to-end path to participate and coordinate. This is against the current Internet operating model. Allocation models for who gets Premium Service need a lot more work. Trials are going on with Scavenger Service Low Priority Best Effort Service 4/12/2019

33 IPv6 Set up a National Backbone
Established Hands-on Training Workshops 4/12/2019

34 Network Security Initial Internet Premise:
Security belongs on the end-system Development of security capabilities has been slow. Devices have been put into the network to try to help Firewalls, NAT boxes, Filters These often impede Applications. Network devices themselves need to be protected 4/12/2019

35 What Did Not Work QoS was too hard to implement at this time
Even with High Bandwidth available, researchers often did not see the expected performance. WHY? The End-to-End Performance Initiative (E2Epi) was create to figure this out. 4/12/2019

36 End-to-End Performance Initiative (E2E pi)

37 The Wizard Gap 4/12/2019

38 Hey, this is not working right!
A Problem Hey, this is not working right! Others are getting in ok Not our problem Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator Talk to the other guys System Administrator Everything is AOK System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking The computer Is working OK No other complaints Looks fine Gigapop Gigapop All the lights are green How do you solve a problem along a path? Backbone We don’t see anything wrong The network is lightly loaded 4/12/2019

39 True End-to-End Experience
User perception Application Operating system Host IP stack Host network card Local Area Network Campus backbone network Campus link to regional network/GigaPoP GigaPoP link to Internet2 national backbones International connections EYEBALL APPLICATION STACK JACK NETWORK . . . 4/12/2019

40 Packet Loss The Performance Killer
On high-speed, long-distance connections even one lost packet can greatly affect performance. For TCP the maximum transmission rate is: MSS 0.7 Rate = * As the equation shows the rate is limited by the packet size and the round-trip-time. The longer the distance the lower the rate possible. But to get the most out of that rate, the packet loss needs to be as small as possible. Packet loss can occur an any of a number of locations along the end-to-end path and not just in the network. RTT P Matt Mathis MSS = Maximum Segment Size RTT = Round Trip Time P = Packet Loss 4/12/2019

41 Top Three Problems - #1 Ethernet Duplex Mismatch
Duplex negotiations failed One side full duplex, one side half duplex Works fine under light load Heavy load, full duplex dominates The top three problems according to a paper by Claudia DeLuna, JPL 4/12/2019

42 Top Three Problems - #2 Computer Tuning
Buffers not set big enough, can not fill pipe Software options not set correctly Hardware limitations 4/12/2019

43 Top Three Problems - #3 Bad Media – Copper or Fiber
Usually between wall and computer Kinked copper wire Dirty optic fibers Causes random errors and packet loss 4/12/2019

44 Good Work Already Going On
Many projects and research is underway by others investigating performance on portions of the end-to-end path. E2Epi seeks to bring these efforts together to look at the end-to-end path as a complete system. 4/12/2019

45 Areas of E2Epi Applications Host/OS Tuning Measurement Infrastructure
Performance Improvement Environment (PIE) Operations and Human Communications Performance Evaluation and Review Framework (PERF) 4/12/2019

46 Applications Work with specific application communities to help solve their performance problems. High Energy Physics Medical Sciences – Visible Human Project Use a few key, general purpose applications for performance testing. FTP Video Conferencing 4/12/2019

47 Let’s Bounce it off a Beacon!
Application Beacons Let’s Bounce it off a Beacon! OK you test your end Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Beacon Applications beacons can be used by end-users to create a “divide and conquer” technique to figure out where a performance problem lies. Gigapop Gigapop How do you solve a problem along a path? Backbone 4/12/2019

48 Application Beacons My side tests OK Try from your end Beacon
Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Beacon First one side test to the application beacon that is somewhere along the path and determines if the expected performance can be achieved. Gigapop Gigapop Backbone 4/12/2019

49 Application Beacons Beacon Oh, My end has a lot of packets lost
Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Beacon The other end also tests to the beacon to check performance. In this case it was determined that the problem is on the this half of the path. If other beacons are available along the path the location of the problem can be more closely determined. Gigapop Gigapop Backbone 4/12/2019

50 Host/OS Tuning Web100 has a leading role
Provide Best Practices for getting the most from your computer. Locate or build tools for Host/OS performance diagnostics. Work with computer vendors on Internet2 Performance Packages. 4/12/2019

51 Measurement Infrastructure
Bring together current measurement efforts and projects in the community. Establish an End-to-End Measurement Infrastructure from the intersection of these works. Create diagnostic tools to determine the health of the network and locate performance problems. 4/12/2019

52 Standard Operational Info
Applications Developer Applications Developer Ops Info Ops Info LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Gigapop Gigapop Information from All Parts of the Network Ops Info Backbone 4/12/2019

53 Standard Operational Info
End-to-End Analyzer Applications Developer Applications Developer Ops Info Ops Info LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Gigapop Gigapop Know the Health of the Network Ops Info Backbone 4/12/2019

54 Standard Operational Info
Apps Tuning End-to-End Analyzer Applications Developer Applications Developer Ops Info Ops Info LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Campus Networking Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Ops Info Gigapop Gigapop Applications Adapt to the Network Ops Info Backbone 4/12/2019

55 Performance Improvement Environment (PIE)
Develop a dynamic environment where collaboration and information sharing will happen. Identify, collect and disseminate appropriate information for end-to-end related information. Include success stories,measurement statistics, reference materials, measurement tool documentation. Include pointers to materials already developed by other communities. 4/12/2019

56 E2Epie – Activities Collecting stories.
Using interviews and other channels we will begin collecting stories about performance improvement issues. We will work with EDUCAUSE Effective Practices and Solutions database for publishing the E2Epi stories. Identify and collect information about projects, resources, and tools. With help of Technical Advisory Group and other E2Epi participants we will make sure to have up-to-date and correct information. Explore resources and tools for collaboration efforts. Discussion forum: 4/12/2019

57 Operations and Human Communications
Establish communications among common interest groups System administrators LAN administrators Campus NOCs GigaPoP Application support staff Establish communications between groups for operations and problem resolution. 4/12/2019

58 Groups of Common Interest
I don’t know how to solve this problem! I do! I do! Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Gigapop Gigapop Backbone Provide a means of communications Let them share experiences. 4/12/2019

59 Can You Go Direct to the Problem?
How can you tell where is the problem? Need a tool to tell you: Where the problem is. The type of problem Who to contact to get it fixed Terry Gray, University of Washington “We Need a Finger Pointing Tool” 4/12/2019

60 Gray Finger Pointing Tool
Finger Pointing Tool Time! Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Gigapop Gigapop Locate the Problem Gray Finger Pointing Tool Terry Gray University of Washington Backbone 4/12/2019

61 Gray Finger Pointing Tool
Finger Pointing Tool Time OK, I’ll fix it Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator You ARE the Weakest Link! System Administrator System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking Gigapop Gigapop Backbone 4/12/2019

62 E2E piPES Project: End-to-End Performance Initiative Performance Environment System (E2E piPES) Goal: To allow end-users and network operators to determine performance capabilities, locate problems, and contact the right person to get a problem resolved. Approach: Collaborative project combining the best work of many organizations. Introduced at Spring Member Meeting. Have made good progress on architectural design. Have made good progress on outreach to other organizations and initiating collaboration. 4/12/2019

63 The Measurement System
The New Abilene will have measurement devices as part of its structure Abilene PMP PMP PMP PMP = Performance Measurement Point (at each Abilene Node) 4/12/2019

64 The Measurement System
Extend the System to Campuses Campus X Abilene PMP PMP PMP Campus PAS is a specified PC based computer ($2000 estimated) with a software load provided by Internet2 Campus Y PMP PMP PMP at each Campus Border 4/12/2019

65 Performance Reporting
Perform regular tests to provide web based Performance Reports across Abilene and for Campus-Abilene paths Campus X Abilene Capability SNVA/DNVR – 10 Gbps DNVR/IPLS – 10 Gbps IPLS/NYCM – 10 Gbps Abilene PMP PMP PMP At first test results will be reported on web pages. An end-user suspecting performance problems can check the reported performance from their campus to Abilene, across Abilene, and from Abilene to the destination campus. If there are no reported problems on any of these segments, the the end-user can suspect the campus networks on the ends, or the computer systems themselves. Campus Y Campus-Abilene Capability Campus W – 155 Mbps Campus X – 612 Mbps Campus Y – 1000 Mbps Campus Z – 2 Mbps PMP PMP 4/12/2019

66 Reaching the End-User Provide a Testing Tool for the End-Users Computer to test across campus and beyond Campus X Abilene PMP PMP PMP Host A Host B The tool will use test results stored in a data repository as much as possible to reduce the overall amount of active testing going on. The tools will probably be a JAVA Applet to make it as portable as possible. Campus Y PMP PMP The tool reports performance of the path to a specified destination by using active tests (like to the campus border) or using stored test results from regularly scheduled tests 4/12/2019

67 Adding Path Information
Add PMP along paths to provide additional detail Campus X Abilene PMP Gigapop S Regional Network M PMP PMP PMP Host A PMP Host B PMP E2Epi is looking for the Quilt to lead in the deployment at the Gigapops and Regional Networks. Ideally the system would have measurement information for each administrative domain along each path. For larger networks, multiple Path Measurement Points may be desireable. Campus Y PMP PMP PMP Regional Network J Gigapop T Regular tests are performed between adjacent PMP and stored in a Data Repository. This information is used by the End-User tool to reduce the number or active tests needed. 4/12/2019

68 segment in the path appears to have a problem
Who You Gonna Call? E2E piPES will provide contact information when a segment in the path appears to have a problem Campus X Abilene PMP Gigapop S Regional Network M PMP PMP PMP Host A PMP Host B PMP E2Epi need input on how to make this work. There are operational and policy issues here. piPES Test Analysis Looks like a problem In Gigapop T. Pass these test result to: Campus Y PMP PMP PMP Regional Network J Gigapop T The test results obtained by the End-User will be passed on to the contact person 4/12/2019

69 Performance Evaluation and Review Framework (PERF)
Establish a framework for resolving performance problems Provide known solutions by using the PIE Tap community knowledge by facilitating group communications Coordinate a team of experts to solve hard problems 4/12/2019

70 The Hard Problems Hey, Its is not working again! What if no
Others are getting in ok I don’t know Applications Developer Applications Developer LAN Administrator LAN Administrator No clue here System Administrator I’m stumped System Administrator Campus Networking Campus Networking I don’t know what is wrong This is strange I am Cluefully Challenged Gigapop Gigapop Doh! What if no one has the answer? Backbone We can’t figure it out Need a Tiger Team of Experts to Research the Problem It looks normal here 4/12/2019

71 Partners Campuses Faculty and discipline communities GigaPoPs
International partners NSF-sponsored engineering efforts NLANR, Web100 Project, Internet2 corporate members Federal labs and agencies 4/12/2019

72 Peer-to-Peer and Grid Systems
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Grid Systems are global computers that use the network as the computer backplane End-to-End Performance can greatly affect their usability. P2P is a developing area that will affect and be affected by E2Epi 4/12/2019

73 More Internet2 Information
On the Web For more information about Internet2, please see these web sites, or contact directly by . 4/12/2019


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