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Write these important dates down in your agenda:

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1 Write these important dates down in your agenda:
Homeroom /06/2016 Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Friday (01/08/16) – Report Cards Distributed Monday (01/11/16) – PTSA Members Jeans Day Monday (01/18/16) – Dr. MLK, Jr. Holiday (No School) WE NEED DONATIONS! Bring printer paper, hand sanitizer, or tissue to earn Paw Bucks! HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 01/06/16
SIT IN YOUR PEACH GROUPS. Review and define the vocabulary items from the BrainPop video. ritinginsequence/ Put the definitions in your own words. Do the best you can! There is a bonus question, too! You can earn a Brain Buck for your correct answer. Your homework packet is due Friday this week.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 01/06/16
Essential Question: How do I organize my ideas when writing? Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6W3(a-e) –

4 Language Arts – Work Session 01/06/16
Spelling Bee! Number a sheet of notebook paper from 1-15. Do the best you can! Be sure your writing is legible.

5 Language Arts – Work Session 01/06/16
You Be the Judge! Working with the group at your table, you will read an essay written last year by a student in Georgia. Next, your group will determine a grade for that student using the rubric provided. Then, you must justify, or explain, why that student would have earned that grade. Finally, once you have completed these tasks, raise your hand to check the grade you gave the student against the grade the State of Georgia gave that student.

6 Language Arts – Closing Session 01/06/16
Exit Ticket Transition Exercise Your homework packet is due Friday this week. Be sure to return your signed “Tips on How to Do Your Best” sheet by Friday!

7 Opening Session Work Session Closing Session E.L.T. 01/06/16
Agenda and Classroom Procedures Review (Continued) Work Session “Reading History” Packet (Continued) Read p Complete part D on p. 24. Closing Session Review answers for today’s work

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