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September Social Skills Topic:

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1 September Social Skills Topic:
Active Listening

2 Why do we need to learn about listening?
“Listening to” something and “hearing” something are two very different things. We must be good listeners at school because there are always LOTS of things to listen to.

3 We listen… To get information To understand For enjoyment TO LEARN!!!!

4 We hear things all the time, so you’d think we’d be good at it.
But We’re Not!

5 We remember only 25-50% of what we hear.
Heard Not heard That’s not enough.

6 And that’s the stuff that’s on our homework…and MAP tests!
So when you’re at school you aren’t hearing all the important information… And that’s the stuff that’s on our homework…and MAP tests!

7 You hope the important parts are captured in the 25-50% you do hear…
But what if they’re not!!!

8 That’s why we are going to learn and practice how to become a better listener!

9 By becoming a better listener,
you’ll become a better student.

10 How do we become better listeners?
By practicing “active listening” skills.

11 What is Active Listening?
It is making a conscious effort to hear not only the words that someone is saying but, more importantly, understanding the message.

12 3 Key Elements of Active Listening in School
Pay attention Show that you are listening Respond appropriately

13 Pay Attention Eyes on the speaker
Or eyes where the speaker wants you to focus…like the board or your book

14 Show that you are listening
Keep mind and body quiet

15 Respond Appropriately
Were you asked to say something back? Then do so with kind words. Were you given instructions to follow? Then go follow them respectively and responsibly. Were you given important information? Then get it stored in your brain.

16 “A wise old owl sat in an oak The more he listened, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he listened Why aren’t we like that wise old bird.” ~Mother Goose

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