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Our Target is £600,000 Hope For Our Broken World.

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3 Our Target is £600,000

4 Hope For Our Broken World

5 “The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s about the desire of God to be with people” John Ortberg

6 The Structure of Ruth: Destruction of Naomi’s family: Ruth 1 v 1-5 (71 Hebrew words) Act 1: Ruth 1 v 6-22 Act 2: Ruth 2 v 1-23 Act 3: Ruth 3 v 1-18 Act 4: Ruth 4v1-12 Redemption of Naomi’s family: Ruth 4 v13-17 (71 Hebrew words) Family Tree: Ruth 4 v18-22

7 Hope for our Broken World
Intro: Act 1: Act 2: Sin leads to spiritual death and separation from God God has acted to restore people to himself Hope comes through a man

8 Hope for our Broken World
Jesus: “That man is our close relative; he is a guardian-redeemer”

9 Hope for our Broken World
Intro: Act 1: Act 2: Act 3: Act 4: Conclusion: Family Tree: Sin leads to spiritual death and separation from God God has acted to restore people to himself Hope comes through JESUS Jesus receives us when we come to him Jesus sets us free to live for him We can be part of God’s Redemption Plan for our world We can all belong to God’s family

10 Hope for our Broken World
“The Local Church is The Hope Of The World” (Bill Hybels)

11 Hope for our Broken World
“The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s about the desire of God to be with people” John Ortberg

12 Hope for our Broken World
Welcome Church needs to be a beacon of hope in this broken world: Sharing the good news of Jesus Caring for people …including issues of poverty and justice

13 Hope for our Broken World
“The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s about the desire of God to be with people” John Ortberg

14 “The local church is the hope of the world”
Our Target is £600,000

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