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Net Advertising.

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1 Net Advertising

2 This is the latest media which has been invented in the fag end of the last century
Although Marketers are raving about it there are a lot of questions which are still to be answered. It is in the process of evolution and advertisers are still groping in the dark to find the right solutions for themselves.

3 A brief History 50’s TV was introduced
60’s Mainframe computers came in 70’s The electronic chip was invented 80’s the first PC came in 90’s the internet was evolved 00’s E – Com., Internet transactions

4 NASSCOM Statistics 2000 2008 Target Total No. of PCs 4.3 million
Internet subscribers 0.77 million 35 million Internet users 3.2 million (6.4 million – 2001) 100 million Cable TV subscribers 37 million 70 million Fixed Phones 26 million 125 million TV sets 60 million 225 million

5 Growth of the Internet million

6 Internet Access: capital cities lead the way
While the capital cities account for 77 % of Internet connections, the other cities and towns have approximately 23 % connections. Of the 77%, 55 % are in the top metros.

7 Growth of Internet(Projections)

8 Global Projections Year 2000 Offline advtg 237 billion USD
Internet advtg 10 billion USD Year 2004( projections) Offline advtg 244 billion USD Internet advtg 61 billion USD

9 Age group of Indians accessing Internet as on 30th June 2000
Percentage < 18 12 49 28 8 55 + 3

10 % of Males and Females accessing internet in India
June 1999 82% 18% June 2000 77% 23% June 2001 79% 21%

11 Frequency of Internet use
Percentage Daily 48 2 – 4 times a week 31 Once a week 10 Fortnightly 8 Once a month 3

12 Surfing rates Days of the week Percentage weekdays 89 Saturdays 78
Sundays 66

13 From where Internet accessed
Percentage Cyber cafe 30 Office 23 School/Institute 19 Home 15 Friends/relatives 13

14 Advertising on the net Year Rs. Crores 1998 - 99 6 1999 - 00 14
2000 – 01 (projection) 32 (Actual 18 – 20 ) 2001 – 02 ( do ) 150 2002 – 03 ( do ) 700

15 India has 43 million C & S connections but only 5.1 million PCs
A NASSCOM survey determined that the real growth of the Internet in India would take place through the cable TV than PCs India has 43 million C & S connections but only 5.1 million PCs

16 Profile of the Indian Internet user
Category Percentage Professional/Executive 43 Students 38 Housewifes 4 Others 15

17 Perhaps the biggest bottleneck for Internet growth today is that enough investment has not been channelised towards e - security India invests 0.8 % of Web expenditure towards e – security whereas the international average is 5.4%

18 “If you want to master the future, you have to invent it
“If you want to master the future, you have to invent it.” - Peter Drucker

19 Building Internet brands
Vs Building Brands using the Internet

20 The Interactive Marketer’s Dream
Delivering the right offer to the right person at the right time on the right device.

21 9 predictions It is about C2B More promotions
Non – internet companies would catch up Internet companies will acquire big offline companies Advertising would get more scientific The internet will be everywhere What will be not bought online? Device convergence is a bad bet More products and services will be for free

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