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Note cards All notes should be taken on note cards.

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Presentation on theme: "Note cards All notes should be taken on note cards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note cards All notes should be taken on note cards.
The first note card of any source should be the bibliography entry. Source letter First word of entry A Author last name, first. Title. Company name, copyright year. Use MLA format guide provided for proper format of different types of sources.

2 Information notecards
The following note cards will contain information from that source. Source letter . Number note cards from that source A1 Subject Facts bulleted from that source about that topic. When you have another topic, start a new card, even if you haven’t used all of the space on the card. A2 Subject Fact anecdote pg. 32 Page number where info was found pg

3 When you change to a new source, you should begin with a new source card and then follow with information cards from that source. A A1 Bibliography cards A2 A3 B B1 B2 B3 B4

4 Types of Sources At least 7 different resources required.
Make sure they are reliable. 2 non-reference books 2 internet 2 encyclopedia 1 other

Do not use complete sentences unless it’s a direct quote. Include interesting anecdotes. Look for a primary source quote. Only include relevant biographical information. Make sure to include specific examples of important achievements. Don’t forget how he/she relates to humanism.

6 Possible information to include in a bibliography:
Author. Title of source. Title of container (what the source is in), Other contributors, Version, Version #, Publisher, Date published, Location. (include page numbers if relevant) Date when it was accessed (if online source).

7 Things that should be italicized for bibliography:
title of book title of website name of container Things that should be in “quotes”: name of periodical name of a piece of music

8 Example of : Book Burnstein Burnstein, Stanley M. and Richard Shek. Medieval to Early Modern Times. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006. A author Title (in italics) publisher Copyright/year of publication

9 Reference Book – Encyclopedia with author
Lee B Lee, Bob. “Leonardo da Vinci.” World Book Encyclopedia, 1995 ed, pp

10 Internet site with author
Keller C Keller, Bob. Famous Renaissance Painters. Encyclopedia of Art. 4 Jan Accessed 14 Mar 2013.

11 Internet site where no author is found
“Michelangelo” Title of page title of container “Michelangelo’s World.” Renaissance Biographies 14 Mar D

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