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Are you an Energy Vampire?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you an Energy Vampire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you an Energy Vampire?
Eastlake High School Cool Schools 2009 Brought to you by the Eastlake Environmental Club staticfiles/NGS/Shared/ StaticFiles/animals/images/primary/vampire-bat.jpg

2 Why Care About Energy? Fact: Global Warming is caused by excess CO2 in the atmosphere Fact: The production of our food, electricity, clothing, gas, etc. creates CO2 Fact: Each individual can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by making smart energy choices

3 Energy Quiz Directions
Split a piece of scratch paper w/ a friend Choose the answer that best describes your habits. Write down the letter you chose and the amount of CO2 that results from your daily energy decisions.

4 #1: Bottles and Cans Each day, I throw away…. 4 or more bottles/cans
1 bottle/can None! I recycle everything 050301_recycle_vmed_7a.widec.jpg

5 #1: Bottles and Cans If you answered…
A: You create 3.6 lbs. of CO2 per day B: You create 1.8 – 2.7 lbs. of CO2 per day C: You create 1 lb. of CO2 per day D: You create .5 lb. of CO2 per day Fact: EHS students only recycle about 30% of bottles and cans they purchase. Put the cap in the garbage and recycle the rest, please!

6 #2: Paper Each day, I use…. 15-20 pieces of paper
Don’t count what your teachers give you! We’ll get to them later… Waste_Cardboard_Paper.jpg

7 #2: Paper If you answered… A: You create .05 lbs. of CO2 per day
B: You create .03 lbs. of CO2 per day C: You create .01 lb of CO2 per day D: You create about 0 lbs. of CO2 per day Fact: Making one piece of paper doesn’t create much CO2, but think about how much you use in a year! Use the green recycle bin in every classroom.

8 #3: Transportation I drive or am driven _____ miles to and from school each day. 20 or more 10-19 1-9 0! I walk, ride my bike, or take the bus (you get to divide the gas by everyone riding with you) News.aspx?ID=325

9 #3: Transportation If you answered…
A: You create at least 16 lbs. of CO2 per day B: You create about 12 lbs. of CO2 per day C: You create about 4 lbs. of CO2 per day D: You create 0 lbs. of CO2 per day This assumes a car that gets 25 miles per gallon… Fact: Besides factories, cars are the #1 contributor to CO2 in the atmosphere

10 #4: Gaming and Facebook I keep my PS3/Xbox 360 and computer….
Plugged in and turned on all day and night Plugged in and turned on 4-8 hours per day Plugged in and turned on 1-4 hours per day I unplug them when not in use or they go into sleep mode downloads/wow_wp_tauren_800x600.jpg

11 #4: Gaming and Facebook If you answered…
A: You create about 9 lbs. of CO2 per day B: You create about 2.5 lbs. of CO2 per day C: You create about .75 lbs. of CO2 per day D: You create about 0 lbs. of CO2 per day Fact: CO2 emissions can vary based on the type of gaming system you use Fact: You would get better grades if you spent less time gaming and on Facebook 

12 Tangent! Your energy use varies drastically with the type of system you use Peak = playing the game with the highest-tech graphics

13 #5: Lights in your Room I leave the lights on in my room:
15-20 hours per day 8-14 hours per day 2-8 hours per day 0-2 hours per day funny-pictures/messy-bedroom-03.jpg

14 #5: Lights in your Room If you answered…
A: You create about 4 lbs. of CO2 per day B: You create about 2.5 lbs. of CO2 per day C: You create about 1 lb. of CO2 per day D: You create about 0 lbs. of CO2 per day This assumes standard, 60 watt bulbs

15 Quiz Results If you answered mostly A’s… You are an ENERGY VAMPIRE!
It is time to change your habits to reduce your consumption of the earth’s resources and your production of CO2. 2008/4/29/Twilight_closeup_Robert_Pattinson/Twilight-177-large.jpg

16 Quiz Results If you answered mostly B’s… You are a MEGA CONSUMER!
Your consumption of energy and production of CO2 are similar to the average American. Let’s slow down a little, ok?  dont-appreciate-throwing-away-tons-of-stuff-when-you-clean.jpg

17 Quiz Results If you answered mostly C’s… You are EARTH CONSCIOUS!
It appears that you are making an effort to conserve resources. There are still some small changes you can make, so keep at it! C877D/4837/Recycle20ArrowswGlobe20Guy.jpg

18 Quiz Results If you answered mostly D’s…
Oh Snap! You are an EARTH MOTHER. You are serving the earth and your community well by using little resources and producing little CO2. Let’s spread the word! 2008/04/mother-earth.jpg

19 How Can You Help? Reduce your Ecological Footprint!
An ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth with the Earth’s capacity to regenerate. If everyone in the world lived like the average American we would need 6.35 Earths to survive You can discover your ecological footprint by taking the quiz at

20 Reducing your Footprint
There are four sections that are considered to calculate a footprint, so we have tips to reduce all four. commis3/recycle/recycle.gif

21 Carbon Footprint Don’t take the drive through - park the car and go inside About 18¢ worth of gas is used in the drive through Regularly service your vehicle Emission control systems, air filter, tires Use compact fluorescent (energy saving) light bulbs Unplug electronics when not in use

22 Food Footprint Choose locally grown, in season foods
The average American meal traveled 1,500 miles to get to your plate Purchase foods with less packaging Reduce your meat consumption It is estimated that 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions are involved in meat consumption

23 Housing Footprint Don’t use the garbage disposal, compost
Plant scraps from the kitchen can go into yard waste Take shorter showers After learning that she uses more water in a shower than most African people get in a day, Jennifer Aniston cut her showers down to 3 minutes Use non-toxic cleaning products

24 Goods and Services Buy less. Replace items only when you need to
Recycle! Glass, plastic, and aluminum as well as electronics and batteries Plastics #1 and #2 are taken in standard recycling bins Compost food waste Buy products made from recycled materials Look for the phrase “pre/post consumer content”

25 Cool Schools 2009 On February 2nd, Eastlake will begin the Cool Schools 2009 program Participating teachers will be asked to reduce their CO2 emissions from lighting, paper, bottles/cans, and transportation The winning teacher gets a pizza party for their Advisory! Stay Tuned…

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