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Summary of the day (III)

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1 Summary of the day (III)

2 Meeting Objectives What have been the observed benefits of using a core clinical terminology What specific advantages did or would the use of SNOMED CT confer What have proved to be the key investment elements of terminology system adoption and maintenance (cost, time, effort), what underlying prerequisites and capabilities were assumed? What should countries or large care providers focus on and prioritise when (i) preparing for the adoption of SNOMED CT, including the extent of terminology content they might seek initially to leverage; (ii) concrete steps for implementing clinical terminologies; (iii) combining different terminologies for diverse use cases? How could public interests be best considered in the governance model (including IPR)? What are the main areas of potential transatlantic and pan-European collaboration to be taken forward in the short to medium term? ASSESS CT – EU-US Workshop 09/04/2019

3 final recommendations
Decision maker needs Recommendations for policy decision makers and other stakeholders (based on meeting objectives 1-4) Recommendations for future EU-US collaboration (meeting objective 5) ASSESS_CT: PowerPoint Template. Change this in master. 09/04/2019

4 final recommendations
Decision maker needs Address SNOMED CT / terminology from an infrastructure perspective Determine ways to facilitate incremental standardization with minimal overhead from the incremental approach Consider the potential of a “Pan-European [N]LM” (“Panel M”) ASSESS_CT: PowerPoint Template. Change this in master. 09/04/2019

5 final recommendations
Decision maker needs Recommendations for policy decision makers and other stakeholders Determine (clinical) use cases Ambient Assisted Living Learning Health System International Patient Summary Stimulate mutual learning and exchange of resources ASSESS_CT: PowerPoint Template. Change this in master. 09/04/2019

6 final recommendations
Decision maker needs Recommendations for policy decision makers and other stakeholders Recommendations for future EU-US collaboration Common data sets repository Aggregated data Collaborating on managing the world of standards ASSESS_CT: PowerPoint Template. Change this in master. 09/04/2019

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