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Programming for Engineers in Python

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1 Programming for Engineers in Python
Recitation 12 Image Processing

2 Plan: Image Processing with numpy
Binary segmentation Image gradient Image brightening Morphological operators Erosion Dilation Smoothing Denoising Ternary segmentation

3 Grayscale Image A 2D table of values (pixels), each in 0..255:
0 = Black 255 = White Grayscale Image 105 114 116 116 160 121 97 90 124 119 188 144 112 116 78 32 19 61 40

4 Image processing – basic functions
Reading an image from disk: from scipy import misc im = misc.imread('C:/Koala.jpg') Creating an “empty” image matrix: im = numpy.zeros( (height,width), dtype=numpy.uint8 ) Important: each pixel is in the range (type np.uint8) Numerical operations cause overflow, e.g.: numpy.uint8(200) + numpy.uint8(100) = 44 = 300 mod 256 Therefore, before doing numerical operations on image pixels, convert the whole image or a specific pixel to int 32-bit using numpy.int_ : a = numpy.uint8(200) ; b = numpy.uint8(100) numpy.int_(a) + numpy.int_(b) = 300

5 Image processing – more functions
>>> A = numpy.array([[1,7,2],[6,9,3]]) >>> A array([[1, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3]]) Find the maximal / minimal value: numpy.min(A) → 1 numpy.max(A) → 9 Find the average / median value: numpy.mean(A) → 4.66 numpy.median(A) → 4.5

6 Image processing – more functions
We will need the following numpy function later: numpy.concatenate( (A,B), axis=0) >>> A = numpy.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) >>> B = numpy.array([[7,8,9],[1,1,1]]) >>> numpy.concatenate((A,B), axis=0) >>> C = numpy.array([[50,50]]) >>> C = C.T >>> numpy.concatenate((A,C), axis=1) array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) array([[7, 8, 9], [1, 1, 1]]) array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [1, 1, 1]]) array([[50, 50]]) array([[50], [50]]) array([[ 1, 2, 3, 50], [ 4, 5, 6, 50]])

7 Binary Segmentation Goal: grayscale image  black and white image
pixel > threshold  change to white (255) pixel <= threshold  change to black (0) Motivation: for example, save space Threshold = 50 Threshold = 128 Threshold = 200

8 Binary Segmentation: Code
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from scipy import misc >>> im = misc.imread('C:/Koala.jpg') >>> type(im) <type 'numpy.ndarray'> >>> im.shape, im.dtype ((598, 848), dtype('uint8')) >>> np.min(im), np.max(im) (0, 255) >>> threshold = 128 >>> binIm = (im > threshold) * 255 >>> plt.figure() >>> plt.imshow(im, >>> plt.imshow(binIm, >>>

9 Image gradient Given an image we may want to locate points of major change in intensity. In the gradient image, every pixel is the difference between the corresponding pixel in the original image and a neighboring pixel. We can compute the gradient wrt each of the image dimensions.

10 Image vertical gradient: Code
The idea: shift up and subtract images zeroRow = np.zeros((1,im.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) upShiftedIm = np.concatenate((im[1:], zeroRow), axis=0) diff = np.int_(upShiftedIm) - np.int_(im) imDy = np.abs(diff) plt.imshow(imDy, Can also be computed directly using for loops ! array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) => array([[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [0, 0, 0]])

11 Brightening an image We can hardly see the gradient image.
Solution: let’s brighten it. >>> brImDy = np.minimum(np.int_(imDy) * 5, 255)

12 Image processing Many more operations can be performed on images, in particular: Geometric transformations: shifting, rotation, flipping Filtering: replace a pixel by a function of the neighboring pixels The neighborhood can be defined by a structuring element, e.g. square A good survey with numpy/scipy examples can be found in:

13 Change a pixel according to its neighborhood
Morph by Neighbors All the operators we’ll see have the same basic idea: Change a pixel according to its neighborhood The ‘neighborhood’ of a pixel in the input image nx,ny=3 nx,ny=1 nx,ny=2

14 Morphological Operators
Morphological Operators Morphology is a technique for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures Erosion: Take binary image ; produce more black, less white. Edges of white areas (“foreground”) erode away. So black areas (“background”) grow.

15 Morphological Operators
Dilation – inverse of erosion. Boundaries of black areas erode away. So white areas grow.

16 Morph – Common Code The specific morph. operator Framework: def morphological(im, operator=np.min, nx=5, ny=5): newIm = np.zeros(im.shape) for x in range(im.shape[0]): for y in range(im.shape[1]): nlst = neighbours(im, x, y, nx, ny) newIm[x,y] = operator(nlst) return newIm current pixel location Size of neighborhood

17 Get Neighbors – Code def neighbours(im, x, y, nx=1, ny=1): return im[max(x-nx, 0) : min(x+nx+1, im.shape[0]), \ max(y-ny, 0) : min(y+ny+1, im.shape[1])] Default Neighborhood

18 Erosion and dilation using morph
def erosion(im, nx=5, ny=5): return morphological(im, np.min, nx, ny) Black neighbor  change pixel to black def dilation(im, nx=5, ny=5): return morphological(im, np.max, nx, ny) White neighbor  change pixel to white

19 Morphological Operators - Run
erosion dilation

20 Detect Edges with Dilation
Idea: Thicken white edges a bit, using dilation Compute difference from original image Dilated Original Difference im1 = misc.imread('square1.bmp') im2 = dilation(im1, 1, 1) imDiff = im2 – im1

21 Denoising We want to “clean” these pictures from noise Suggestions?

22 Denoising - Mean Take 1: Smoothing Use the morphological framework with mean (average): def denoise_mean(im, nx=5, ny=5): return morphological(im, np.mean, nx, ny)

23 Denoising - Median Take 2: Median def denoise_median(im, nx=5, ny=5): return morphological(im, np.median, nx, ny)

24 Denoising - Median Can we do better?
We did not exploit what we know about the ‘noise’ The ‘noise’ can only be Almost white Almost black So change only very bright or very dark pixels! What is very bright? Pixel>W What is very dark? Pixel<B

25 Denoising - operation Pixels not too bright or dark remain with no change. Otherwise, examine the pixel’s neighborhood nlst. too dark: Get the median of nlst, but ignore ‘too dark’ pixels too bright: Get the median of nlst, but ignore ‘too bright’ pixels

26 Denoising – Bounded Median
def my_median(nbrs, min_val=0, max_val=255): goodNbrs = \ nbrs[(nbrs >= min_val) & (nbrs <= max_val)] if goodNbrs.shape[0] > 0: return np.median(goodNbrs) else: center = (nbrs.shape[0]/2, nbrs.shape[1]/2) return nbrs[center] def fix_white(nbrs, W=200): center = (nbrs.shape[0]/2, nbrs.shape[1]/2) if nbrs[center] > W: # too bright return my_median(nbrs, max_val=W) else: return nbrs[center] def fix_black(nbrs, B=50): center = (nbrs.shape[0]/2, nbrs.shape[1]/2) if nbrs[center] < B: # too dark return my_median(nbrs, min_val=B) else: return nbrs[center]

27 Denoising – Bounded Median
def denoise_bounded_median(im, nx=3, ny=3): num_repeat = 3 for i in range(num_repeat): im = morphological(im, fix_white, nx, ny) im = morphological(im, fix_black, nx, ny) return im

28 Denoising – Bounded Median
Iteration number 1 2 3 4

29 Ternary segmentation Ternary segmentation – like binary segmentation but with 3 values. Transform grayscale to black/gray/white. To do so, first find 2 thresholds such that: 1 3 pixels turn white, turn gray, turn black

30 Example Before After

31 Ternary segmentation Example: If the values of the image pixels are 1 to 90 then: first threshold = 30; second threshold = 60 Possible algorithm: Sort all n*m pixel values in the image into sorted_pxls (one-dimensional list) Set first threshold = sorted_pxls[n*m/3] Set second threshold = sorted_pxls[2*n*m/3] Complexity: O(nm*log(nm)) Let’s try to solve in O(nm)

32 Ternary segmentation We will break the problem into smaller problems:
Create a histogram. Create a cumulative histogram. Find 2 thresholds from cumulative histogram. Transform the image using the thresholds. Step by step… Modularize the solution

33 Image histogram pic.png contains a 20x20 pixels image
Each pixel is a gray level in Q1: Implement the function build_hist(): Input: grayscale image. Output: histogram of gray levels in image. So our histogram will be a list with 256 values: Index = gray level Value = #pixels with that gray level

34 Image Histogram - Code def build_hist(im): hist = [0]*256 for x in range(im.shape[0]): for y in range(im.shape[1]): gray_level = im[x,y] hist[gray_level] += 1 return hist

35 Cumulative histogram Q2: Implement the function cum_sum(lst):
Input: list of numbers Output: list of the cumulative sums of lst 22 17 43 12 94 72 55 12

36 Cumulative sum – Code def cum_sum(numbers): res = []
for i in range(len(numbers)): prevSum = res[i-1] if i > 0 else 0 res.append(prevSum + numbers[i]) return res

37 Ternary segmentation Q3: Given an image, find two thresholds th1, th2 such that:

38 Finding the thresholds
def find_thrds(im): hist = build_hist(im) c_lst = cum_sum(hist) i = 0 while float(c_lst[i]) / im.size < 1./3: i += 1 th1 = i while float(c_lst[i]) / im.size < 2./3: i += 1 th2 = i return (th1, th2)

39 Ternary segmentation Q4: Implement the ternary segmentation function itself: Input: a grayscale image Output: a new image where every pixel has one of 3 gray levels: 0, 128 or 255 def ternary_sementation(im):     th1, th2 = find_thrds(im) newIm = np.zeros(im.shape) newIm = newIm + ((im > th1) & (im <= th2)) * 128 newIm = newIm + (im > th2) * 255 return newIm

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