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Robeson County Vision Zero

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1 Robeson County Vision Zero
A new campaign to eliminate traffic deaths Vision Zero is an international campaign, and a Robeson County campaign, to eliminate deaths in traffic accidents. That’s our vision: Zero people dying on our streets and highways.

2 Robeson County is proud of …
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Robeson County is proud of … Rich cultural diversity Agricultural bounty People helping people We have plenty to be proud of in Robeson County. North Carolina’s richest cultural diversity is found here. We are leaders in agriculture and food processing. And in times of adversity – for example, after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew in 2016 – Robesonians help each other. Clockwise from top, photos courtesy of N.C. Cooperative Extension, The Fayetteville Observer and The Robesonian

3 But we are not proud to be N.C.’s deadliest county
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero But we are not proud to be N.C.’s deadliest county On average, 43 people are killed in crashes each year Enough people to fill two school classrooms With 1.3 percent of N.C.’s population, Robeson has 3.1 percent of its fatal crashes Robeson County Traffic Deaths But we cannot be proud of our distinction as NORTH CAROLINA’S DEADLIEST COUNTY for traffic fatalities. Robeson County has only about 1 percent of the state population, but more than 3 percent of all fatal crashes. That’s more than our share. In an average year, 43 people are killed in crashes here. Last year, it was 53 people. OPTIONAL - - (There are only four counties in North Carolina – all of them with much heavier traffic and much larger populations – that suffer more traffic deaths every year than Robeson: - our neighbor Cumberland County with more than double Robeson’s population (44 deaths per year), and - the three most populous urban counties in North Carolina: Guilford (53 deaths), Wake (70 deaths) and Mecklenburg (73 deaths).) data

4 Why are so many people dying?
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Why are so many people dying? Robeson’s #3 problem is: drunk driving. Why are so many people killed on our roads every year? There are three big problems – three deadly driver behaviors, all of them worse problems here than in the rest of North Carolina -- that explain why Robeson is the deadliest county. Alcohol is our number-three problem. DRUNK DRIVERS are involved in about 24 percent of all fatal crashes in North Carolina. For fatal crashes here in Robeson County, the share of alcohol-related crashes is even higher: Drunk drivers are involved in more than 26 percent of Robeson’s fatal crashes. data

5 Why are so many people dying?
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Why are so many people dying? Robeson’s #2 problem is: speeding. What’s our number-two problem? Speeding. EXCESSIVE SPEED is a factor in about 24 percent of the state’s fatal crashes. In Robeson County, speeding drivers are an even bigger problem. Speed is involved in more than 28 percent of all fatal crashes here. Now, what do you think is the deadliest driver behavior in Robeson County? data

6 Why are so many people dying?
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Why are so many people dying? Robeson’s #1 problem is: not wearing seat belts. PEOPLE WHO DON’T BUCKLE UP are Robeson’s deadliest driver safety problem. This is a terrible cause of deaths that can be easily avoided. And this is a lot worse here in Robeson County than across North Carolina generally. In Robeson, more than 42 percent of the fatal crashes include victims who had seat belts or car seats but did not use them. The statewide figure is a lot lower: about 30 percent. Many of these people would be alive today -- if only they had buckled up. Drivers are responsible for getting all passengers, in front and back seats, to use their seat belts and child car seats. (ADDITIONAL NOTE if anybody asks: These numbers represent the deaths of drivers and passengers who were not using their seat belts or child car seats – in vehicles that were equipped with restraints. People who didn’t have the option to use seat belts – such as motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians – are not counted here.) data

7 Vision Zero is a countywide effort to eliminate traffic deaths
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Vision Zero is a countywide effort to eliminate traffic deaths Focused on changing deadly driver behaviors to achieve zero traffic deaths Community-led Data-driven In partnership with NCDOT, Highway Patrol, Governor’s Highway Safety Program and local organizations Vision Zero is a nationwide movement – really worldwide, since it started in Sweden. North Carolina is a Vision Zero state. Our emphasis here is: Changing deadly driver behaviors. Our vision is zero traffic deaths. Here are some of the local organizations represented on the Robeson County Vision Zero Task Force: - UNC-Pembroke, Robeson Community College, Public Schools of Robeson County - Robeson County sheriff, county manager, district attorney Mountaire Farms, Southeastern Health Pembroke police Grady Hunt of Pembroke, who serves on the state Board of Transportation, is the Robeson County Vision Zero Task Force chairman. Robeson is the first to launch a countywide Vision Zero campaign. What we accomplish here in the coming months and years – what we learn about what works and what doesn’t – will provide life-saving lessons in other North Carolina communities.

8 How many lives can we save by changing deadly driver behaviors?
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero How many lives can we save by changing deadly driver behaviors? Deaths in five years of Robeson crashes that involved … Victims not wearing seat belts: 84 Drunk driving: 62 Excessive speed in crashes: 70 If we change these deadly driver behaviors, how many lives can we save? Let’s look at all the fatal crashes over the past five years, from 2013 through 2017: 70 people were killed in Robeson County crashes that involved drunk drivers. 62 people died in crashes where a driver was speeding. And 84 people who died in these crashes were not using their seat belts or child car seats. These deaths are unacceptable. These deaths are preventable. Note: Some crashes involve multiple factors data

9 These are our friends and loved ones
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero These are our friends and loved ones These deaths affect families all across Robeson County Drivers of all ages are involved These red stars show that people are killed in crashes that take place all over the map in Robeson County – not just on I-95. These deaths affect families across the county, too. data

10 How will we tackle this challenge?
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero How will we tackle this challenge? Education Social media Law enforcement Person to person This is where YOU come in … How will we persuade our families and our neighbors to buckle up, to observe the speed limit, and to avoid driving after they’ve been drinking? Education: With rack cards and video in schools and driver’s ed class, with employers and church and civic groups, at cultural events. Social media: Spreading the word online, with help from UNC-Pembroke students. We’ll be rolling out a social media campaign and a hashtag to help call attention to our message: #Hero4Zero Law enforcement: State troopers based in Robeson County are a big part of this campaign, and we’ll be working with local police, deputies and first responders Person to person: It makes a difference when parents remind their children about speeding, seat belts and alcohol. And when children remind their parents. With Fairmont High students at 2018 Lumbee Powwow

11 Together, we can save lives
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Together, we can save lives You know your community. You know how to reach your friends and family members. You can distribute rack cards. You can speak to your church or civic group. And you can help us find the most effective ways to change driver behaviors. This won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick. But if we work together, we can change how we drive in Robeson County. What each of us does can make a difference. You know how to reach out to your friends and family, and other people in your community. You can distribute rack cards. You can speak to your church or your club. You can speak to civic groups in your community. And you’ll have ideas about what else we can do to change the way we drive.

12 Let’s Get Started! Be a #Hero4Zero
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero Let’s Get Started! Be a #Hero4Zero Go to and pledge that you will: Follow the speed limit Only drive sober and alert Make sure everyone in your car is protected with a seat belt or child car seat Keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel, and your mind on driving Now: What will you do? This is your FIRST STEP: Take the pledge to be a #Hero4Zero. You can to it online. Make a promise to yourself, your family and your community that you will: Obey the speed limit Drive only when you are sober and alert Buckle up and make sure everyone in your car is protected with a seat belt or child car seat Keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel and your mind on your driving. Share your pledge with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, on Instagram and Snapchat. Invite them to join you in this campaign to eliminate traffic deaths in Robeson County.

13 We Seek Your Formal Endorsement
Robeson County Vision Zero……………. Robeson County Vision Zero We Seek Your Formal Endorsement A draft resolution that says you support our effort to change driver behavior and save lives Vision Zero is about the people we love.

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