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“Life of a Slave” Poem (page 4 in Civil War booklet)

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1 “Life of a Slave” Poem (page 4 in Civil War booklet)
Imagine that you are a slave living on a southern plantation before the Civil War. Write a poem telling what your life is like. Is your life hard? Do you think about freedom? Be creative! Make your reader feel something! “Life of a Slave” Poem (page 4 in Civil War booklet)

2 “Life of a Slave” Poem (page 4 in Civil War booklet)
Imagine that you are a slave living on a southern plantation before the Civil War. Write a poem telling what your life is like. Is your life hard? Do you think about freedom? Be creative! Make your reader feel something! “Life of a Slave” Poem (page 4 in Civil War booklet)

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