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Thursday, October 20th Hello, young scholars. Your warmup is to open up your notebook to yesterday’s chart, and share what you have with your neighbor(s)…Also,

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, October 20th Hello, young scholars. Your warmup is to open up your notebook to yesterday’s chart, and share what you have with your neighbor(s)…Also,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, October 20th Hello, young scholars. Your warmup is to open up your notebook to yesterday’s chart, and share what you have with your neighbor(s)…Also, drop your reading log into your class’ bin Today’s Learning Goals: 1.) I can characterize All the people that we met in chapters ) I can categorize Coraline into a certain Genre Tonight’s Homework: Read chapter 3 of Coraline Reading Quiz tomorrow on chapter’s 1-3 Remember to bring your copy of Coraline to class tomorrow

2 Genre (noun) 1: a kind of literary or artistic work
2: a variation of an art form

3 Fantasy Stories that involve beings and events that could not exist in real life May have realistic features May involve time travel, imaginary beings, talking animals, different languages, or magic

4 Horror Written with the intention of scaring…
What makes something scary to you? Why might people like to be scared by books or movies?

5 Coraline Likes to explore Hates spiders
Gets bored- she’s an only child- no other kids around Does not get much attention from her parents She is curious Not easily scared

6 Miss Spink & Miss Forcible
Former Actresses Get coraline’s name wrong (Caroline) Bunch of Scottie Dogs Jar with unusual items- they believe in the supernatural-read Coraline’s leaves and tell her she’s in danger Stone with hole in it

7 Mom & Dad They both work from home on their computers a lot
Somewhat neglectful towards coraline Father attempts to cook- Coraline does not enjoy his recipes Dad tries to please her more than the mom They have money; but not a surplus

8 The Man upstairs Also mispronounces coraline’s name
Has a mouse circus, but they do not play the music right Mice: Don’t go through the door- the doorway blocked off by Bricks- they get her name right

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