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EHC process for parental requests

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1 EHC process for parental requests

2 Parental requests to EHC Panel
Parental requests that proceed to Panel for statutory assessment – very rare Less than five received per year, only one or two may proceed to Panel School/ college referrals – usual route EYS support given by SENDSS in Nurseries LA referrals

3 Parental requests-initial meeting
Parents can formally request a statutory assessment in writing to BwD statutory assessment team A yp over the age of 16 can also make a request LA meet with Parent Gather information about child/yp and needs Who is involved with the child/yp? Parent and LA agree whether to continue with request or if another avenue needs to be followed up

4 Parental requests – post meeting
LA contacts the professionals involved for their view about the child/yp SEN Parent’s views – advice form The educational advice is key School/college questionnaire; at what stage is the child/yp at within the CoP? School/college must also send LA the same amount of information as required for a school request LA collates information and refers to Panel

5 Information required from the school/college
CAF or Pre-CAF checklist 2 IEPs Provision Map showing the provision made for the child/yp over the last 12 months Chronology of actions Reports from professionals involved Minutes of review meetings Summative educational report School/college questionnaire

6 EHC Panel members Chair – Sue Hayward - Service Lead for SEN
Principal Educational Psychologist Manager of SENDSS Early Years representative 2 Primary School SENCOs/headteachers 2 Secondary School SENCOs 1 Special School representative 1 post 16 representative 1 Health representative 1 Social care representative Statutory assessment team manager to record discussion and decisions; ensure protocols are followed, give feedback to referrers

7 EHC Panel criteria Has the young person had access to all relevant resources available, including Elements 1 & 2 (Element 1 - £4000, Element 2 - £6000) from their educational setting, universal & targeted health services and social care input? Has the school co-ordinated the involvement of the young person, their parents/carers and all relevant professionals in seeking to meet the needs of the young person? Is there evidence to indicate that the special educational needs of the young person are exceptional relative to others of the same age within the LA?

8 Post Panel If Panel say yes – proceed with statutory assessment, same process for everyone If no- feedback given to parent, meeting if necessary Feedback can also be given to school Parents have the right to appeal the decision – mediation has to be considered before going to Tribunal

9 All about me meeting Within 4 weeks of panel decision Person centred
Capture views, aspirations and goals All About Me – one page profile Outcomes and suggested provision Parental preference of school Personal budgets Additional information

10 LA requests for further information
LA formally requests any additional advice and information from: Health Social care EP Parents Any additional information from school will come through All About Me meeting

11 Funding Early release of funding approximately 8 weeks after panel where appropriate Most LAs do not release any funding until the EHC Plan is finalised after 20 weeks

12 Independent Supporters
Parents are contacted midway through the 20 week process Tel Offer support to parents through EHC process

13 Draft EHC plan SEN Officers write the draft plan using information received from all information sent to the LA about the child/yp No school is named in draft plan. Parents can express a preference at this point Independent Supporters will go through the plan with the parents Meeting with LA is offered to parents to discuss draft plan

14 Final Plan Final plan issued within 20 week timescale
School named in final plan Parents can appeal to SEN Tribunal Potential for mediation before a Tribunal

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