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Necessity of Establishing Efficient and Effective Linkages in Diabetic Health Care Pathway through use of Information Communication Technology in India.

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Presentation on theme: "Necessity of Establishing Efficient and Effective Linkages in Diabetic Health Care Pathway through use of Information Communication Technology in India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Necessity of Establishing Efficient and Effective Linkages in Diabetic Health Care Pathway through use of Information Communication Technology in India Authors: Archana Trivedi1 , Sharath Burugina Nagaraja2 1International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, The Union South East Asia Office, New Delhi 2ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, Bangalore, India Necessity of Establishing Efficient and Effective Linkages in Diabetic Health Care Pathway through use of Information Communication Technology in India India has ~ 69.1 million diabetes cases, globally has highest number after China and is expected to increase to over 79.4 million by 2030. Weak public health systems have been identified as major bottlenecks in providing quality diabetic care in low and middle-income countries, including India. Indian health system needs to improve by ensuring that people can receive quality DM care at primary health care facility level with efficient linkages in diabetic health care pathway. Study was conducted in Aug 2016 to assess diabetic care services at public health facilities across six districts in India. Objective was to describe available diabetes care services at public health facilities and identify interventions. DM patients coming to public health facilities are usually poor and unable to access care elsewhere. However, non–availability of essential drugs, investigations and unnecessary referrals to secondary/tertiary health facilities puts financial burden on poor patients. Sub-optimal care coupled with additional costs results in poor follow up and adverse outcomes. The epidemic is transitioning and people with lower income are becoming more affected by DM. Public health system needs to be prepared for increasing number of DM patients from lower socio-economic groups. Felt to establish ‘standardized package of care’ with use of technology that includes patient & facility level tracking of patients at primary health facilities with adequate linkages with secondary/tertiary care facilities to improve diabetic care. Urgent need to establish robust recording/reporting system using ICT (information and communication technology) for registering DM patients and maintaining their records. These records will provide updated information on individual patient’s treatment, adherence status and lab/clinical parameters. To ensure that patients take treatment regularly, follow dietary advice /practice lifestyle modifications and follow up regularly, reminder SMS/interactive voice calls can be send. Strengthening recording, reporting and holistic diabetic care package and adequate referral mechanism is need of the hour. Continuity of Care will be through effective record-keeping and surveillance system using ICT for all pre/diabetic patients. This Integration through use of ICT will establish DM service delivery at primary health facility level, with appropriate referrals to upper level facilities when needed. Introduction Methods Results Conclusions

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