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P&O 2 Construction Planning Summary

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1 P&O 2 Construction Planning Summary
Use title slide layout Presenter Tony Bosnich 2015

2 Out come To consider the importance of planning in the Commercial building industry and its role in effective project management To achieve a new layout – insert a new slide, then in the slide thumbnail left side view, Right Click, choose layout – and pick a content style to use >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

3 Purpose - why plan? Over the years many sayings have been recorded from some of the industries best known construction managers Take time to think x5x5Ys rule “If you think that you have plenty of time You haven’t If you think that you have just enough time Then you are going to be late If you think that things are already tight Then you are already in serious trouble “ Ref Warren Hollings >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

4 Planning - more reasons !!!
“Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life, have been the consequence of action without thought. ” Bernard M. Baruch ( ) “Fail to plan – plan to fail” Planning is the 1st part of establishing goals and objectives. -organisation is putting the means in place to achieve these goals and objectives the plan. >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

5 Definitions: Planning
• Planning is the (psychological) process of thinking about the activities required to create a desired future on some scale • The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals • Selection of short to long-term objectives and the drawing up of tactical and strategic plans to achieve those objectives • Planning is looking ahead >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION.

6 WHO should plan? • Client’s perspective – From inception to commissioning • Contractor’s perspective – From tendering to commissioning >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

7 Overall reason for plan
• To set a realistic timeframe for the project • To establish realistic standards and avoid ‘wishful thinking’ • To aid control during the project • To monitor performance in terms of output, time and money • To review progress and take action when necessary to correct the situation (Cooke and Williams 2009) >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

8 The uses of the Plan How do we use the programme once finalised ? Control Monitoring Acceleration Baseline Delays Build abilty Last planner Just in time Lean construction >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

9 Monitoring = understanding what is happening on a project = to know if we are on track Control = bring the project back on track = actions taken in response to monitoring ‘It is important to have a schedule, but it’s more important to use (Hinze 2012) >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

10 Control To exercise restraint or direction over. The finished programme needs to be agreed by all parties and ownership taken to ensure compliance. The agreed programme is then set up as a baseline. Base line programme See handout .Set base line and do not alter. Monitoring or tracking progress A procedure set up on site to assess the progress of the project against the base plan. >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

11 Results of tracking exercise
On programme Behind programme Showing signs of slippage Action 1. Buy the planner a beer, he knows his stuff!- but more importantly the project participants have bought into it! 2.Analysis problem area , talk to people concerned. 3.Investigate, think ahead, take action. Re programme, acceleration, more resources 4.Is it an EOT claim????Formulate claim >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

12 Analysis of Delay Is delay on critical path? If it is non critical can we let it use up available float. Remember float type can vary Total Free Independent See handout for definitions >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

13 Where to from here Important conclusion Effective Construction Planning confirms buildabilty and supports our choice of methodology and ultimately will conclude in a successful project >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

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