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LBSI Licensure presentation

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1 LBSI Licensure presentation
Tuesday, January 22nd, 7 p.m. 242 Education

2 CoTE introduction Oversee all things related to Licensure Past – Things like Bloodborne Pathogen training, etc. Here today to talk about process of actually getting licensed. Obtain your license as soon as you can!!!!-regardless of other plans (grad school, Peace Corp, Military service, etc). Not protected at all against ISBE changes Other state licensure will likely hinge on Illinois licensure first

3 Applying for license: Can apply even IF you haven’t yet passed all tests Log onto your student portal Scroll down to “Prior to Licensure” and then, under “Licensure Application”, click on the “here” in “Click here to apply” App will ask if your are registered for or previously done student teaching. If you have to answer no, You should not proceed. If you can honestly answer “yes” Click “yes” and then “submit” Click on “Click here to add an application for licensure”

4 Email address: Use your most often used, most reliable email address
address: Use your most often used, most reliable address. Do NOT use your UIUC address as it will away Cell phone number Degree period (should correlate with the term in which you are finishing however, enter when you ARE finishing Major (should fill in to LBSI) Select it. License (should fill in) Select it. Endorsements “Click here to add a request” (won’t allow pull downs unless all the preceding fields are entered) Select as many as you wish to be considered for (but please use some common sense and show some mercy on me) Make sure you click “save” before moving on.

5 You will all be endorsed in LBSI (Pre K-21) so you don’t have to request that
Comments: Provide important information regarding endorsements, etc., such as pending transfer coursework, tests, etc. Signature (must “sign” stating you understand) (check the box) Must submit Once you submit, you can’t go back. Contact me if you need to modify/correct/add something. Don’t create a duplicate application by applying again.

6 The next day, you should receive an email which says the CoTE has received your application.
Your student portal should also reflect an application Early in the semester you are finishing I will complete an audit based in part on DARS report or the graduate audit we completed earlier. Problems? Will either contact you or records officer. If contacted, it’s important you respond.

7 Nothing missing? Will put application in pending file until end of spring or summer term
Endorsements (besides LBSI)? I will send an to you. Contact us if something is inaccurate or missing. End of final semester processing. Things I will be looking for: Early Field Experience hours (at least 80 but you’ll have much more that that). (You can check Student portal for accuracy) Student Teaching Time Report Be accurate and fairly descriptive. It is the only record we will have of your Student teaching.

8 Safety Training Mandated reporter training Tests LBSI (before student teaching) Special Education General Curriculum edTPA Departmental Recommendation Should come automatically from the department if you meet all responsibilities Grades Degree (must appear on transcripts) Late May to middle June for Spring grads (undergrads and grads electing the masters degree option) If you are taking a summer job, talk to me AND request that your degree be posted ASAP by your records officer Summer grads – Late August This may cause issues with teaching in the fall. Talk to me AND request that your degree be posted ASAP by your records officer. (Grad students: grad college)

9 You must request your UIUC transcripts be sent to ISBE
Link to Office of the Registrar Transcript site: records/transcripts/ May do this anytime during the semester you are graduating Specifically request that they be sent AFTER the current semester DEGREE’S have been recorded Send them to the Educator Licensure Division at the Illinois State Board of Education. You can request that they be sent by paper or electronically (we don’t care which)

10 Directions are on our website, under “Current Students” and then under “Links” there are directions for ordering transcripts (ostensibly under “How to Order Transcripts”) The transcript office will send you a confirmation to your address that they’ve received your request Forward this confirmation to me at Otherwise, I have to wait until they appear on your ELIS account I would rather you NOT wait until the last minute to do this

11 Claiming your license We will contact you at address you provided. Will provide a link to the ELIS/Educator credentials website with basic instructions Click on this link. Follow steps. ISBE now requires you fill out a survey before you can claim your license. Be prepared to pay by credit card Be sure any endorsements you want appear on your credentials BEFORE you claim your license. If they do not, contact me immediately BEFORE you claim it so they can be added. Endorsements can be added later BUT ISBE will assess a fee (currently $30.00) for any added after you are licensed Here is an ISBE tutorial: Be SURE to use the ELIS account that already exists for you. DON’T create any new ones.

12 In addition to claiming your license be sure you register your license
If you do not register it, after 6 months it will become “lapsed” May/should register your license in any district in Illinois (you can register in as many districts as you want and/or move it around later as necessary) ISBE does not provide paper copies of licenses Credentials can be printed from main page in your ELIS account Any school district with your name can verify your credentials doing a “Public Search” in ELIS

13 Valid for 5 fiscal years. Must renew every 5 years.
OTHER odds and ends information which may be useful: Keep test scores forever (or longer)- may need them You can obtain them later (through ILTS) but they will charge you a fee. You are going to receive a Professional Educator License (PEL) endorsed in Learning Behavior Specialist I (Pre K-21). If you don’t need license right away, you may choose to delay claiming until July 1st (to get the full first fiscal year). But don’t forget to claim it!!!! Valid for 5 fiscal years. Must renew every 5 years. Don’t let your license lapse. ISBE SHOULD send you a reminder to the address you’ve given them. Can renew online through ELIS (same site you claim your license on).

14 Licensure in other states
Likely will require licensure in Illinois first (although you may potentially begin some initial steps) Other states may have program verification form. Send form to CoTE to fill out. Contact information is on our website under Links” in US Teacher Licensure Offices (If you ask us about licensure in other states, this is where we’ll likely refer you).

15 Summary Location: We have moved! We are now located at 1310 S. 6th Street, Rm 130 (Education Building) Website: Include your UIN Urgent issues? Don’t use to address these. Call or come in.

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