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Texas Occupational Growth Projections

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Occupational Growth Projections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Service Workforce Realistic Job Previews, Selection and Retention

2 Texas Occupational Growth Projections 2008-2018
PHI National 2011

3 Texas: Median Hourly Wages for Direct-Care Workers, 2009
PHI National 2011

4 9 Essential Elements of a Quality Job
Compensation Wages Health insurance Full-time hours if desired Opportunity Excellent training Participation in decision making Career advancement opportunities Support Linkages to both organizational and community services Supervisors who set clear expectations, coach and provide support Managers who lead participative, ongoing “quality improvement” PHI National

5 Turnover Is Expensive $4,200 to $5,200 per direct service hire * Ads
Screening Interviews Overtime for other staff Staff training Background checks $4,200 to $5,200 per direct service hire * *Bureau of Labor Statistics

6 RJP--From Application to Offer
Screen Applications Initial Screening Phone Call Opportunities for RJP Realistic Job Preview Video Structured Interview Structured Job Observation Background checks Offer

7 RJP—Screening Phone Call
Screen Applications Initial Screening Phone Call Opportunities for RJP Realistic Job Preview Video Structured Interview Structured Job Observation Background checks Offer

8 Realistic Job Preview Video
Screen Applications Initial Screening Phone Call Opportunities for RJP Realistic Job Preview Video Structured Interview Structured Job Observation Background checks Offer

9 RJP—Structured Interview
Screen Applications Initial Screening Phone Call Opportunities for RJP Realistic Job Preview Video Structured Interview Structured Job Observation Background checks Offer

10 Structured Interview Question--example
Content Competency area Community Living Skills & Supports: Household Management Competency statement Direct support professionals (DSPs) assist individuals in completing household routines (e.g., cleaning, laundry, pet care) and are respectful of individual’s rights and ownership of their home. Interview question Describe the household chore or duty you like least. How do you ensure that the chore or duty is completed? Probe questions How often is that task completed? Who actually does the task? If someone other than you does the task, describe how you communicate with that person about the task. Scoring (Examples) Excellent (5 points) I negotiate with my roommate or spouse to do a task they strongly dislike in exchange for them helping me with or completing the task I strongly dislike doing. This way the task is completed when needed and is done well. I do it right away to get it out of the way before I do more preferred tasks. Average (3 points) I do the task as infrequently as possible. I hire someone else to do the task for me. Poor (1 point) I yell at my kids, my spouse, or my roommate until they complete the task. I just don’t do it. Table 4.2. Structured behavioral interview example

11 RJP—Structured Job Observation
Screen Applications Initial Screening Phone Call Opportunities for RJP Realistic Job Preview Video Structured Interview Structured Job Observation Background checks Offer

12 Information for Employers and Job Seekers

13 SOURCES Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2004). Realistic Job Preview: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Michigan Family Independence Agency. Retrieved from CPS Human Resource Services. (2007). The RJP Tool Kit: A How-To Guide for Developing a Realistic Job Preview. Retrieved from Larson, S.A. , O'Neill, S. & Sauer, J.K. (2005). “What Is This Job All About?”  In Larson, S.A. & Hewitt, A. (Eds.), Staff Recruitment Retention and Training Strategies for Community Service Organizations. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co. O'Nell, S., Larson, S.A., Hewitt, A. & Sauer, J. (2001). RJP Overview. Retrieved from Hewitt et al, A synthesis of direct service workforce demographics and challenges across intellectual/developmental disabilities, aging, physical disabilities, and behavioral health, Direct Service Workforce Resource Center, National Direct Service Worker Resource Center-- PHI National--

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