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Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis with Negatively-Charged Massive Particles as a Cosmological Solution to the 6Li and 7Li Problems Motohiko Kusakabe1,2,†, Toshitaka.

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Presentation on theme: "Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis with Negatively-Charged Massive Particles as a Cosmological Solution to the 6Li and 7Li Problems Motohiko Kusakabe1,2,†, Toshitaka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis with Negatively-Charged Massive Particles as a Cosmological Solution to the 6Li and 7Li Problems Motohiko Kusakabe1,2,†, Toshitaka Kajino1,2,3, Richard N. Boyd1,4, Takashi Yoshida1 & Grant J. Mathews5 1) Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 2) Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo 3) Department of Astronomical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies 4) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California 5) Department of Physics and Center for Astrophysics, University of Notre Dame †) Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science MK et al.① arXiv: [astro-ph], PRD, in press MK et al.② arXiv: [astro-ph]

2 Constituents in the Universe
Introduction Constituents in the Universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang NASA/WMAP Science Team Cosmological parameters (standard LCDM) ? H0=70.4kms-1Mpc-1 Wb=0.0441 Wm=0.268 WL=0.732 (WMAP 3 years data :

3 Possible presence of long-lived (charged) particles
Feng et al. (2003) Stable particles in supersymmetry or universal extra-dimension models possibly have Wm-values consistent with observation candidates of dark matters (DMs) Unstable particles might have existed in the early Universe including negatively-charged particles (e, m, t) gravitino-slepton-lepton interaction Decay-lifetime is ~ MPl=1.22×1019GeV M≈100GeV-1TeV 105 s -108 s >>tBBN weak scale

4 ? ≿103 6Li problem 6Li & 7Li problems 7LiBBN 6LiBBN 7Li problem
-2.0 6LiBBN ? ≿103 Old stars ~ primordial 6Li problem 7Li problem Asplund et al. (2006) Metal-Poor Halo Stars (MPHSs) 7Li abundance is a factor of ~3 smaller than CMB+SBBN prediction. Possible high plateau of 6Li abundance New information will be presented by Kawanomoto (4-2-3), Aoki (4-3-2) 7Li/H=( )×10-10 6Li/H ≈ 6×10-12 Candidates of differences [7Li] depletion in stellar atmosphere ? [6Li] cosmic ray a+a ?/ local spallation ?    cosmological origin ? 7Li depletion might be realized with large 6Li depletion ! (Richard et al. 2005) Poster by K. Nakamura (P-13)

5 BBN with Negatively-Charged Massive Particles
Charged particle X- binds to a nucleus A to form AX Large enhancement of the 6Li abundance by 4HeX(d,X-)6Li (Pospelov 2007) Similar enhancements of reaction rates of 4HeX(t,X-), 4HeX(3He,X-), 6LiX(p,X-) (Cyburt et al. 2006) Detailed study on recombination (Kohri & Takayama 2007) 7Be destruction through 7BeX+p8BX*a(n=2,l=1)8BeX+g (Bird et al. hep-ph/ ) Goal of study Try to solve the 6Li and 7Li problems in fully dynamical BBN calculation taking account of recombination of X- by nuclei as well as many possible nuclear reactions of X-bound nuclei.

6 Model 1. Binding energy of nuclides with X-
[Assumptions] X- has spin 0, charge -e, mass mX>>1 GeV Nuclides have Gaussian charge distributions. We solved two-body Shrödinger equations by variational calculation and obtained binding energies. (Gaussian expansion method, f.e. Hiyama et al. 2003) 2. (non-resonant) Nuclear reactions of X-bound nuclei Neutron capture: (n,g) reaction rate SBBN value Reaction of charged particles: We took S-factors of SBBN reactions and correct nuclear charges and reduced mass. We changed reaction Q-value.

7 3. X- transfer reaction 4HeX(d,X-)6Li
Pospelov (2007) suggested that the rate of X- transfer reaction 4HeX(d,X-)6Li is enhanced by 7 orders of magnitude more than that of 4He(d,g)6Li We adopted the precise cross section for 4HeX(d,X-)6Li calculated in a quantum three-body model by Hamaguchi et al. (2007). 4. 7BeX(p,g)8BX through atomic excited state of 8BX Bird et al. (2007) suggested that the resonant reaction 7BeX+p8BX*a(n=2,l=1)8BX+g contribute to destruction of 7Be. We adopted this process, and added the 8BeX(p,g)9BX reaction through atomic excited state of 9BX.

8 (2nd order Runge-Kutta)
Calculation t : time radiation dominant T(t)  r, p , , (g, e±, n, baryon) Hubble expansion rate reaction rate ・・・・・・・・・ : abundance change rate SBBN(88) recombination new BBN T(t), h(t), fe(t),Yi(t) time integration (2nd order Runge-Kutta) SBBN i e (Kawano 1992) new processes recombination process of X- (16) E Vcoul ・・・ recombination ionization r new BBN reactions of X-bound nuclides (42) Including 4HeX(d,X-)6Li 7BeX+p8BX*a8BX+g 8BeX+p9BX*a9BX+g Solve fully dynamically!

9 Result Nuclear flow Abundance mx=50GeV, nx=0.1nb, tx=∞ 4HeX(d,X-)6Li
This corresponds to Wx=WDM~0.2 4HeX(d,X-)6Li 7BeX+p8BX*a8BX+g (Bird et al. 2007) ( 7BeX+p8B*(1+,0.77MeV)X8BX+g (MK et al.①) is unimportant!) 7Be(X-,g)7BeX Temperature T9=T/(109 K)

10 Parameter search 1 h=6.1×10-10 Possible parameter region leading to
Abundance YX=nX/nb Lifetime tX 7Li destruction 6Li production Contours of calculated Li abundance relative to the observed value: d(ALi)=ALiCalc/ALiObs h=6.1×10-10 Possible parameter region leading to 7Li destruction and 6Li production !

11 Parameter search 2 h=6.1×10-10 Possible parameter region leading to
When weak boson exchange reaction 7BeX7Li+X0 (Bird et. al 2007) is included 7Li destruction Abundance YX=nX/nb Lifetime tX Contours of calculated Li abundance relative to the observed value: d(ALi)=ALiCalc/ALiObs h=6.1×10-10 6Li production 7Li(p,a)4He 7Li(X-,g)7LiX(p,a)4HeX Possible parameter region leading to 7Li destruction and 6Li production !

12 Summary We calculated light-element nucleosynthesis during BBN with negatively-charged X- particles in a fully dynamical manner. “6Li problem (a factor of ~103) is resolved.” As suggested in previous studies, X- particles greatly enhance the production of 6Li through the recombination of 4He, 4He(X-,g)4HeX followed by the X- transfer reaction 4HeX(d,X-)6Li. “7Li problem (a factor of ~3) is also resolved simultaneously.” Related parameter region: YX ≿ and tX≈(1-3)x103s destruction reaction: 7BeX+p8BX*a8BX+g through the atomic excited state of 8BX (Bird et al. 2007). [Constraint on the mass of CDM particles] If X- decays into a dark-matter Y0 and any residues, the WMAP-CMB constraint of WCDM=0.2, i.e., YYmY ≲ 4.5GeV leads to mY ≲ GeV for YX ≿ (the interesting parameter region). If mX is close to mY, mX ≲ O(100) GeV.

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