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50 years of British Sci fi! Doctor Who.

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Presentation on theme: "50 years of British Sci fi! Doctor Who."— Presentation transcript:

1 50 years of British Sci fi! Doctor Who

2 What is Doctor Who? A British Science Fiction show
Featuring a Time Lord Who changes forms

3 wEmvio

4 The basics The Tradis Looks like a police box, actually is a way to travel through time and space “it’s bigger on the inside”

5 The basics The Sonic Screwdriver The Doctor’s main tool
It can scan objects, pick locks, project sounds, and hurt dangerous aliens

6 Guess the creeper The judge Smiler Porcelain punisher

7 Smiler Security Monitoring Integrated Liability Enabler
Part of a mounted booth on Starship UK that controls and punishes the people on board.

8 Guess the creeper Ganger The fey Slitherers

9 Ganger Short for doppelganger
Clones of real life people who are can survive harsh environments. Humans control their bodies and explore places our bodies wouldn’t allow.

10 Guess the creeper Reptillians Silurians Trixenas

11 Silurians Also know as Earth Reptiles
The original masters of Earth who fled this planet on an Ark before an asteroid hit and destroyed the planet for a while

12 Guess the creeper Erick 7 Lightningamous The Master

13 The Master The Doctor’s arch nemesis
The Doctor’s childhood best friend Who through a number of unfortunate circumstances has become bent on destroying The Doctor

14 Guess the creeper Peg Doll Alice Risen baby

15 Peg Doll Also known as Night Terrors
Just want to play with children, by singing them creepy songs, and then turning the children into Peg dolls themselves.

16 Guess the creeper The gentlemen The skulhum The silent

17 The Silent Are memory proof, meaning once you stop looking at them you forget about them They can hypnotize and control people, and absorb and redirect electricity

18 Guess the creeper Squormish Ood Tobul

19 Ood Humanoid beings with 2 brains (the 2nd they hold in their hands)
They become enslaved be humans in the future, and become taken over by physic aliens and attack

20 Guess the creeper Exoskeletor Kochav Ice warrior

21 Ice Warrior Ice warriors lived on Mars
They were warmongers who were imprisoned for such crimes in Antartica

22 Guess the creeper Weeping Angel Silent statues Stone Vampires

23 Weeping Angel Can only move when nobody is looking at them
They transport people back in time and leave them there to live and die.

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